When I turned all the graphics down in one client I get issues with messed up layers. Mostly the ground and world layers an not the pc layers. They just look like the base layer is there with no details. Once I move they fix. On the client that has all the graphics turned up I don't have this issue. Conversely on the client that has all the graphics turned up if I log out and back in to a different toon part of the character layers are missing. Some toons I will see armor but no skins. Some toons I see their skin. I experienced this also on SoD. I have seen this with stock UI and modded UI. The very very unfortunate thing was the time I logged in to see nearly everyone's skin missing but their armor there, cept of course my bard. His armor was missing but his skin was there. Very very disturbing. Lets just say Jevlin is "post op".