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Author Topic: Attn: Hunter - Anguish issues  (Read 22492 times)
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« on: March 20, 2012, 12:27:50 pm »


I wonder if we could get this stickied, and get a discussion going here about issues people might be having in T6?

I'll start the ball rolling with 2 things I have found.  

Firstly, FD doesn't work in Anguish.  It's a class defining ability for Monks, and to some extent SKs.  I think that a raid fortunate enough to have a skilled puller should benefit from it Smiley

Secondly, Instance costs related to stability.  I have no issue paying 500k for a guild instance for Anguish, if it lasted 3 days.  As it stands, the instances in Anguish are about as stable as the ones in Tacvi.  There have been times people have created an instance and not been able to get a 3 group guild raid all inside before the instance disappeared from the waypoint.  

I realize that the instance code is not yours, but my thoughts are that the stability of instances has more to do with the zone than the waypoint/instance code.  Evidence to this can be found in the fact that the same waypoint creates a very stable instance in PoD.

In the time period prior to some solution to the stability issue, I would like to ask you to reduce instance cost drastically.

Thanks for all your time and effort

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« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2012, 05:58:27 pm »

FD doesn't work in Anguish.  It's a class defining ability for Monks, and to some extent SKs.  I think that a raid fortunate enough to have a skilled puller should benefit from it Smiley

…a guild instance for…  3 days. 
I actually think that a respawn of 48 hours would be good too.  Especially while there doesn’t seem to be too many people hitting public at the moment.

An alternative would be to put a teleporter from the entrance to the top levels of the building (somewhere around the Administrator Charial/Damlin Lingering Charge).  For those players who are hunting the back end Augs – 3 hours to clear just to begin play is simply beyond a lot of casual players.  I base the 3 hours to clear to that point with 30+ in a raid by the way.

I would like to ask you to reduce instance cost drastically.


From all the poor starving Frogs on the server, I humble ask for more welfare initiatives Cheesy


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« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2012, 06:34:56 pm »

First, the FD issue is possibly a "Hunter Choice". My reference is: http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=NPCSpecialAttacks, second to last line on the page (Code "d").

Second, the instance code isn't overly complex. With time and a copy of the block(s) relating to instance creation, it might be fixable. I am only able to emulate so much with the time/resources I have available, so it's exceedingly difficult to guesswork what this server is using (let alone fixing it). (tl;dr - WTB Copy of Our Instance Code, PST) Barring some massive EQEmu code failing, I would cast my vote with instance stability being a mixture of some minor oversight in instance code and the number of instances being created.

As to the cost issue, I cannot attest to it. I have killed a single T5 boss, so I'm a bit... behind? I will help as I am able, but it's simply too hard and time-consuming to have to guesswork imitate the server. I am aware Akkadius has made the instance code publicly available. However, publicly available code is useless if it isn't exactly what we are using.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2012, 10:06:56 pm »

The instance issues are 100% the number of instances created here versus other servers.  Making them cheaper makes the problem worse.  Here's what Akkadius said the last time we had the "instances broke" discussion: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1917.msg26356#msg26356

For the feign death issue, can you not feign at all, or do the mobs just ignore it?  If the mobs ignore it, then it is the IMMUNE_FEIGN_DEATH flag mentioned above.
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 11:42:06 pm »

If that were the case, I would think it would affect all instances globally.  I've had real headaches only with specific zones, like "chambersb," "chambersa," and "Tacvi."  Storms is solid instancing.  I actually had the timer completely expire on one of those today.
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« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2012, 07:49:24 am »

Yeah, they are immune to FD...

And I would agree that number of instances would be a logical place to look, if it were not for the fact that there are several zones that are extremely stable for the full 3 days, while others (Tacvi and Anguish come to mind) that instances "poof" in seconds.

We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?
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« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2012, 11:37:42 am »

If that were the case, I would think it would affect all instances globally.  I've had real headaches only with specific zones, like "chambersb," "chambersa," and "Tacvi."  Storms is solid instancing.  I actually had the timer completely expire on one of those today.

I am hesitant to believe that there is something wrong with the zones. Unless there is a funky call in the mob scripts (which shouldn't have any effect on the zone if said mob is alive), then I would still put my money on the instance script. (ref: http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32609) I have no idea if this is even the version that we use, but it wouldn't take much more than forgetting the zone, adding it twice, and/or assigning two zones to the same ID to cause pandemonium.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2012, 03:34:03 pm »

I would still put my money on the instance script.

In Anguish, "putting your money on an instance" is going to cost 500k a punt. 

That's ok if a few of you are sharing the cost, but for the instance to disappear before you can even get your entire raid into it really starts to hurt after a couple of goes.

Taciv instances, for the entire time I've played on the server, have always been unreliable.  When we had people spamming instances en'mass, that same issue in Tacvi started happening everywhere.  I'm not really playing any zone below T5 at this point, but it doesn't seem like the whole server is complaining about instances being unstable at this point.  It seems reasonable, as Hate suggested, that perhaps there's a line of code somewhere that refers to these zones specifcally? 

Sounds like you have a Hunting mission Hate Smiley


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« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2012, 05:49:03 pm »

LoL damn you Strix. I was using it as an expression, not literally.  *shakefist*

"In my flawed, wizard-playing opinion: the issue resides in the instance script."

Better? :-P

TACVI has always been a bit of a whore. Chambersa/b I have never been in an instance more than 5 minutes, so I cannot attest that it works/fails.

Yes, I wouldn't mind resolving this issue. Like I mentioned before though, there are far too many variations of Akkadius' script to even attempt to guess which one(s) EZ Server is using. So ...yeah, beg the boss to let the crazy wizard get a copy of the instance script(s). It may also be worth mentioning to possibly add in something to destroy a group instance after a group disbands. Just a thought :-)


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2012, 06:02:37 pm »

LoL damn you Strix. I was using it as an expression, not literally.  *shakefist*

"In my flawed, wizard-playing opinion: the issue resides in the instance script."

Better? :-P


*Ducks for cover from the fist-shaking, crazy Wizard*

So ...yeah, beg the boss to let the crazy wizard get a copy of the instance script(s).

Dear Hunter,
Could you please, please (said twice for extra effect) allow the crazy wizard to look at a copy of the instance script?

Strix A. Frog

It may also be worth mentioning to possibly add in something to destroy a group instance after a group disbands. Just a thought :-)

Is that something different from the “Delete Instance” option we have currently?

Strix Cheesy

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« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2012, 06:24:53 pm »

It may also be worth mentioning to possibly add in something to destroy a group instance after a group disbands. Just a thought :-)

Is that something different from the “Delete Instance” option we have currently?

Yes, if 'Delete Instance' must be used while the group is still functioning normally. Example time!

Let's assume when we (Strix + Hate) form a group (no homo). The game assigns us group ID: 123ABC. Now, let us assume that we go make an instance for PoD (instance ID "group_123ABC_postorms"). After having a pretty good run there, the server hiccups/restarts or we disconnect. After we load back in, you and I are no longer grouped. If we reform, it should give us a new group ID (for this example) of 456DEF. Since we are no longer in 123ABC we cannot delete that instance. Until the timer expires or some such mess, that instance will remain in memory until the timer expires (yes, it runs much less memory being empty, but exists all the same).

Simply put, possibly some form of check every 15min(?) to see if group ID: 123ABC still exists. If not, trash the instance. This would not immediately solve all instance problems, but is a step in the right direction. I do not know immediately how to keep such a check alive, but I am sure it could be done given a bit of time/effort. Hell, I will probably go ahead and starting digging through the custom scripts on EQEMU to find such a solution.

I hope that made things a bit less murky. Although I suspect it will still be "clear as mud".


EDIT: It may be worth considering to simply allow ONE group instance per player. Basically (in the example above) if Strix and I decided to work down the LDON Rabbit Hole, we would ALWAYS lose any old group instances when we created the next one. This way all old instances are cleaned up when a new one is created. Also being that a player can only exist in ONE group at a time, more than one instance would never truly be needed. Yes I understand it is expensive to constantly create group instances, but an instance left in the twilight zone is eating up resources.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 07:03:39 pm by hateborne » Logged

I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2012, 07:06:02 pm »

Let's assume when we (Strix + Hate) form a group (no homo).

lawl yeah.....ok we know how you roll hate  /duck  Tongue
Posts: 2282

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« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2012, 07:24:07 pm »

Don't make me bust out the butter knife, I *WILL* cut you with it (...eventually).


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2012, 08:10:08 pm »

Perhaps it's less to do with an instance problem and more to do with that goofy group bug.  The same zones I've had issues with instancing also go hand in hand with the problem where my boxes can zone in (even in pub) and not even see each other.  A who list clearly shows them in the zone, but on occasion one or more group members will not be visible or even target'able... yet if I switch to that member, I am in that zone.  When that happens, I have to camp the affected members and reinvite.  I've never had this problem anywhere else other than the aforementioned zones.

And not being open to the zones themselves at least influencing this isn't going to help the problem.  The common denominator is staring us right in the face, and I am very well aware of red herrings (my very livelihood has been based on process of elimination for over 30 years).  There is something unique about these zones that does influence the problem... something maybe even crazy-sounding like the use of parentheses in mobs' names (which is a ludicrous suggestion, but I'm trying to think of things that are unique).
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 08:54:27 pm by nulland » Logged
EZ Server GM
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« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2012, 08:53:46 pm »

Some nice ideas. Hopefully if we can re-write the instance code things would be more stable? Again, Akkadius is the one that wrote the current code and is the current expert, but I'd be open to new ideas too, or see if he has any updates since.

I'll try to see what I can do on the weekend. Middle of the week very busy with work.


Hunter - EZ Server GM
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