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Author Topic: Ez Economy Fix?  (Read 25132 times)
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« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2011, 01:12:40 pm »

Alot of mobs out there have gem drops and i for one never pass up a opportunity to stomp some lower lvl mob to get his 1 star gem, it adds up. The prices were really sorta high when i first got on here a half a million for a Bp? Come on ive been on here 5 months and have yet to see 1 million let alone have the money for augs. But as the old Native american guy said on that movie Josie wales said "endevour to perservere" and so i must be at the mercy of the markets and drudge tirelessly on to find my cash flow even if it is 1 star gem at a time.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 01:14:27 pm by whatzizface » Logged

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« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2011, 01:14:25 pm »

Yea ive been on EZ for 9 weeks and havent seen over 800K and have 0 strike augs so coming up with 100K isnt too bad for HoH but i was just wandering why PoAir was only 10K lol

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« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2011, 01:15:38 pm »

SHHH 10k is fine for air lol thats alot of star gems in itself !!!

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« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2011, 01:30:47 pm »

Plane of Sky is at 10k because it only has boss spawns in it. HoH will earn you money and boss spawn gems, 3.5 pages and charm upgrades. That is why it costs so much compared to Sky.
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« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2011, 02:30:36 pm »

HoH -

3.5 book, stones for charms/bosses, pages 1-10 for 3.5, gems.
After initial cost of instance, no further investment required.

PoAir -

Boss spawns t3, t4 and MCP. No cash drops, no gems, and loot is not always useable (or even sellable - dru t4 bp anyone?)
After initial cost of instance, still need to invest stones for spawns. 10k itself will get you just that - an empty zone.

I think it makes sense.

Clevitsj, Hipster Enchantress Extraordinaire
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2011, 04:24:26 pm »

HoH and Lguk instances were made with the intentions of it being a multi-person investment, hence being named Guild Instance. A few hours in there and you have your investment back through plat and gem drops, even if you don't sell the drops.

What I am seeing is that people don't realize that the economy is having to adjust twice since the Big Plat Wipe. The first time it was adjusted was because the server lost 3.7b plat. There were some people that lost hundreds of millions of plat and that caused prices to drop drastically. That was the first adjustment to the economy. The second adjustment is people running out of the rest of the millions of plat they had left. This adjustment is not felt all at once. People had varying amounts of plat stashed on various toons. As more and more plat runs out prices are becoming lower and lower and lower. Our economy has changed structurally from earning plat primarily by selling gear at higher prices than what should be because of the exploit to earning plat through gem drops primarily and supplementing it with the sale of drops.

I personally like the price of the Ninja Strike augs. I only have 1. I can't afford a second one now but am getting close. I need several more. I would like to have them all now, but honestly, if I did have them all now, and that was the basis behind this server, (being so easy to get stuff) I would have quit this server a long long time ago. As it is, I have been on this server for well over 2 years. I think the economy is still adjusting though I think it is probably starting to settle down.

I have in the past shot down any suggestion about the Bazaar being used. My basis for being against this idea was that it would have been a drain on recourse of the server when the server could not afford it. That is when our numbers were 500 to 600 though. Our average now is 279 which is a lot different picture. I think it would be a good idea for people to start using the bazaar. I don't however that components for armor and augs or their end products should be changed to no drop. This would streamline too many people to end game too quickly. Maybe making them tradeable but using an artificial means of inflating the price would be something workable. I might have an idea on how that can be worked out and if I can work it out in my head I will post it in its own thread.

Bottom line though I think the economy is fine. I think it is adjusting to what it should be. Once it finally settles down people will start buying again. It is just going through its second aftershock.

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« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2011, 12:16:23 am »

This is the trouble with forums as a whole. Same as when you used allakhazams to look up important info on a mob, it was speeches about whos dps was better and how exactly science broke haste down....

Folks ... what was intended was a possible solution to the economy only. Can we address that topic and stay on it, offering solutions to the problem rather then debate why hunter made air 10k and hoh 100k.

There is a very real problem in the in game economy, and although some of us do ok, cause we can now farm what we need, others cant, but they are teh ones saying they are broke and sadly, the same ones offering 10k for t4 gear. Maybe, we can try to find a solution to help them figure out how to make pp to be able to afford the gear they want, but only offer you spitshine $$ or " if it rots ill take it"

And damn, i really didnt want to go here, but HoH has tons of gems per mob and shadow, but Hunter, the people that farm shadow and HoH are the people that cant sell anything because we are trying to offer, at least i am, stuff that is Rot to my toons or guildies online at the time. They (the potential buyers) maon about wishing they could offer more then 10k, so apparently they see mroe value in fbss for 75k then T3/T4 armor. I dont knwo hwo to solve that except to suggest making mats or other items tradeable, so that they can farm more stuff like fbss, and make $$

-Xif i come across sarcastic its cause i am, cause i spent all day farming pod, for 2 alts of my own, bought numerous pieces off sellers offering 35-200k ea, and i got flammed in ooc by Rainbow Warrior guild, cause im a jerk for asking prices on stuff i kill.... this is the crap we have to deal with when we log in now P



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« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2011, 02:18:10 am »

At the same time people are trying to get money flowing i have noticed a dramatic drop in SLS prices, Ive seen them go for as low as 80k now. When a lower lvl farms all day to get one the folks that want the sls for augs arent paying what they used to so its a never ending cycle that hurts the little guys alot because in turn they cannot pay the prices asked for a T3 or T4 item. In som instances i have skipped the pp all together and offered trades for items with sls's because i know i couldnt get no where near the cash for it to buy the items i need. I agree it is in bad shape atm but it is bound to get better when it all settles out.

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« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2011, 06:23:21 am »

What Xiggie said.  After a while, it will just regulate itself.

A DC BP used to sell for 500k.  Thing is, 450k of it, or so, was money artificially created by <we still don't know who, but who cares>.

Imo, if an average player can farm 50k per hour in gems, and getting an item (say DC BP), takes an hour on average, the correct price for that item is 50k.  By correct, I mean the price it will sell for after the economy settles down from that 2nd aftershock.

Of course, the actual selling price will vary, sometimes 2 ppl get in an auc war and drive the price up.  Sometimes, noone wants the item, and the seller has to cut the price, etc.

It's a free market!  It should work.
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« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2011, 11:49:20 am »

The big problem with game economies in general is that people have this messed up notion that if they saw something go for a high price before, that MUST mean that is the actual value of it. This leads to people pricing things in a way that is unsustainable, and there is always vitriol spewed at people who are willing to sell things for lower than said "value" for "destroying the market".

My take on it has always been that I will sell items for what I consider a fair price for the time it takes me to make the deal. For t2 items, that is usually fairly low compared to what all of the people who complain about "man I can't sell t2 for 200k anymore qq" think is the value as I have my mage with me and can complete a sale in less than 5 minutes. To me, once I get past the price to make the instance, it is all gravy anyway.

I don't know what the economy was like before I started here a couple months ago, but it is obvious that the prices have come down. I know that I didn't bother to bid on a lot of things because of the sellers having unrealistic price minimums on their items and were in many cases, hostile to people who would give them honest bids of what they were able to pay for things. Sure, 50k might not SEEM like enough for a t2 BP to someone who thinks "they used to go for 500k", but that is 50k you would not have otherwise and is 5x the cost of a guild instance to boot.
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« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2011, 01:02:34 pm »

The reason people do not want to sell a t2 BP for 50k is because the time and effort they put into killing a boss that the buyers (presumably) cannot kill for themselves or at least are having very poor luck is not even worth it to zone out to invite them to their instance, CoH them/clear, and slow down on what they are doing to make sure the customer can reach the area and pay them with no hitches. Augments cost at the minimum 741k platinum to make. That is a huge investment for anyone, and making 50k off of an item is not going to cut it there.

 I think the problem just is that people don't have platinum anymore; creating guild instances is a HUGE cut into the plat of the server. By far the best place to farm it is HoH. Guess what you need to get there? That t2 BP. The problem is, we're trying to buy a Lexus on a $14.00 an hour salary, which is possible, it just takes a very long time.
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« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2011, 01:49:31 pm »

Imo farming qvic for gems and occasionnal plate sale is the best way to make money.  HoH is the worst because it tampers with your brain.  At least it does with mine.

Velks isn't bad if you're not geared enough to rape qvic.  1 full castle pull = 15k (if you're alone in zone, otherwise 10 mobs per pull blah blah standard disclaimer)
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« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2011, 02:15:43 pm »


35k for warrior ore is a ripoff and you know it.  The real question is, did any one buy it?  I highly doubt it.  10k is a fair price for class ore, it drops very often and is not rare at all.  Just by farming T1 for my toons I've built up stashes of 6+ ore on each toon easily.  So yeah I'm going to voice my opinion when I see someone auctioning a common item for more than what I (and probably many others) feel  its worth.

And if you want to pay 30-200k for T1-T2 armor then be my guest, but I've bought 2 T2 BPs (pally/war) for 3 GLS and 35k each.  And I've gotten a lot of armor free from either rots or from helping other people kill bosses.  Hundreds of ore, class ore, and cloth/leather T1 armor is rotting all the time.  Just ask the guy at the tiki if its rotting, 90% of the time he says yes.  If you hook me up w/ rots and you are looking for particular pieces yourself, you can be sure I'll get you back if I see the stuff you want, farming T1/T2 is all about teamwork.  If you (Lightblade) want to over pay on shit because you're dumb/rich then be my guest but don't expect everyone to pay your inflated prices just because thats what you pay or what you're used to receiving.

And to the people complaining about low ball offers, IF DEMAND IS LOW DON'T EXPECT PRICES TO BE HIGH.  If 2 people offer you 30k for some shit in your instance don't complain.  You are trying to make money and someone is trying to get the best deal possible.  I'm not going to overpay on some item no one else wants just so you can make money.  If you don't want to clear your instance for them thats your choice, don't complain about it.  Make a Mage to CoTH them, its fucking amazing.  And remember YOU'RE the one passing up a sale voluntarily.  Not everyone has 500k banked on 3 toons just waiting to be spent.   Personally, I am trying to gear my toons and make augs, I don't have the plat to pay 100k per T1/T2 item and stuff like that and still be able to make 200/300k augs at the same time.  And if you tell me to "make an offer" you can be sure as hell I'm going to give you a low offer and see what you say, so don't bitch about me (or anyone else) being a smart buyer.

I also find that people are more than willing to trade GLS or SLS for items, if you're low on plat try farming a couple of each.  You can make a SLS or two in 45min about if you are fast and efficient.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 02:24:47 pm by jew_nose_it » Logged

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« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2011, 04:29:23 pm »

35k for warrior ore is a ripoff and you know it.  The real question is, did any one buy it?  I highly doubt it.  10k is a fair price for class ore, it drops very often and is not rare at all.  Just by farming T1 for my toons I've built up stashes of 6+ ore on each toon easily.  So yeah I'm going to voice my opinion when I see someone auctioning a common item for more than what I (and probably many others) feel  its worth.

So, don't buy it. 

I rarely sell drops because it isn't worth the effort it takes to log another toon, wait for them to show up, invite them to the guild, clear/guide them to where they need to go, get them to pay, loot, and leave.  Unless it is something that is worth my time to sell it isn't worth it for me to stop what I'm doing to sell it.
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« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2011, 05:37:28 pm »

I didn't buy it, nor did I have any intention of ever buying it.  I simply was stating my opinion that it was overpriced (the truth) and he got all butthurt about it.  But him coming on the forums complaining about it pissed me off, mostly because he is full of shit, so I went on my rant.

And yes I agree with you, selling items from a GI has some extra work involved.  But for me, since I'd just clear back to the zone in with my paladin, exit the instance, etc; I don't feel its that much trouble and the back clearing is just killing mobs which generally benefits you in PoD and Qvic.  Its really not that much trouble unless you are going out of your way (i.e logging in an extra toon just to guild invite someone) to make it troublesome.

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