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Question: Is it alright to hold more than 1 camp using different characters at the same time?
Yes - 20 (47.6%)
No - 12 (28.6%)
We needz moar popcorns. - 10 (23.8%)
Total Voters: 42

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Author Topic: Holding Multiple Camps - TBD  (Read 9418 times)
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« on: January 18, 2011, 05:44:22 pm »

You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.

It is my understanding that camping multiple spawns with different characters is a big no-no.
You know I'm not even sure about this one. I just know ya cant claim to be camping separate camps with same char.

I wasn't holding the camp on the same charc. I had 3  character screens going, on 3 separate camp's...Don't believe anything is wrong with that unless you can't kill the mobs or go afk for longer then 5 minutes...
Sorry I didn't credit names to these quotes, but it doesn't really matter since its just to get discussion started.

Reading through some of the posts today about holding multiple camps on multiple boxes got me to thinking, there's never really been clarification on if this is acceptable or not.
Right up front, holding multiple camps with 1 toon is obviously a no-no.  Move your feet lose your seat.  Think we all can agree on that.
But what if you have multiple boxes at multiple camps?  I personally think this is ok, so long as your not monopolizing the spawn. AKA you get your loot and move on. And even if you are monopolizing the spawn, getting more than 1 item, is it wrong if you are actively there at the spawn, not AFK? While i'd call you a douche for making others wait so long, does it necessarily make you wrong for doing it? A number of times I've had toons running here and there waiting for spawns. I ALWAYS move on after getting the item. And I've never farmed items for selling, I camp them for my alts to get into fg/cg. You can easily cut down what could be days with 1 character into hours with 2 or more characters.

What do you guys think?

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« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2011, 05:57:30 pm »

I tossed out a Yes vote. I mean once ya get your loot,if theres a line waiting,you got to move on anyways. But really I could go either way. Plus theres no real way to tell unless you know the characters.

Maybe Hunter will clarify this.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 06:02:54 pm by Drezden » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2011, 05:58:15 pm »


Need Moar Popcornz!!!
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 06:08:12 pm »

This is like training in the ldons, everyone does it but they hope they don't get caught. As for officially, I think it is against the rules. Does that mean I am going to go and camp 1 mob when I am bringing up a new toon? Absolutely not.

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« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 06:25:00 pm »

Not against the rules, but kind of a dick move.  Also there's no rule about "once you get your item you have to leave"..  Read the rules, it says you can "hold a camp as long as you are not AFK" so as long as you engage the mob within 5 minutes, you can stay there forever.  Do I like it?  Not really but it's not against the rules.

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« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2011, 06:31:15 pm »

interesting thread sickem, one that is no doubt bound to generate more heated discussion. i would say its fair, even tho i do not box, the option to is there, same as it is for everyone, so non-boxers have the Option to level the playing field abit and do the very same thing. i would also say that its not fair, as it does seem like exploiting. i wonder tho, the thread regarding penulitmate charms or whatever, some were saying folks want things as easy as they can, n  it would take grinding out of a item that was meant to be grinded, isnt that sorta what this behavior is doin? tryin to remove grinding out of a quest line that was either meant to be grinded or purchased? they arent no trade, so why make it easier when you can buy it, or get help from guildies to farm them, or farm yourself, thats already 3 different ways to acquire the items to make the fg, cg quest lines easier. i already completed this and it makes no difference to me, im simply one of those guys who is gonna play the game n get as far as possible gearing up with items n such given the options to get said items. but with 3 different routes to get those fg and cg items, why bother? id really like to see some of the folks postin in the charm thread post here, and compare the responses.  seems to me if the folks that favor thats its  ok to do this but are against the charm suggestion, may be straddeling the fence on two subjects that seem very similar to me. both haveing the same *give me what i want with minimal effort and time invested on my part* undertones.
 even saying that as new things come out, old things should get easier, this thread is bound to generate gossip. i too am interested in seeing how people respond to this thread.. my official stance, with three ways to get'em, why make it easier? but at the same time, dont go banning folks for doing this, as im sure with as many boxers on ez server, bans handed out over this would cut the server pop dramatically. besides too many rules over every little thing, implement all those rules, and soon, you wont be able to fart without having someone fraps it n next thing you know.. you the guy on a youtube fraps who farted and got banned lmao
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2011, 06:34:58 pm »

Farming FG/CG items gets you a bit of help in the game.  You get stat food or drink, rez stone, pet is you're of the right class and the ability to to max all your stats.

That is nothing compared to what the UC gives you so I don't see the comparison.
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« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2011, 06:41:44 pm »

Farming FG/CG items gets you a bit of help in the game.  You get stat food or drink, rez stone, pet is you're of the right class and the ability to to max all your stats.

That is nothing compared to what the UC gives you so I don't see the comparison.
I'll agree with you, since i stopped on about the 4th line trying to read that wall of text. My eyes crossed and started bleeding...
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« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2011, 06:49:10 pm »

the comparision is ...*give me what i want with minimal effort and time invested on my part* undertones.
regardless of the rewards, which i didnt mention, the only comparision i was making was the mentality behind trying to make things even more ez, maybe change the server name to *everything your heart desires with the hailing of the insta-satisfaction vendor* server.

 my stance, its already easy, and if you wanna box your way to happiness, whos to stop you? im certainly not the one to do it, nor comment on it i guess,  but your still the one farming the items, n even if you do lock down multiple spawns, you gotta sleep eventually Grin whats the harm really? besides hoggin all the bandwith from your neighbors lmao (charter internet shares bandwith, which i have lmao)
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« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2011, 07:03:26 pm »

n yea the rewards for cg n fg seem small, but if you roa'ed a few lvls, got brain melted over it, wanted to take a break, having all your spells fizzle n all your attack miss, would def suk, you only belittle the fg/cg rewards as youve already completed those questlines imo. you really wanna fizzle on say kronos? or even worse, a t3 named you had to farm stones to pop, die n waste all that time? or even gawd forbid fail to proc from missing auto attacks? think of the horror of it, /shudders
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« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2011, 07:04:00 pm »

Also there's no rule about "once you get your item you have to leave"..  Read the rules, it says you can "hold a camp as long as you are not AFK" so as long as you engage the mob within 5 minutes, you can stay there forever.  Do I like it?  Not really but it's not against the rules.

 I coulda sworn when I started there was discussion about lines forming for FG/CG items and it was stated once ya got your item you where to give up the camp? I mean I may be wrong,want be the first time.
 To me this is more of a dick move than boxing mutli camps. I mean if theres a line of people waiting,you can just keep farming?
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« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2011, 07:52:48 pm »

1...one that is no doubt bound to generate more heated discussion.
2...*give me what i want with minimal effort and time invested on my part*
3... why make it easier? but at the same time, dont go banning folks for doing this

1. For sure Tongue Seems to be the theme today, and things were mulling over in my head so why not? Tongue
2. Actually, it's the same effort done in less time. I'd even say if you were actively boxing 2-4 toons it takes way more effort. Just less time. It's the people that bot that get both less effort and less time...but thats covered in another thread.  Grin
3. Unless Hunter clear cuts a rule about it, i don't think there is anything bannable unless you can prove grief.

Just keeping the thread going, nothing personal ^^^   Wink

~following comments not directed at any specific person~
This thread isn't about ban this and ban that. Moreso people (newer players, some older, myself included) can benefit from the discussion.
If anyone has any rants or flames we have WHOLE section for it.

« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2011, 09:12:43 pm »

the comparision is ...*give me what i want with minimal effort and time invested on my part* undertones.
regardless of the rewards, which i didnt mention, the only comparision i was making was the mentality behind trying to make things even more ez, maybe change the server name to *everything your heart desires with the hailing of the insta-satisfaction vendor* server.

Try to think of it in real life terms.
For a few hours work at your job you can purchase a bicycle that will make it a bit easier to get to work.  For a lot more time and effort, you can buy a car that will make it a lot easier to get to work.
Can you see the difference now?
The amount of work is directly related to the reward.
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« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2011, 07:00:42 am »

I am pretty sure that holding multi camps while multi boxing had been stated against rules per hunter.  I remember people giving me grief about it when I used to farm FG/CG items to get BLING.

I thought I remember reading it.  but if its not against the rules I will be farming them all again  MAUHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH
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