Something wonky here...
Went to Downloaded EQ (basic) and Kunark map packs. Unzipped them and did the copy replace routine into c:\ProgramFiles/Sony/Everquest/Maps as I have done many times (back in the live days), but I still have no map for Mistmoor, Trak's Teeth, Seb etc...
I even copied them into \Atlas and the base Everquest directory. Still no maps.
I just wonder if it has anything to do with loadskin? When I first started playing EMU I ran the /loadskin velious and switched back to default eventually when I came to EZ. /shrug lost at this point and sure could use some of those maps to reach the "hard to get to", "can't remember where the heck that invis door is" kind of places.
Anyone have a hint?
The Atlas and EQ directory has nothing to do with the maps. The Atlas is where the graphic files and .xmls for the Norrath view map is for the Atlas tab (That allows you to click on the continent to bring up a zone specific map from anywhere) and the base directory holds the zone files, npc files, object files, weapon files, .exes, .dlls and various other assorted files but not maps. /loadskin deals with base UI changes not maps.
I'm assuming you were in these zones when you updated them from Mapfiend? Open the map and click the "Current" button to reload the map from the client.