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Author Topic: Tier 6 Compiled Guide  (Read 12207 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 624

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« on: August 18, 2013, 07:52:49 pm »

There really isn't much to put in here, but I'll give as much info as I can!

Before we start, Heroic Resists will start coming in to play here on a few of the bosses. At a minimum, you want your warrior to be at 1850 resists and have a Click Cure Group Reward Item to clear aoe Charm / Mez. This instance will most likely make you level up a second team, and in doing so you can farm their UCs all within ToFS while working on resists for your entire team.

Each boss you come across is going to drop an augment. This augment is actually your tier 6 pattern. Combine any of them with the matching Tier 5 gear slot and you get Tier 6.

The instance itself is divided into three separate difficulties. Tier 1 goes up to the Jelvan event area. As soon as you pull the "Elite" you will be in the Tier 2 area, which goes all the way up to Ture. Upon going up the stairs to Adminstrator / Damlin you'll be in Tier 3, the hardest hitting mobs and bosses the zone has to offer.

The Trash
Trash will have a chance to drop Anguish Augments and 78k plat bags. Also, they have a chance to spawn one of three things upon dying: A 5.5 Miniboss (10 bosses, 10 pages), A Rare Chest (5.5 Incomplete Book / Anguish Essence), or An Anguish Chest (Anguish Augs / Spells / v2 charms)

The Bosses
1-4: There is nothing very noticeable about the first 4 bosses. The Keeper will spawn Fire Elementals that will destroy your pets if you still have any on your team at this point. Upon your warrior getting his SOA upgraded to Anguish level, as well as a 6.0 2hander click effect, you can start pulling the Keeper and the Harrier together, and by killing the Keeper first, you can just aoe the Fire Elementals down along with the Harrier.
5: Gren: This boss is exceptionally difficult the first time you encounter him. On top of spamming an AOE dispel nonstop, he spawns 4 adds at a time, rather than the traditional 2. He is the only boss in this instance that does this. Take it slow, swap off and kill adds and just play it safe. His death will spawn an event, and if you wipe to adds after he dies because you were trying to zerg him down, the event will despawn, you will lose out on the next 3 bosses, and your gear #s will get all screwed up and cause a massive headache later on
6-8: Jelvan event: Approach Jelvan and /say ready to start the event. You will encounter 3 bosses, one at a time below. It is much easier to ranged pull them up top via Warrior clicking Scepter of Time. These bosses do not spawn adds are are effectively free loot. The 3rd boss in the cycles will keep your raid mezzed if you have not worked on your resists yet. Work up your resists on your characters that have a group cure clicky first. Upon killing the 3rd boss, Jelvan will despawn and a Chest with an aug / money will appear in his place. When going for speed clears, you can leave this chest behind, as the final boss summons all NPCs in the zone to aide him, including Jelvan's Keepsake  Smiley
9-10: Bozak and Ture: Nothing special to these two, just a disgusting amount of trash to clear to get to them. Ture has a spell reflect he likes to put up, which frequently makes my mage 1shot himself. To counter it, I just have him duck, so he's unable to cast until Ture dies.
11-12: Administrator and Damlin: These bosses dish out some decent damage, and are the first wave of bosses you'll fight in the Tier 3 area. Be prepared to pop some "oh sh*t" buttons (Cleric Divine Arb AA, Warrior Furious Disc, Cleric Epic Clicky)
13: Warden: If you ranged pull the mob outside his hallway, he will aggro alone with the 2 trash mobs, He does not summon any adds and is a very simple tank and spank.
14: Arch Mangus: This is quite possibly the deadliest boss you've seen so far. The golems hit noticeably harder than other trash in the instance, and he summons 3 of them at a time. They really love 1 shotting healers before the warrior gets a single point of damage in. Keep KHH up on your pally and if you can leave your cleric at ranged, try it.

15: MM event: This is quite the road block of a boss. Upon reaching him, most people will only have one party, and unless this party has a bard or a second warrior, you're pretty much screwed for now. The first version of this boss will summon every single NPC alive in the zone, as well as Death Touch every 45 seconds (and instantly on the pull). There are a few ways you can eat the first Death Touch. The paladin DA spell can work but it's not very reliable and I strongly advise against trying it as it only lasts 6 seconds and sometimes he waits longer to blow his first DT. If MM DTs, and kills his target, and no other targets are on his threat table, his DT timer will be reset instantly The Cleric DA AA ability lasts up to 30 seconds and will work very well for eating the first DT. The problem you will run into mostly likely is DPS. The best way to farm this boss is to roll a bard, get the T5 spell Elemental Acapella II, and it will put a magic rune on your party that will allow your warrior to eat the DTs. It was when I reached this boss that I fully stopped progression, rolled a second party, and started my warrior's UW quest.

His next two forms are just tank and spank until you win. The third form will do an AOE charm, so you will have to grind your warrior's resists up at a minimum to resist this, as well as have an aoe click cure on him to free up your dps / healers. The loot you receive from the event is all 100%: a v1 charm, a v2 charm, 1 Anguish Essence, 5x 78k plat bags, 5x Anguish Augs, Epic 6.0 Book.

Once you have geared out your warrior, you can either gear out your team or begin your warrior's UCv2 Quest. The Quest giver is at the zone-in next to the vendor. He asks you to turn in 10 of each Armor Aug and 10 of each Anguish Aug. Basically, do 10 Anguish runs and loot all the armor on the warrior, and turn it in to this guy.

Also, you may be tempted to farm a second set of bracers if you have the Free Waypoint. You can, if you want, but know that you do not need to get a second bracer to get your t7 bracers. You may level up to 75 with only one bracer, and upon reaching t7, only the pattern is required to receive gear there, so you can replace your t5 bracer with t7 and skip farming secondary bracers on your team.

One last note: Your warrior DOES need a Tier 6 cloak to level up, even if you have SOA. So make sure to grab him a cloak out of Tier 5 and throw it in the bank for safekeeping.

If you guys have anything to add/fix, shoot me a tell or reply below.
If someone  has a list of the 5.5 Bosses with each corresponding page they drop I'd love to add that on~

Quick Edit: The 80% xp potions have a chance to drop from "A Rare Chest" as well as the 3 Jelvan bosses. They're pretty rare, as are the 70% potions off white.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 08:56:31 pm by Kruciel » Logged
Full Member
Posts: 121

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« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 02:33:35 am »

Nice job.

I don't have anything to add - seems to be all there.
Posts: 40

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« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 03:09:03 am »

Pg 1 : Lilaria
Pg 2 : Shalvo
Pg 3 : Ofanso
Pg 4 : Novara
Pg 5 : Janzio
Pg 6 : Arisisi
Pg 7 : Laveng
Pg 8 : Vonaahsa
Pg 9 : Yhinra
Pg 10 : Uchti

Jr. Member
Posts: 69

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« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 03:47:24 am »

Looks good!  The only thing I would change is that for Vilria you can /twist a disspell with one other song for the fight and it takes care of the ds-both bosses at once would be tricky starting with t5/5.0s
Hero Member
Posts: 624

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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 08:20:45 am »

Looks good!  The only thing I would change is that for Vilria you can /twist a disspell with one other song for the fight and it takes care of the ds-both bosses at once would be tricky starting with t5/5.0s

Yeah I know, the Fire Eles were never worth dispelling for me though. The only thing they kill with their DS is pets. Should be no issues with her solo the first few times, but upon getting your warrior to level 75, getting the 6.0 2hander upgraded you'll be fine to pull both  Cheesy Afterall, both bosses is about the same as Gren.
Jr. Member
Posts: 76

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« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2013, 08:57:37 am »

Good guide, thanks.

I didn't find it necessary to work on resists at all.

I'd say as a rule of thumb, main tank should have about 550k hp + to survive the tier 3 trash mobs. You should be able to get this much hp pretty easily by getting your t6 gear and putting the t6 hp augs in.
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Posts: 121

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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2013, 09:23:53 am »

Pg 1 : Lilaria
Pg 2 : Shalvo
Pg 3 : Ofanso
Pg 4 : Novara
Pg 5 : Janzio
Pg 6 : Arisisi
Pg 7 : Laveng
Pg 8 : Vonaahsa
Pg 9 : Yhinra
Pg 10 : Uchti

Except that Smiley
Hero Member
Posts: 624

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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2013, 10:28:28 am »

Good guide, thanks.

I didn't find it necessary to work on resists at all.

I'd say as a rule of thumb, main tank should have about 550k hp + to survive the tier 3 trash mobs. You should be able to get this much hp pretty easily by getting your t6 gear and putting the t6 hp augs in.

I didn't either, but I had already worked on my warrior's resists before coming here. I've had two different people tell me OMM's third form kept their whole party charmed until they wiped and it despawned due to not having resists in the warrior. Your 2h epic click will only break you out of mezzes. Also, you'll most likely want to grab some tofs gear after doing a few ucv2s, and if you can handle tserrina, t7 is a joke compared to floor 7. May as well start your resist farming here rather than waiting for t7 to do it all at once.
Posts: 26

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« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2013, 03:36:37 pm »

omm does a single target charm (primary target) and ae mez which is different than ae charm.

also all the trash in the zone is mezzable so if you have trouble for the first clears straight from t5 and have an enchanter you can mez, i believe an ae mez is even a thing now in game. just be careful of breaking it with aes obviously.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 03:38:49 pm by Dreyitt » Logged
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