Used to belong to a pretty heavy guild live....and our (in)famous raid leaders at one point had to cure what they called "Uberitis", or "overly enjoying the smell of your own flatulence". Without naming names I will say I've seen some of that recently in ooc.
We got cured of that one night. We were forced to create a level 1 character, gnome, wood or high elf or dwarf, and get to crushbone. NO PLing, no twinking, just what we could loot along the way. Then we were to form up and raid Emperor Crush without zerg tactics. Taught us a bit.
End of the raid we were imparted with what became kind of a core philosophy for the guild. They lost sight of it from time to time, but the leaders were pretty quick to threaten Crushbone raids
Anyway, the philosophy was:
1) If ya aint dyin, ya aint tryin!: You learn more from failure, usually, than you do from success. Dont be afraid to often leads to great things!
2) JAOP, its Just Another Orc Pawn: Lose a spawn to someone else? Miss a mob? It happens. Wait around a bit, just as with orc pawns there'll be another around soon enough!
3) (and this was a biggie!) The fact that I am better geared or farther along than you just means I have more time on my hands! No need to be a douche to someone else just because they are new, or because they progress slower, or because they lack the knowledge you have. We all play for different reasons, or at different paces. One isnt better than another. And to those who would say, "Sounds like an excuse for failure" my old GL would without a doubt say, "Sorry your life is so shallow and empty than you have to turn to a video game to stroke your pathetic excuse for an ego or to find what passes for self worth".
And trust me....he accomplished more in these silly little games than most of us.
Anyway, soap box off.