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1  General Category / General Discussion / Noob help! on: April 24, 2013, 10:16:55 am
I would like to know as a new person, before i start. What two classes would be good together, so that i can solo and still get all the content of the game? Or is this not possible?
2  General Category / General Discussion / 3.5 pages, how to? on: August 11, 2011, 04:33:53 pm
Ok myself and my friend are now ready to start getting the 3.5 pages. Was just wondering if there is an easy way, or the best method to get the pages, any tips would be a great help thankyou!
3  General Category / General Discussion / Epic 3.5 and 4.0 Boss on: July 27, 2011, 08:32:31 pm
Ok, after a LOT of work and time. (Dont bash, It is a lot of work with a wife and two kids) lol Roll Eyes, but i finally got my necro his 3.0, my paladin his 3.0 and my rogue his 3.0. My friend which iv been helping along the way has his cleric with 3.0, warrior with 3.0 and Beastlord with 3.0.

Well, i couldnt find anywhere on the forums that talked about the 3.5 and 4.0 boss fights. Is there anyone that can break the fight down for me. We are about to try to attempt the 3.5, im guessing in about a week when we are gaered or so.

Just looking for someone to help me out! thx! We are really trying to do this on our own, to just be able to say we did it!
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Do you remember old EQ? on: July 20, 2011, 05:33:07 pm
One of my favorite memories is sitting in shadowhaven after a raid getting smashed in RL while working on our alcohol tolerances in the game.

Good one!  Shocked One of my good funny moments on EQ live was making a Ogre and his name was DoorStopper, i took him to PoK and found the bank. I waited for a ton of people to go in, i went inside the doorway and sat down. At this point no one could get in or out  Embarrassed but it was funny, well until a gm came and ported my lvl 1 ogre to Fear...
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Do you remember old EQ? on: July 20, 2011, 03:41:27 pm
Even though EQ itself was only a game, I believe I made good friends while playing EQ. Most of my RL friends played and I made a lot of great memories along the way. Even with the new MMO's out there I still find myself thinking about the good old days of EQ from time to time.

I love the fact that you could camp something for hours and still not get the item you want. I love the gratification of camping an item for hours and finally getting it. I remember when I camped the Jboots in the OOT. I camped it for over 57 hours(give or take), in about two and half sittings. (this was when i was in-school still and no cares in the world lol). When I finally got the AC to spawn and got the ring, that my friends was one of the best things. The accomplishment I felt was awesome. Plus having a clicky to spam in EC Tunnel to piss people off was good too lol!  Grin
6  General Category / General Discussion / Do you remember old EQ? on: July 17, 2011, 02:35:33 am
I have played EQ from the time it had came out till about a year and half ago. I have also played WoW (now i think about it god awful game). The reason I am posting this thread is for anyone that played EQ back in the day!

Have you noticed on MMO's today how the people that play are not the same? I mean, back when I first started playing EQ in 1999, the type of people that played was different. Everyone was very helpful, the community acted like a community and not a 10 year old middle-school lunch room! What I’m getting at is, what happened to this? I remember back when I played a Necro on EQ live, there was this camp in HHK, call the nobles and bards. Well ALL Necros camped it at one point in time on their way to the top. I remember one time when I was coming to camp the Nobles. Well there was a player already at the came I asked him how long he was going to be and to let me know when he was done. He informed me that there was two others in front of me and he had their names written down on paper. I shrugged and he took my name down and I went on my way, shortly later that day I received a tell from a person telling me it was my turn and the camp was mine.

This never happens in MMO's anymore. I mean like camp checks, the only MMO I have ever seen with a Camp check is EQ. I asked that once in wow and people thought I was a fucking dumbass, but I try to be as respectful to people as much as possible. I just want to know where the good old days went to? I see people helping one another in this game all the time without any want for cash or something in return. I believe that is what makes a great experience for the game and for people’s time on the server!  Shocked

To many people now adays are just rude and dicks!
7  General Category / General Discussion / Necro Or Mage? ? ?? on: July 15, 2011, 10:40:34 pm
I am going to make a necro or a mage to box my monk with. My friend is playing a Burz. and Pally. So what is better in your guys opinions? Necro or mage for Mass pulls and solo. Smiley
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Questing about a rule. on: July 15, 2011, 06:05:41 pm
Thank you for info, just don’t want to get a banned for something that can be easily avoided by /camp.
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Questing about a rule. on: July 15, 2011, 05:53:06 pm
well im 64 atm, me and my friend are both new. So he cant kill mass mobs just one at a time, i was talking about like a 30 min afk or something like that.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Questing about a rule. on: July 15, 2011, 05:17:06 pm
I don’t every want to step on anyone’s toes and i try my hardest to be respectful to everyone on server as much as possible. I was wondering, I read on the rules about AFK lvling. Now it says in the rules that, this means PET lvling. (But i know sometimes rules are not always clear) Can i Go AFK on my char while my friend kills things? is this bane-able? Or is this ok?

Just wondering, I don’t want to get into trouble. I just started for the frist time a few days ago and love the server so fare! Shocked

Thank you!
11  General Category / Guild Recruitment / Monk needs friends! on: July 14, 2011, 04:36:11 pm
 Cheesy I am new to the server and this is my first and only char atm! I plan on making a paladin to box with my monk, everyone knows paladins kick arse! Anyways i am looking for a guild that i can join to have people to talk to and make new friends, me being new to the server makes it hard to find people to group with and so on!

Im 57 ATM and im enjoying the game, if anyone has any info that could help me out plz just let me know!! Thx!!

12  General Category / General Discussion / Hello all, New here. on: July 12, 2011, 05:38:45 pm
Today i made a char on EZ server. This is my first char and im getting the server a try. I have made a monk and i am liking it so fare. I played EQ 1 from from the start till about one year ago.

As of right now the server is very very fun, i was wondering how is the end game? Players, population, Raids and so on?

Also How is the epics obtained? Can i do it by  msyelf or does it still take groups?

Thank you for your time and hope to see people ingame!
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