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Author Topic: Brand New... Lots of Questions!  (Read 8498 times)
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« on: May 01, 2010, 11:02:25 am »

Hi all... This is gonna be long winded (Click the back button while you still can!!!  Don't go into the light!!)   Tongue

Let me begin by saying that I have been a bit of a forum junkie over the last week... I have been reading lots and lots of forums from all the different servers on EQEmu and wow there is just too much info to process and I really want to just get started.

Ok so bear with me and I apologize in advance for my noobishness...
I understand you guys probably get the same line of questions over and over lol... oh well here goes...

I quit EQ in 2005... Played a 70 Beastlord on Firiona Vie server... loved the game, and only quit because all my friends went to WoW so I went with them about 3 months later (I was the last to leave and let me tell you, I hated leaving... got choked up a bit the last time I logged out of EQ... ok so I was a little bit hooked on EQ, but then again, I guess I am in the right place for that!  Cheesy )

I originally went to proj 1999... awesome server and concept, but I really really want to play a Beast lord and I kinda like the newer graphics and I plan to have my wife play with me. (Nothing against p99 players, they are where its at!)

So I am thinking pretty seriously about coming here to your server, just a few questions and I think I will finalize my decision tonight!

So I have been trying to find specifics about your server, but its been difficult to nail some things down... I payed a quick visit last night online and I liked what I saw, but I was overdue to go to bed and now I am at work, (on break!)

I saw that there is an xp modifier (How much?  does the modifier also effect AA points?)

I saw buff bots (which is cool!), but do I have to have a Heal bot following me around? (Nothing against people who like that kind of thing, but Its not really my style to have a bot with me... my wife will be my bot lol j/k... I will prolly be hers!)

I also saw that there was a vendor that gave away epics at level 1...  My thing is, I want to be able to play the game in a way that it is still a challenge so that my wife and I can go out and quest and explore, but I dont want to feel like the mobs are laying down as soon as they see me...  I guess you all are here cause your having fun, but how easy / much of a challenge is the game on your server and what is it that draws you all in?  I would like it to be a bit faster paced than original EQ, but I still want it to be a challenge and even frustrating at times... I guess, to me, thats what makes it fun when you finally get what you were working for.

Sorry, I dont mean to interrogate lol, and I know there is the argument out there, "Play each server for a week and then decide" but I am trying very hard to get my wife to play (She is a WoW junkie, I quit WoW about a year ago) and she is a tough sell, but she promised to play tonight and I cant be jumping around on different servers or I will lose her interest... but once I have her settled in, I know she will stick around. 

Anyway,  You all seem like a  group of really nice people and I hope that I would fit into your clan... Also I see that the GMs and Devs are seriously dedicated and work very hard to bring this server online and I appreciate that... I didnt even know that something like this existed until about a week ago and wow I am amazed!  I plan to stick around for a couple years!  I played EQ1 for 3 years, then played WoW for 4... dont get me wrong, WoW was really fun, but there is something about EQ that has stuck with me and nothing else out there has quite gotten me the way EQ did... I love this game... I actually learned about EQEmu because I was doing research on how to reactivate my origional EQ account haha!  Anyway, Thanks for your help and thanks for your time and also thanks for making an awesome project come to life!

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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 12:40:53 pm »

Answers in short,

XP Modifier?, yes, i think its 4x? someone correct me if im wrong.

Buff Bots: you'll find them in surefall glade and the nexus. They buff you, you go hack and slash(or cast Tongue)
Other than that, there are no bots that can follow you around with the exception of potime, but they only work in potime, and go away when you zone out.

How easy? Well...the server is E Z...not necessarily easy. LVL 1-70 is mean to be a short trip. The real content starts at 70. TONS of custom stuff, such as epics 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0, each with their own unique quest.  The further you progress the harder it gets as well.

I guess, to me, thats what makes it fun when you finally get what you were working for.
The developer (Hunter) has made this server about as rewarding as any. You get what you earn, and when you're first starting out, it really is a bit of work to get into the high end content.

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« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 02:41:28 pm »

Fighter's Guild and Caster's Guild are pretty rough first time around as well. Also, leveling your characters without the aid of druid/ shaman friends and a train maker for Plane of Fire will make the experience more fulfilling.

By "Bots" people probably mean characters they use to log in and buff with, PL with, RoA with, etc... not real bots in game. Many of us play upwards of 4+ characters at a time. I personally play a full group or a few on the side for random other stuff (camping mobs and what not).

While you're playing through the custom content you'll get gear equivelent to higher end zones in non-custom zones. So you could always just level in classic zones you know and love (woo woo lvl 20 Sarnak Fort in Lake of Ill Omen!).

AA experience is affected by the 4x EXP boost. So you may think you are leveling to fast for fun, or maxing AAs to quickly... But later you'll see when you (if you) decide to do Ring of Ages (RoA) you have to lvl from 1 to 70, 101 times to max it out. So its not as easy as you first think.

You can still do classic quests, or custom ones. Some classic ones are buggy, but Hunter is good about fixing them the best he can.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 07:07:33 pm »

4x xp modifier and 5x aa modifier i believe. Things are still really challenging on this server (the tiered content is nuts) but thats not till u hit lvl 70. there are a few versions of epics here, the epic 1.0's u get from the vendor are pretty much obsolete once u hit 70, then u start working on ur epic 1.5, then 2.0, then 2.5, then 3.0. Also in order to get your 2.5 your going to have to do the fighters guild or casters guild quests, theres awesome guides for both your epics and the fg/cg quest lines in the quest and guides section, also theres an awesome newbie guide written by danyelle that will awnser a lot of your questions once you get started. It's an awesome server, i've had lots of fun on it so far, there are no real BOTS on this server, like the other post said, we multi-box, and a lot of us use wineq for that due to the awesomeness of it (reduces cpu and memory use when your running more then one instance of eq xD). High end content is a bit rough for starters, but there are a lot of us on server willing to help out, I've helped quite a few people through getting their epic 1.5's and 2.0's. not to mention pieces for either the fg/cg quests, and a I know quite a few others who do the same. Hope you decide to play E Z, and if you need some help, dont hesitate to send lilnoob a tell Tongue
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« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2010, 09:13:17 pm »

If you are not prepared to play an entire groups roles yourself then just skip EZ on the server list. The people here are nice, but good luck finding a real group to do any of the content, they want all the loot for themselves or their bots.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2010, 09:26:22 pm »

dont lie to the man, theres lots of us on server that don't like to box but do cuz no one else wants to form groups. All this multi-boxing, in my opinion (which doesnt really matter) takes away from an aspect of the game, i like to play with others, i really believe the point of mmo's is to play with others, thus grouping with other real players (not your own bots) or raiding with the same situation.
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« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2010, 10:10:52 pm »

very true,
Some of us box, however, because of our unreliable play times. we may only have 45min to play, so its easier to load boxes than to LFG. Or if we have to leave abruptly, no one feels bad because you control them all.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2010, 11:28:11 pm »

I tend to agree that there is an excess of boxers on the server....but with that being said I rarely run into people that aren't OVERLY nice about sharing loots and spawn points. 
The epics and quests are awesome and extremely fun. 
The fact that when you box you will be doing the same quest over and over and over again instead of having a unique quest for each classes epic can get redundant, but is still fun.
Great custom content and excellent GM staff make playing both fun and a good place to play.

ON the NEGATIVE side.
I do believe that being that there are a limited ammount of custom zones available, that during peak playing hours you're going to see ALOT of camping going on.
ALSO during peak playing times since the epics and Caster/Fighters guilds require the same items for EVERY player on the server they are very hard to find open or uncamped. 

All in All I LOVE the server, I switched from P99 only days after starting P99 and never looked back.  Love the players, the zones, the support staff, and the experience

Hope I helped sorry for negative stuff =)

Requiem for a Dream.
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« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2010, 06:39:43 am »

you can find most of your answer on this thread as well...

The Beginner's Guide

Lodar - 70 Cleric
Genelor - 70 Warrior
Shoo - 70 Mage
Sinluyen - 70 Wizard
Capt - 70 Rogue
Shaa - 70 Ranger
Hopeless - 1 Paladin

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children"
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« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2010, 08:56:55 am »

EZ Server is only easy in that it allows you to skip the grind before the high end content.  At level 20, yeah the mobs do pretty much fall over when they see you coming.  Well, not quite but you're at a decided advantage as compared to live.

Once you're level 70 you have a solid amount or work to do.  Content, grind, whatever that would take months of real play time to complete.

As to boxers, yes there are a lot of em.  But I also see a lot of people who run out to help people in need (epic boss fights, runs thru zones to collect needed components).  If you're willing to help others, people are willing to help you.
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« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2010, 10:05:51 am »

Well... that is why I play single characters.

I don't want to play with myself.... ::insert joke here::

I want to group with real people and have fun like in the old days.

Rob Smiley
Wassabi Unagi - Human Monk
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« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2010, 09:38:22 pm »

Well... that is why I play single characters.

I don't want to play with myself.... ::insert joke here::

I want to group with real people and have fun like in the old days.

The old days are dead sir! Dead! you hear me! DEAD!!

OK yeah well, maybe not so much... I like grouping with people i know. Guildies are great, see them often, been around for awhile etc..
I dont normally group with strangers other than to help low end chars out on a quest or something. I am open to it though, never know when a new person you befriend ends up being a good reliable person.
Look at Shy and Crab for example. Good match i'd say.

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« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2010, 05:51:22 am »

A note to mention here and one I didnt know until I hit 70. Eoics are dual Wield, for instance a Ranger (one I am working on of my current alts) actually has 3X epics he can get. 2X 3.0 Epics (swords) and 1X 3.0 Epic (Bow) they are awsome and each classes 3.0 or multiple 3.0s are a must have. My main is an SK and if I had known this at the time it may have contributed to playing another class. However, SK is a really good option as one of your toons and dps/healer type another. Though the SK 2hnder 3.0 can be made into a 1hnder for use of shield slot.

As for the game itself and gameplay, I played live for 10 years and 6 months on p99 also. I honestly think this server has been the best option for me. I love the quick style content to get you past the "crap" levels and none grind through AA. After that there loads of very good aspects to the game that keep you, well, hooked. I am only just scratching the surface on the high end game (well not even high end) and there is enough to keep me coming back.

The guide that was linked will be very helpful and use the guides on Epics and FG/CG quests. There are a lot of very friendly people in game always willing to help with quests, myself included. You will love it here, trust me! Grin
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