I in no way claim credit, or anything undue my status by just copying and pasting these guides over, but I thought to make us feel more at home over here, I'd copy the guides complete with pictures. I was just bored and figured it'd make the new place look better.Epics, Epics, and more Epics - By Spankrox
Epic 1.5Collect 10 pages from bosses in PoTimeA (map below), and combine in the book recieved from either Terrorantula located in the middle of South Ro, or Quillmane located west of the Aviak Villiage in South Karana.
*All bosses are tank and spank and should be doable with a group of Level 70s*
Hand in Complete 1.5 Book to Epic Vendor located in the Nexus to recieve your Epic 1.5.
Epic 2.0Collect 10 pages from bosses in LDoN levels 2-6 and combine in book recived from Master of Weaponry located in chambersb.
*Bosses in LDoN are doable with a 1.5 epic and time/LDoN geared group.*
*Master of Weaponry is doable with a 1.5 epic and time/LDoN geared group with the main tank and healer focusing on MoW, and the rest of the group killing the adds that spawn.*
Hand in Complete 2.0 Book and your Epic 1.5 to Epic Vendor located in the Nexus to recieve your Epic 2.0.
Epic 2.5Find a complete book located in locked chests in the Hidden Banquet. (See Epic Vendor to port to)
I find the easiest way to complete this, is to fill up 2 bags full of keys, then make it to the first safe room away from beholders and use all the keys on 1 chest till it has the book.
Hand in Complete 2.5 Book and Epic 2.0 to Epic Vendor located in the Nexus to recieve your Epic 2.5.
Note : You must be Fighter or Caster guilded to enter the Hidden Banquet zone. You can find the quests here:
http://ezserver.online/index.php?topic=13.0Epic 3.0Collect 15 tokens from bosses in Qvic (map below), and hand into the Qvic vendor located in the Nexus to gain access to chambersa to fight Twinkle Toes who drops the completed book.
*All bosses in Qvic are tank and spank that spawn 1 add every 10 or so % of HP. Doable with a 2.5 Epic with LDoN/Qvic geared group.*
*Twinkle Toes hits very fast, so you will need a decent tank to kill her.*
Hand in Complete 3.0 Book and Epic 2.5 to Epic Vendor located in the Nexus to recieve your Epic 3.0.