So please do not hit on the toons who are both female. The other nimbletwit(Naughty)feel free to hit on, she is my niece and I am sure she can defend herself=P.
Now why would you say that? *innocent face* >_> I only do it in good jest, sorry for any concern.
Gimme workout tips! Stuck at 20% BF
I want to be able to do dragon flags someday. Why are you pointing down at your toilet?
Tylo! You're supercute. :3
Oops sorry I missed this. Um diet is more important actually then the exercise. A good clean diet with a mix of weights/cardio should be enough to reduce that. Magazines, tv and movies etc tend to make it seem like these people are always like at 3 percent etc when they are actually just like that temporarily for a role and have virtually killed themselves to get that way. it is really not all that safe for long periods to be at a really low BF composition constantly.
My niece is cool actually! She is into this game and never played online games before. When she can't play ill box her toon to help her progress Getting her to talk with anyone is hard though.
Sorry I was not very responsive the other night. I had to pay alot of attention on keeping her alive without wiping our little group out =0