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Author Topic: Hi - still lurking a playing a little bit ..  (Read 9612 times)
Posts: 20

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« on: November 15, 2012, 08:26:12 am »

I have been playing a paladin, since they are super easy to learn the server in and outs with, and finally took the leap to attempting to box.  First thing I will say is wow .. that is a busy time, and I was just boxing 2 at the time.  I have since decided I wan to box 4-6, and see some bigger things in the game, and stumbled upon some software that helps facilitate this .. mq2, etc.

I have a couple of questions about using mq2, I have read over the site lots and see that I can use /stick, and a few other commands that help automation.

1) I learned about //killthis command - is this allowed here, when using the /melee command to use the skills? It seems as I read a comment that said you can use only the commands available to EQ natively.

2) If /killthis is allowed, I tried it a couple times, and it appeared my toons would stand on top of, or stay in front of the target mob - this is normal? (again if this isn't allowed, nevermind, I will remove the /melee plugin)

3) Other than stick, map window, is there any others that are allowed, and fairly easy to get working correctly?

Love the server, seems a really good balance between grind + reward, mq2 is certainly a nice addiition to help with carpal tunnel!

Thanks hope to see more of me around EZ_Norrath!
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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 09:14:05 am »

The GM for the EZ server, Hunter, has stated as long as you are at the keyboard controlling your toons the melee Plugin is allowed for "Boxing" ie; playing multiple toons.

Boting is NOT allowed. this is were you use the Melee plugin as well as some others to Play while your are NOT at the keyboard. Does that help answer your question?
Posts: 20

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« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 09:42:20 am »

It certainly does!  I was trying to search(can fix almost anything, except my lacklustre search skills!)  Thank you, I will play around some more, and ask again if I come across any other plugins that seem like they would break the allowances.
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« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2012, 08:46:17 pm »

Basically don't do anything like macros that would let you afk farm or automate spellcasting routines via logic.

I'm pretty sure it's ok to leave stick and autoattack going and afk while fighting a single enemy (though make sure you get back before the corpse unlocks). If it's not clear where the line is drawn:

Okay - Running to corner store while your badly geared toons autoattack shadow for 10 minutes (your own stupid fault if you don't get back before the corpse, if applicable, unlocks)

Not okay - Self pressing hotkeys or macros that would automate farming things like wisps, diamonds, PoD crystals, etc.
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« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2012, 08:48:27 pm »

As far as you wondering about the mellee plugin, the only thing that is specifically allowed is map and follow for MQ2 as far as mellee plugin:

Do not use any programs to attack npc's for loot or exp, or go afk pet farming.

That is from the rules...I doubt Hunter would really grief you on it but once again...if you try to lawyer the rules and you get hit with the ban hammer you cant blame anyone but yourself.

Hate's Most Hateful Hater
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« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2012, 08:50:45 pm »

MQ2Twist is also allowed, since it's basically the same as melody but also lets you use item clicks.
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« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2012, 08:52:19 am »

just to clarify, /killthis command refers to use of mq2melee (or another name??)
mq2melee handles many things like, taunting, where to stick on a mob, turning off attack on rage, auto hiding, use of skills etc... it's like a twist except not for just spells, its a twist'like plugin that is used for everything!   So- what does the rule say about this? well it's all on you do really is how i think.  You will get banned if you do afk farming and are caught.  And you will be caught- haha.  You have to use stuff correctly and smart.  I've not had hunter say anything to me for anything I do why? Because I don't just log on and afk the whole time.   So if what ur doing doesn't involve some type of active hack (i.e- warping, instant killing things, crashing zones) or afk farming than you should be in the clear, I'm sure you can scan thru the forums tho and see multiple times what Hunter has said about the use of mq2. This and a few other eq emu servers allow mq2.  It is hard to really police it but hunter and other staff have ways of figuring out exactly what was being done.   Hope this rambling helps.  If you need assistance with helpful hotkeys to make on toons or how to have them asssist your tank better you can hit me up via forum msg (pm) or ingame, Lexington.   


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