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Question: What class is your MAIN CHARACTER?
DPS Class
I don't really have a main they're all Equal.

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Author Topic: MAIN CLASS  (Read 6307 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 91

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« on: February 17, 2011, 10:58:39 am »

Lets see what class people are voting!

I started this in rants and flames because, I know warrior are top tanks on live and here and always have been with stonewall.

Why are the Hitpoints on Gear for WAR-PAL-SK not more balanced when lots of us Use an SK/PAL as our main or to tank even if it was more even the PAL/SK still dont have stonewall.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 11:03:53 am by Dragonmist » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 11:19:27 am »

maybe the war's have more hp than the sk and pally since they are not able to heal them self and are designed for main tanking, relying on a support class to heal them.

Not saying that a pally and an SK can not tank but that is not their primary role, more of an off tank/dps or off tank/healer than a main tank.

How about give Warrior a Self only regen or heal... you can't because that is what the pally's and sk's are and you would not be a warrior any longer you would be a Pally or SK.

at least thats my 2 cp
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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 12:16:12 pm »

Its hard to drag abilities like stonewall into a tanking debate because its use is so variable. If its new content or the mobs are hitting so hard that you have to do tank swap stonewall rotations it becomes needed for progression. For normal content its not used at all other than the "oh sh!t" button. This is off set by the fact that the pallys/SK self heal, usually had shields and had other abilities to save themselves or drop agro (DI/FD etc).

Warriors didnt come into their own in live till well into Velious. We used SKs as main tanks through Kunark because the could hold agro so much better, tap for health, had plenty of hps and mitigation. It made the warriors obsolete. Wars have the most hps, ac, and mitigation because tanking is ALL they could do (on live). On EZ with the use of augs and charms the wars became viable DPS class, but they still cant survive with out a healer.

Also a thing to consider, depending on augs/charms/ROA etc, the spread of hps from a war/pally/SK isnt THAT far off. Low end content your talking 10k difference maybe, high end 20-40 or so depending? Ironically like in HOH, if you have a tank with just t2 125k ish hps and a pally with 90k the pally will probably fair better due to the dodge on the shield. If you get max hit 120k both of them will be dead in any event.
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Posts: 210

Older i get the less i care to understand

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« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 12:31:53 pm »

This has always been my suggestion, rather what i am about to suggest ...again.

T3/T4 gear, currently a mage robe has 16k hp aug'd and a Shadowknight chest has 16k hp aug'd. Mage legs have similar arms similar, I should have loaded my toons for caomparison, but i didnt so forgive me.

I dont understand why War/Pal/Shd T3/T4 gear is so inline with caster gear, one is cloth one is plate. On live a caster, early on anyhow was lucky to see 50ac and 100hp on stuff, mostly HP caster gear was intended for necros. However, what im trying to get at is I would personally like to see War or Shd gear at least 2khp more per item then caster gear. I know its awesome having a 139k hp mage, my mage anyhow, but i seriously feel the gap should be expanded between cloth and plate.... By a substantial margin. (also including said stats like +% avoidance etc, there is no real reason to having same +% avoidance for mages as it is for War's.


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« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 12:44:50 pm »

The reason for the similarity in hp on t3/t4 items is that in t2 there was a very large difference and Hunter has said several time he wanted to bring caster hp back up with t3/t4 gear.
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