I always said players can use stick, but never said anywhere in game or in forums that you can use it across the zone to run you up to the mob. You still need to manually run up to and find/attack the mob first.
Thanks for clearing this up. Apparently such a rule should be intuitive to everyone, but it wasn't for me. I hope I'm not missing something else intuitive. Is it okay to get within a few yards and stick to a willowisp while it is moving across the zone underground? This isn't sticking from across the zone, so it should be okay, right? Something's got to give - they're so darn glitchy.
If hunter had the map files for those zones the wisps are not glitchy at all. /wink /wink (Should download them)
Probably just me but I found the best way to kill wisps is to use a crappy bow! (More on the crappy bow in a second). Even on stick, sometimes you will find yourself just following and following that damn wisp and never hitting it.
I use a crappy bow to just pull the wisp quickly to me. Why the crappy bow? Because it won't kill the wisp, it will just agro it to you. I have used my Ranger and what I found is that a lot of times, you will just 1 shot the wisp. If the wisp happened to path through a rock or hill upon the time of shooting it, you will have a hell of time trying to looting it. With the crappy bow, you never have that problem. It just agros the wisp to you and you kill it.