I want to address Supra's comment about not reseting timely, Though I agree with how long it takes to get attention to these crashes, believe me i agree and hate it as well, WE have to remember the man that runs the server, or people involved in it.... have Real Lives as well. Some have families, some do stuff on weekends like...oh party or take trips. So it may not be his TOP priority, although sadly, it is some of ours, or at leat mine
And to agree even further with your comment Fugitive, because right now I feel you are right on with your responses. Halloween weekend EZserver actually saw over 700 online all day long both days, hasn't seen more then 450 since then, so it has nothing at all to due with people on.
And judging by the fact that you all say it went down over 2hrs ago, im guessing no one is around to check it today. so with that said ill go do RL stuff, look forward to it comming back if it does.
Bye all, and sorry my posts are flames basically , but this is getting more then frustrating, its almost rediculous. See you ingame if we get the opportunity.
- Lightblade and 9 others