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Author Topic: Procs vs White Dmg  (Read 9278 times)
EZ Server GM
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EZ Server GM

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« on: December 30, 2012, 02:42:00 pm »

If we convert all procs to white damage in order to reduce proc spam, then people would lose dps from charms that increase spell damage?

Can we convert or add to those charm effects something that increases melee damage?

I bet slower spam will help with disconnects and desyncs. Slower, harder hitting melee damage vs fast proc spam.


Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2012, 02:47:00 pm »

Could we just make slower bigger procs? Lots of classes are currently used to increase spell damage and would reduce their effectiveness greatly
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« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2012, 02:55:24 pm »

Either make slower, larger proc augs, or make the effect on the brawler charm increase melee damage by a certain %, that would make up for the spell proc damage loss. I personally like the idea of making the brawler charm useful, so classes would actually choose to use it over a default sorc or oracle charm (which are currently the best choices for dps or heal increasing)

Opeij - Paladin, Udenii - Warrior, Dustoff - Cleric, Udeni - Berzerker, Intap - Wizard, Tempten - Shaman, Inedu - Enchanter, Ewoida - Druid, Gusis - Bard, Ranyp - Mage
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« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2012, 03:26:39 pm »

This would ruin bards and several other already in game mechanics.  You can Filter the proc spam (and other spam) using in game filters and it reduces desync quite a bit.
EZ Server GM
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EZ Server GM

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« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2012, 03:57:02 pm »

the 'proc rate' affects all procs big and small.

I could make a bigger delay on the weapons with bigger proc damage?

Trying to figure this one out before I start making aug slot types 22+

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2012, 04:01:31 pm »

I could make a bigger delay on the weapons with bigger proc damage?

Depends on the delay your talking about, the t7 molded weapons that can be augd as i've seen from links have a really slow delay on them. COULD do that though to epics (minus war) they don't really aug up to need slower delay.

Off topic : But reading this has made me wonder, how are going to get anger augs into these weapons go for a warrior? Any thought on making a bigger Anger aug for the 23 slot?
Jr. Member
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« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2012, 04:12:27 pm »

the 'proc rate' affects all procs big and small.

I could make a bigger delay on the weapons with bigger proc damage?

Trying to figure this one out before I start making aug slot types 22+

I know youre trying to reduce network load and server load, but you may want to get some input from one of the emulator developers before changing anything like this. The reason I say that is because I believe the order of things responsible for network/server load here to be the following:

Low weapon delays (including high haste) > Nerd augs and zerker procs > Kraken and bard proc effects > NPC trains > single target strike augs (IS, FS, NS)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 04:16:06 pm by cerwin » Logged
EZ Server GM
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EZ Server GM

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« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2012, 04:22:26 pm »

I can easily make a next tier anger aug for type 22.

Will look into delays as well. I could modify delay and haste across the whole server but would like to find a way to make dps some what normal so everyone isn't crying about a dps nerf.

Slower swinging could also help with the mobs reposte.


Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2012, 04:33:33 pm »

I can easily make a next tier anger aug for type 22.

Will look into delays as well. I could modify delay and haste across the whole server but would like to find a way to make dps some what normal so everyone isn't crying about a dps nerf.

Slower swinging could also help with the mobs reposte.


Yea I would take a maxed out monk and test different values on spell haste/worn haste/weapon delay/proc rate/aug damage until you find a good combination that will make them slower without changing the overall dps. Once you find that good combo, then you could start editing kraken and bard proc effects to keep their overall DPS the same as well. Also dont forget about embedded weapon effects like SK lifetap proc and pally heal proc.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 04:36:18 pm by cerwin » Logged
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2012, 05:18:28 pm »

I would think it would be easier to just combine the 2 ice strike slots into 1, double the proc amount on the icestrike. As for the classes that have ninja strike and ice strike just roll the ice strike into the ninja strike. Each class having one aug slot with an increased amount of damage to make up for the loss off the other augs will reduce the amount of proc spam. The same thing can be done with the warriors. Add 25k hate to the aug 5 and leave the dd at the 1k aoe dd. The aug 4 has 1.5k dd and 50k hate but with no aoe component.

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« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2012, 05:34:50 pm »

I don't want to sound too aggressively negative here, but no one actually knows if all these changes will fix the lag. Extensive parsing needs to be done if you're going to convert spell dmg to melee dmg... Mostly because white dmg is mitaged and the damage is random / averaged compared to spell damage which is just a flat number.
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« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2012, 08:17:28 pm »

Usually I solo a bard. Being UC'ed with NS8s makes my character worthwhile to bring along in raids, not to mention allow me a lot of freedom and fun to explore in most zones. I know I'm in the very-rare camp of people who solo, so who cares what I think, but I just hope that this doesn't ruin playing bards in general.

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