Some of the spells are not in the spell file Hate. Possibly they were missed from the Master list? Either way most are working pretty nicely
You were using the same edits from the master list Paldail. All of it was sent in.
It will be MUCH later this evening before I can drop any time to look into this.
UPDATE items SET proceffect = 10365 WHERE id = 89963 or id = 89997 or id = 89969; -- holy knight strike 5.0 to cleric, pal 1h, pal 2h
Isnt that code incorrect? Seems it only applied the proc to the First ID it found which was the Cleric 5.0 (both pally 5.0s have 4.0 still)
shouldn't it be...
UPDATE items SET proceffect = 10365 WHERE id IN (89963, 89997, 89969); -- holy knight strike 5.0 to cleric, pal 1h, pal 2h
Which this would update all the item IDs with the correct proc?