Damage goes up without haste because of increased procs, it looks like. Time to start buff blocking Speed of Salik.
welcome to the party like 3 weeks late.
If we ever update source code again there's a fix for the extra haste reducing procs. If you want to try and min/max it you want to shoot for exactly as much haste will get your weapon to 10 delay.
Tracking several fixes on my test server that work perfect unfortunately we have no idea what rules Hunter has set for this server and no idea but believe he already sourced in the updates.
I expected the DPS to be higher if you were using 6x Anger4 since with A5-A4-A4// A5-A5-A4 I do between 27800 and 33000 DPS on my warrior on a consistent basis. When I notice I am not flickering or having FPS issues my little dude gets to the top end of his dps with just auto-attack on.
Savage I have not actually parsed but adds a few K in as well, I use it often when rampaging down 10 HoH Avatars at once.