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Author Topic: Is what its coming to?  (Read 13955 times)
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« on: January 07, 2011, 09:53:42 am »

Well in Ldon today and some guy just steams right past me and take all the mobs with him.he says he did it because he was on an epic run as if that gives him some right.
So i ignore it and join an instance one guy in here with me (by the way i'm trying to farm credits to get my pally a charm upgrade) this other guys clears whole zone from front to back then starts again on repop so i never even made enough plat to cove the 1k instance.
Oh well must be one of them days my missus logs on her pally and brother his rogue we make ighters guild instance in qvic to try and get armour for my warrior he has none so thought i'll just get a few bits.
All was going well when another group joins instance(FG instance) we had killed two boss mobs after 2nd boss all the other bosses have been killed thanks to other group.I wouldnt mind but the instance cost me 10k and i'm pretty short on plats.In a strop i go back to Ldon i'm on lvl 6 about 3 rooms from last boss and a group zones in next thing i know i get to boss and theve killed him.Wtf how did they get past me so when i ask i get told zone crashed with them in that exact spot.Maybe it did maybe it didnt who know's.
Now the thing that i'm worried about is i'm a relatively new player ive got a tavi armoured pally and a POT warrior and thats it no uber char who can clear a zone in one hit.But it seems these uber chars especially in Ldon are just taking the whole zone and bollox to everyone else so is EZ an everyman for himself or is there a code of conduct.There is some good players out there i know because ive been helped tons by them but just lately it seems a more i'm allright jack so sod everyone else attitude is starting to surface.
Well thats my rant over
Cheers Ronnie
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« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 09:57:44 am »

Get fraps or camstudio and keep it up while playing. If you see some douche with a huge train of mobs, just hit record and send it to hunters email.
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 10:00:33 am »

Get fraps or camstudio and keep it up while playing. If you see some douche with a huge train of mobs, just hit record and send it to hunters email.

++ on this. If you are in custom zone, (excluding PoFire) and someone pulls more than 10 mobs, record them and post it on the forums and send Hunter an email, (not forum pm, an email). It is against the rules to do stuff like this.

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« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 10:12:27 am »

I dont want to get people banned guys.Just wish people would see this and think lets build a better community but gonna download Fraps just in case
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« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2011, 10:18:18 am »

I dont want to get people banned guys.Just wish people would see this and think lets build a better community but gonna download Fraps just in case
It would be a better community without the people that break the rules. It's sad, but hey, the rules are set and they know they are breaking them so they can't blame anyone but themself.
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« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2011, 10:26:42 am »

not all players use the forum and some ignore the rules. Sometimes a wakeup call from Hunter can help correct the behavior. If you want to do something at least post a name of the offender so others will know who is violating the rules. This can let other know who to watch out for or simply ignore,  screenshots help but you need to fraps or camstudio the behavior to have proof. No proof then it did not happen and it's your word vs who ever.

EZ could be an every man for himself if everyone does what you do and does not capture the behavior for Hunter to address.

Really what good does it to go to a forum and tell the community that uses the forum about someone breaking the rules with out saying who it is.

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« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 10:38:53 am »

Some "Elite" few are seaguls (mine, mine, mine) others will get bored and help anyone who asks.

Here is my invitation to the NuToSvr guild for you and your close ones.

We have around 80 toons from 1-T3 with many alts.

We help out others alot just to be nice and some things in here take full groups to servive.

Can't help the seaguls but for the normys I'm all for it.
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« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 10:56:04 am »

not all players use the forum and some ignore the rules. Sometimes a wakeup call from Hunter can help correct the behavior. If you want to do something at least post a name of the offender so others will know who is violating the rules. This can let other know who to watch out for or simply ignore,  screenshots help but you need to fraps or camstudio the behavior to have proof. No proof then it did not happen and it's your word vs who ever.

EZ could be an every man for himself if everyone does what you do and does not capture the behavior for Hunter to address.

Really what good does it to go to a forum and tell the community that uses the forum about someone breaking the rules with out saying who it is.

He was trying to give someone the benifit of doubt and try to ignore what happened, but the person kept doing the same thing. If he previously knew that there were so many douches here that don't follow rules, he probably would have already been prepared for what was coming. He was meerly asking what he needs to do or could do to keep this from happening again. I just don't see the point in you bashing the guy for asking if this is really how it is. At least he did come to the forums, unlike the ones that are doing the training and ksing.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 10:58:25 am by Solbash » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2011, 11:19:19 am »

not all players use the forum and some ignore the rules. Sometimes a wakeup call from Hunter can help correct the behavior. If you want to do something at least post a name of the offender so others will know who is violating the rules. This can let other know who to watch out for or simply ignore,  screenshots help but you need to fraps or camstudio the behavior to have proof. No proof then it did not happen and it's your word vs who ever.

EZ could be an every man for himself if everyone does what you do and does not capture the behavior for Hunter to address.

Really what good does it to go to a forum and tell the community that uses the forum about someone breaking the rules with out saying who it is.

He was trying to give someone the benifit of doubt and try to ignore what happened, but the person kept doing the same thing. If he previously knew that there were so many douches here that don't follow rules, he probably would have already been prepared for what was coming. He was meerly asking what he needs to do or could do to keep this from happening again. I just don't see the point in you bashing the guy for asking if this is really how it is. At least he did come to the forums, unlike the ones that are doing the training and ksing.

Where do you see bashing in my post? I was trying to let him know what he needs to do and that it is helpful to at least post the name of the offender. Sorry you took offense to a post if you did, was not intended as a bash.
Teesha Torment
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« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2011, 11:24:26 am »

I know how this feeling goes ldon seems to be a shoot out to see who can get to the end first and on a few instances i have had the same happen to me.I tend to ignore the players who do these things,I could point names out but really I have no need to do so,they know who they are they.In the end there are great players on this server and there are those who well just suck.It seems to be more of a mix of both,Just find those who are good players and fun to be around and it makes the other stuff not so bothersome.

Teesha Torment 70 Paladin
Strawberri Gashes 70 Rogue
Teesa 70 Druid
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« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2011, 11:51:39 am »

Where do you see bashing in my post? I was trying to let him know what he needs to do and that it is helpful to at least post the name of the offender. Sorry you took offense to a post if you did, was not intended as a bash.
This here.

screenshots help but you need to fraps or camstudio the behavior to have proof. No proof then it did not happen and it's your word vs who ever.
Then this.

Really what good does it to go to a forum and tell the community that uses the forum about someone breaking the rules with out saying who it is.

Two key peices of the orginal post. Why post the name if your going to argue that there is no proof because there is no SS or video. Kinda contradicting yourself a little. It didn't offend me at all, just wanted to point that little tid bit out.

I know how this feeling goes ldon seems to be a shoot out to see who can get to the end first and on a few instances i have had the same happen to me.I tend to ignore the players who do these things,I could point names out but really I have no need to do so,they know who they are they.In the end there are great players on this server and there are those who well just suck.It seems to be more of a mix of both,Just find those who are good players and fun to be around and it makes the other stuff not so bothersome.
I know exactly where your coming from. Just a few days ago i ran into you on ldon 5, while farming for 2.0 pages on my little baby SK(Gnumez FTW)and i saw some douche train around then, end result in seeing an alt or one of your friends/guildies dead from it. I've got a good video coming out, it should relieve the server of a good dozen or so incompitant retards.
Teesha Torment
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« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2011, 02:03:52 pm »

Yeah was my alt that got smashed.thats just one of the ten times in the past few days its happened.Its just to the point now that i laugh it off and go on if not i would have a mental melt down lol

Teesha Torment 70 Paladin
Strawberri Gashes 70 Rogue
Teesa 70 Druid
Member of NuToSvr
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2011, 05:29:32 pm »

Yea almost no one, bothers to follow the rules or even cares.
If you got those NuToSvr guys offering you a guild you could use that to avoid some shitbags.
at least a guild will stick by you.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 04:28:15 am by Balthor2 » Logged
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« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2011, 04:02:55 am »

Thanks for the Advice guys.As to taking offense i dont ,everybody can have an opinion whether i choose to agree or not is up to me.
I think the post was more to let of a bit of steam rather than bitch and moan.On the whole the server is quite good and friendly and i am enjoying myself playing eq again .
Jr. Member
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« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2011, 06:22:54 am »

That fighters guild instance stuff sounds weird as all hell. You paid the 10k and some other guy randomly shows up there to rain on your parade... Wth? I know 10k isn't probably a big deal since you make that back from gems in qvic in like 5 minutes but c'mon.

If you got friends and family playing you could just make your own guild anyways to avoid that stuff.

And LDoN is frustrating always, no way around that. What do you expect when you collect grumpy UC farmers and toss em there for days straight to get some brawlers charms?

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