Get some sorc ranks and anger IVs on your warrior and you should kill PoFire mobs in a couple seconds. I pretty much instakill them as a SK but that's with a UC and FS6/6/7. With how the mobs leash now there is very little benefit from AoEing them.
Honestly though, just getting your war a 3.5 for the click should vastly improve your ability to conquer content that is challenging for you. If you see me online (my SK is named Hambeast) hit me up and I can kill shadow for you at the very least, and maybe I'll even give you a 4.0 book if I'm that bored.
Thanks - my warrior does have 25 sorc and anger IVs. Wasn't sure if my paladin was doing better or my warrior. I do recall meeting you in PoF with my paladin (the oops moment, hee hee). I will have to get my team together and give HoH another shot and see if I can get beyond page 1 and 2 mobs without dying too much. But it will have to wait until this weekend as I am in my last week of mandatory OT