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Author Topic: Alternate zones at equal/similar levels  (Read 5047 times)
Posts: 13

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« on: July 18, 2011, 10:43:28 am »


Let me start off by saying that the content created for this server by a tiny group of people working for free in their spare time is amazing, and I'm enjoying it a lot!

So I thought I would post this with the idea that you want to continue making content, and that feedback from the playerbase might be useful for that.

Basically, the progression in the extended zones seems to be linear, in the sense that first you finish zone A, then zone B, then zone C, etc., with each being progressively more difficult and more rewarding than the last.

But what would be fun too would be to have the content of a level spread out a bit, or even (this is a lot more work, I know) alternate content at the same or similar level.

The easiest way to do this is something like PoFear + PoHate in old EQ: main armor slots for half the classes + alt armor slots for the other classes in zone A, and vice versa in zone B.

What would be even more fun (and a lot more work to create), would be to have multiple zones at the same level. Again, drawing an analogy to old EQ would be lguk / sola / kedge. Obviously this is easier to do with "dungeon" type zones than with true "raid" zones intended for multiple groups.

But as the T1-T3 (and below) content is effectively "dunegon" level at this point, expanding these tiers to include alternate zones and mobs -- or even alternate gear -- should be doable in a balanced way, and I think it would still be appreciated by a significant portion of the server population. Some examples of alternate gear could be (a) items with very similar stats (i.e. one has a bit more hp but less ac, one has a penalty to mana regen but a focus that ups dds/heals, etc) that are all upgradable to the next tier or (b) items with a very nice proc/clicky/focus for its tier level, but which is not upgradable to the next tier.

I understand if you want to / have to focus content creation on only extending the end game, but I just thought I'd throw this out there.

Anyway, thanks for the fun!

Curious to hear other players' thoughts.
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