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Author Topic: I don't mean to moan but...  (Read 10225 times)
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« on: October 16, 2010, 12:53:11 pm »

I have gotten my Wizard up to 55.  It's very hard to do so.  As Wizards have always needed babysitters to get higher level.

It seems that there are a lot of people on this server in there "clicks" or Guilds.  Someone told me I can't get into a GUild because they require you to havve better equipment.  WEll I want to get that better equipment, but its impossible to find people to group with.  And when I ask to group, people just ignore me.

THere have been some nice people who want to Dual with me, in a zone. But other then that doing some of the kill quests is impossible.  UNless I have other people with me.  I must of farmed Dulak for like 5 hours to get decent equipment, but it just is not dropping.  Now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.  I can't go to Venektor or the ice place, whatever is called becuase the zone is too closed off.  My only option is CUstom plane of fear, but you get so many dang adds that I cannot kite correctly.

I am lost now, what do I do?  I can't get into a guild, I can't get a group.  So what do I do?

Can someone help me with this or give me advice.  Like I said there are a lot of nice people on the server, and some people are NOT smart asses, I have encountered many since I started playing.

Can anyone give me advice on what the hell to do now?
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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 01:06:22 pm »

       Yeah stop QQ'in and get back to killing things to level. Theres this really strange barbarian warrior on the server that likes to do things for free and gets yelled at for selling FG and CG items tooo cheaply. Send a tell to me in game i'll lvl you to 70 and get your epic 1.5 for free and if you catch me on a good day i'll do qvic and 2,0 for ya too =P O and only female gnomes get permanent invites to my guild that is all.   Shocked

~GL of Classic Composers
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« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 02:57:42 pm »

You perhaps don't realize that most people here play more than one character at a time.  If you can do that, you will find it much easier to work your way up.  You also may not realize that a wizard is probably not the easiest character to solo.  Try a paladin and see if that helps.  Then the paladin wizard combo will get the wizard up quickly.  If you insist on the wizard try to get shaman 3.0 buffs in Nexus when announced by someone as they will give you 7-10k hp buff that will allow you to survive longer.  Don't give up, the server is fun!
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« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2010, 05:15:40 am »

      Yeah stop QQ'in and get back to killing things to level. Theres this really strange barbarian warrior on the server that likes to do things for free and gets yelled at for selling FG and CG items tooo cheaply. Send a tell to me in game i'll lvl you to 70 and get your epic 1.5 for free and if you catch me on a good day i'll do qvic and 2,0 for ya too =P O and only female gnomes get permanent invites to my guild that is all.   Shocked

~GL of Classic Composers


Also, there's always people running private / public instance runs in Qvic and (once you get tokens) Tacvi.. and i'm guessing at least 4/5 of the runs going on at any particular time is rotting *all* cloth armor and probably every other token...

It would be just fine once you hit 70 to /ooc asking if anyone doing qvic / timea / Bot / Ldon / etc would mind having a wizard tagalong to hoover up rots.

I'm serious when i say probably 80% of the cloth (besides T1 rotbot action) armor drops on this server rot from Qvic-on.

Glass is half empty : you picked a lolhilarious class that is never going to be able to do much solo since mobs hit for a zillion damage and is effectively a walking 10k rune on any boss fight that spawns adds.

Glass half full : you picked a class that is going to be able to roll around giggling and naked in all the free rot gear that will pile up faster than you can sprint from zone to zone. And one magical day you will be some solid dps, and people are more than willing to let a cloth class tag along more often than not.

Ball is in your court, run with it! Smiley
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 05:17:14 am by Ponzi » Logged

Ponzi Scheme - Monk
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« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2010, 12:33:25 pm »

@ nafeasonto Hey man, I feel your pain. EZ is not like Live EQ, and that is not obvious when you first start playing. What makes it harder is when you ask questions, like you did, and most people belittle you and act like your frustrations are not valid. Your post sounds like whining, but it's really just venting, let me lay a few things down for ya and hopefully it will help.

The server is designed to get you up to lvl 70 quick and then start really playing. Generally when people see any posts that have anything about something under level 70 they label you as a noob and brush most of what you're saying aside. It is not right, but it is a fact.

Another EZ vs Live difference is that some classes are...get far more attention than others and wizards are not one of them. End game EZ content requires a warrior and a cleric, at least one of each. Paladins, rangers, mages, necors, and bards have been given a lot too, just to name some. Wizards are kind of a joke on EZ, but that is not apparent to the new comer. (Just like many things are not apparent on EZ, like the pally epic procs a party heal.)

The forums and the server are closely tied. This is not obvious when you first get on the server. Many people will give you are hard time for asking simple questions and tell you to scour the forums (apparently it is not blatantly obvious that when one is wanting to relax and play a game that sitting and reading post after post is not attractive).

This piece of advice is not necessarily EZ related, more of an imho: the fun is in the journey and not the destination. Lots of nice people on EZ, I really have enjoyed it here. People will help you out for free. The problem with that is that if someone runs you through potime and gets you your 1.5 what did you really do? Your playing time was spent following someone around and looting as fast as you can as to not slow them down or burden them. That kind of "playing" is tedious at best. And then what do you have after you've got your wonderful 1.5? Well, not enough to get your 2.0 without help. So you can find someone or pay someone to help you, and your running behind looting again. Same with 3.0 etc. So while there are those willing to help, usually that means they will do it for you rather than with you, not a whole lot of fun there. But having said that, you are going to need help if you want to progress through the epics without having them "handed" to you. It is very difficult, at best, to find people at your relative level that will group. Most people box (sometime else am EZ noob wouldn't know is that boxing is practically required on EZ)-- boxing is running multiple instances of EQ on the same computer--even running a whole party (or more) of toons by themselves. For myself, I box four, and I almost always progress-play with my bro who also boxes four or five. We have bought many epic runs, but did many of them on our own too (between us we maintain 12-16 toons at various levels). Bottom line do what's fun. If getting someone to run you through content is what you like, do it.

There's probably more I could lay down, but that's what comes to mind atm. Good luck. PM me if you want to join our guild.
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« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2010, 01:35:44 pm »

      LoL he's already got his 2.5 and will be pod flag by the end of the day with 3.0 and probably full tacvi geared this post is dead now. I have him in my guild and i'm teaching him the ropes.  Tongue By all means tho if you want to have him just send him a tell.  Keeping up with a noobie not only to ez but everquest in itself is a headache. But he seems to have a fast connection at least and is learning quick.

~GL of Classic Composers
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 01:43:30 pm by Cracken » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2010, 02:18:45 pm »

Crack, you're awesome, I happen to know you on the server. But everything I said is true, and I said it not just for his benefit. EZ has got a lot of eccentricities, and it will be helpful for anyone who reads the post (so the post ain't dead, unless I should have posted elsewhere, but meh...such is the nature of forums, very difficult to navigate and find genuinely helpful info in a timely manner.)

Furthermore, Cracken, you're one of the ones I was inferring to that give people a hard time (just look at your first post in the thread--mind you, I really do know ya, and you really are a great guy, no sarcasm), seems you've got a tough love attitude about ya (because although callous in your first post you went all out in helping the fella). Handing people epics and pod flags is not the only/best solution. I know you well enough that likely I could have asked you and you would have handed me the same. But I find satisfaction in the struggle, the problem solving, it all about the journey for me not the destination. So I was offering info and a different approach.

Cheers mate, sure appreciate ya.
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« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2010, 02:59:17 pm »

      Hehe i don't know if should shake your hand or invite you to dinner laced with sleeping drugs. LoL its not the best way but heck i figured wizard no one is going to want him on that toon and by the time he gets to end content and figures out how gimp they are it wouldn't be such a burden since his first toon was kinda just handed to him. I remember his first words when i got him flagged for caster guild. Why can't wizards use the ring? Lol my response was they are not a pet class and haven't lost the ability to charm.  Then i followed this up with don't ask that in ooc but by then it was too late... haha good times all around tho.

      Sadly tough love is the only love i have to give. But on the plus side if they survive that tough love they turn out to be over all more responsible ez server players. And for that friend i endure such a headache yes its all for you.  Grin

~GL of Classic Composers
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 03:12:32 pm by Cracken » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2010, 03:01:09 pm »

love ya Crack
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« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2010, 06:30:24 am »

Yeah Cracken is a great guy.  Has been very patient, (except in the morning LOL).  He is an awesome and funny guy as well, and is VERY knowledgeable about this server.  It's rare to find people like him, on games and in RL.  Craken deserves a +100 in my book.

Yes, and I will have a book soon. Hahahah.

Thanks everyone for your kind responses also.

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« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2010, 09:24:48 am »

eh wizards are kind of hard to play, and solo, on this server even.

but the rest is QQ, you're lvel 55! Try another class or start up a bot/army
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« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2010, 02:47:36 am »

Hey im always up for a group.. just send me a message on either Sagi or Nermal
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2010, 05:04:26 am »


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