I haven't parsed anything, just tested on the FG dummy to see if I can beat the regen and start lowering HPs.
Ranger is 3x 3.0s, all with MossyII and the 75 lifetap aug, I know I need better augs, just need a few million plats first..
Also has Brawlers 25, for all the good it does (still broken??) and RoA 17 or so... lol.
With melee, with or without Falcon strike (epic clicky) - dummy goes down to 96-97% at best, then regens. Can't beat regen.
With ranged attacks, it's even worse, 98% can't beat regen. If I pop Trueshot THEN I can beat the regen, though only for 2 minutes... I think it got down to 87% or something, then Trueshot wears of and ooops regens back to 100%..
Paladin is 3.0, same crappy augs... Oracle 25, RoA 4 or something lame.. - /autoattack and it beats regen NO problem. Takes a while but I can kill the dummy easily.