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Author Topic: Broken/buggy/Not working as intended  (Read 4634 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 286

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« on: February 24, 2011, 10:06:30 am »

Currently Broken/Buggy:

Both Magician and Beastlord Heal over Time spells are not affected by oracle, and don't seem to actually do the HoT component. Stonewall component is harder to test but may also not be working.

Necromancer heal does not have the HoT component (Don't know if that is intentional), nor does Enchanter heal (I wouldn't see why not?)

Not working as intended:
The new Fireblades - they are worse than the old ones. The range on the AE is quite big, which makes it impossible to do crowd control as soon as you have one pet (Which by definition you should have, since the enchanter has one), but they don't draw enough aggro to actually keep aggro from even one group heal from the cleric. Un-aggro'd adds, that should now normally go for a pet, therefore go to the cleric, causing a wipe.
Suggestion: Implement a fireblade v3 and v4. Have the v2 be either without proc or dd only, v3 be large aggro AE without damage (thinking Anger IV in AE, remove damage), and v4 low aggro ae with damage (Cyclone blade). That way pet class owners get more versatiliy out of their pets without having to sacrifice other things.

Iirc Anger II is currently unavailable/unused - maybe you could change that into a Aggro AE only and put that on a v3 blade? So you don't have to go creating entire new procs just for this.

Thank you for considering this,


Clevitsj, Hipster Enchantress Extraordinaire
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