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Author Topic: Ninjalooting  (Read 59020 times)
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« Reply #60 on: May 25, 2010, 06:48:10 am »

Back to topic.

First a nice /tell, /ooc or /shout will helps wonder! If it is searching a group or asking for looting a corpse if someone is standing near.
The result was that someone killed stuff just for me to be able to loot it or for powerleveling. There are enough nice players on this server assisting newer players! Smiley Even try to ask if there is already a group around doing a specific thing and if you can join them. (Hoping then that the group is so nice and let them in.)

(Many thanks and cudos to Wingduck, Judgement and some others to help me getting me lvl 70 on my mage and with assisting me in the CG quests! Smiley )

The ninjalooting thing can be fend off if the timer on the corpse is increased to at least 5 min which should be enough to get the alt, the friend in or other people you want to help in. Else you can lock a corpse with someone allowed to loot staying in loot mode till the receipient is getting in. But better is to get the recipient in the group before killing so that he can loot directly. In 5 min it should be possible to reach most destinations and looting a specific corpse. But when you not loot the corpse in the corpse lock time then it is your fault when someone else is looting it. (Assume that Hunter is being able to put the timer up to at least 5 min or even more).

Similar things happens to campings. Someone camping a boss and someone other gets in. The other ask (/tell) the first one if he is there for the boss and gets no respond. Even waiting for 5 min and no reaction. After that the other engaged the boss and at the same time the first one suddenly tried to engage the boss also. At least there was no complains by tells or ooc to see.

Something more is that also when there is a not full group camping a boss mob which is used for a quest also should try to ask in /ooc if there is someone around who need quest stuff or kills from this also. Something like this appears to happens too less on the server. Why not invite additional people when the group is not full? This lowers also the risk of ninja looters. if someone does not obey the group law then you can still kick that one out of the group.
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« Reply #61 on: May 25, 2010, 09:02:21 am »

I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

Anyone can look at your post history and see why you are met with hostility.

It's always the same thing:

Zolton: Whaaaa
1st Reply: Stop crying
Zolton: I'm not crying, you didn't read my post - here let me restate everything
2nd - 10th Reply: Dude stop crying.

Wow again the maturity shows through >_< Can we stop acting like kids teasing others on the playground and discuss things like adults?

Back on topic:

Gunthar I am sure that the corpse stays there for 30 minutes looted or not so long as 1 item is left on it. So unless its looted clean it won't poof for 30 minutes. I am unsure why they do not group the people needing the item in the group so it can be looted as soon as possible. My only guess is that the item drops and they realise an alt could use it so they log it in to run there to loot it. In other zones higher up i think its because it takes more then 1 group to kill it so the other group would need to wait the 2.5 minutes to loot.

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« Reply #62 on: May 25, 2010, 09:44:39 am »

I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

No you are met with hostility because you post ludicrous things. You are defending the practice of Ninjalooting.

If these people have no hope for developing social skills and can't box then why should they get gear? They are just going to be gearing toons that never kill anything or participate with anyone and just become blackholes for gear. All they will accomplish is taking gear from polite people and people who were working to gear their alts.

Futher you made some nonsene post earlier about toons with 2.5s not being able to kill in Qvic.  I know thats wrong because I flagged toons for 3.0 with my 2.5 War, Dru, and Mage. Yes there were less people in the zone then but it was tougher then than it is now. You had to wait hours if somebody killed something before you and there was no such thing as rotting tokens.

I do think Qvic is tougher than Tacvi but with so many highly geared toons running around killing stuff and leaving rots for other people it's definitely not the brick wall it used to be.

Thyl - Warrior                Hiryu - Ranger
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« Reply #63 on: May 25, 2010, 10:05:58 am »

I can easilly see why so few post here. when you are met with this much hostillity for any thing.

No you are met with hostility because you post ludicrous things. You are defending the practice of Ninjalooting.

If these people have no hope for developing social skills and can't box then why should they get gear? They are just going to be gearing toons that never kill anything or participate with anyone and just become blackholes for gear. All they will accomplish is taking gear from polite people and people who were working to gear their alts.

Futher you made some nonsene post earlier about toons with 2.5s not being able to kill in Qvic.  I know thats wrong because I flagged toons for 3.0 with my 2.5 War, Dru, and Mage. Yes there were less people in the zone then but it was tougher then than it is now. You had to wait hours if somebody killed something before you and there was no such thing as rotting tokens.

I do think Qvic is tougher than Tacvi but with so many highly geared toons running around killing stuff and leaving rots for other people it's definitely not the brick wall it used to be.

Where did i say ninjalooting was ok? i explained why many ninjaloot not that it is ok to do it. i have never and will never agree that ninjalooting is ok and i have never done it myself. i ask the group killing it what they are there for be it pages, tokens or what ever. Then ask if its ok to check it out. And now in qvic you have people destroying tokens and such so no rotts like there was.

I can kill 1 trash mob with my 2.5 pet in qvic. 1 single add and i'm toast though. i have seen 3.0 warriors attack 2 mobs of trash then go down before. I do find it funny how when i bring some thing up i am met with hostility. Yet a player can post :

Ok, So i started playing here on this server just a few days ago, and i seem to b running into trouble, and as some of the system messages say, ask fellow players in the game and they will help, but that is a lie! just today ive sat and asked for almost an hour n a half for some help getting the pages for the 1.5 and since i cannot box, i find this unfair that i am not able to recieve help, because others would rather be tools and play with themselves. how is 1 expected to get good and be able to withstand the forces of this server if he or she cant get started. what am i suppose 2 do? i just find this totally unfair, some poeple are playing with full parties of themselves n themselves only n wont lift a finger to help a noob. that is rather BS! what can b done about this?

Link to it http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0

And he is met with praise and a red carpet >_< I bring up a few points and ask a few questions and i'm met with all forms of hostility. Why is that? i have demanded nothing and not treated any one with hostility. yet i'm met with all kinds of it in forms of name calling. Not sure why asking questions and in some cases asking for help (notice i have never demanded it?) means "ok lets pile on this dude as his views do not fit in my view of how things are" It is mind boggling to say the least. So to be treated fairly as well as not have hostility piled on me i should name call and demand things? 0_o

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« Reply #64 on: May 25, 2010, 10:11:44 am »

If these people have no hope for developing social skills and can't box then why should they get gear? They are just going to be gearing toons that never kill anything or participate with anyone and just become blackholes for gear. All they will accomplish is taking gear from polite people and people who were working to gear their alts.

Agree for the most part, need to develop social skills in an MMO. If not, then why not just play an RPG? But the ability to box shouldn't really be a factor for getting loot.

I enjoy grouping with people who can box, sure, but i dont completely disregard people who cant. You can get by single boxing, as long as you make friends. However, with a game thats 12 years old you should have no problem with boxing 2 or 3 chars at a time if you want. Modern "junk" computers are capable of that even

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« Reply #65 on: May 25, 2010, 10:33:25 am »

Zolton can i have all of your characters names?

i want to know when to destroy everything on my corpses when you're in the same zone as me.. (I'm sure everyone else wants to know too)

Nothing worse than a MMO player that plays 14 hours a day and cries about everything
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« Reply #66 on: May 25, 2010, 10:43:48 am »

Zolton can i have all of your characters names?

i want to know when to destroy everything on my corpses when you're in the same zone as me.. (I'm sure everyone else wants to know too)

Nothing worse than a MMO player that plays 14 hours a day and cries about everything

Dude what exactly is your problem? where am i crying about anything? I'm not the first and far from the last to mention over camping and such. Go look and read the rants and other posts.

Such as:

Camps are insane now.

Trains... Why?


Why is it me that gets all the hostility? 0_o

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« Reply #67 on: May 25, 2010, 10:56:39 am »

Oh yeah and never mind Secrets saying i brought up some good points right?

Actually, i'll agree with the OP here. While it may be encouraging grouping, the flaw of a tier based system is backflagging people for all the tiers. It makes the rich get richer, and the newer players not have any chance at competing, nor is there any incentive for older players to hang out in the previous tier zones.

There is a simple fix to this concept rather than working around it and making everything soloable; add an incentive for older players to come back and help newer players. An example would be having LDON points drop if a player's groupmate is not flagged for any of the LDON content, but previously said player is. I could code something like this in perl if it were wanted. It's the flaw and what turns me off from most custom servers these days. You can't solo everything and the rich get richer. And if your friends quit or stop playing as much? You get bored and /ex out.

The OP makes a valid point and i'm sure if anyone has more suggestions than I do, you should speak up instead of saying 'lol qq ask for help'



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« Reply #68 on: May 25, 2010, 11:00:35 am »

Where did i say ninjalooting was ok? i explained why many ninjaloot not that it is ok to do it. i have never and will never agree that ninjalooting is ok and i have never done it myself. i ask the group killing it what they are there for be it pages, tokens or what ever. Then ask if its ok to check it out. And now in qvic you have people destroying tokens and such so no rotts like there was.

You are giving a reason why people do it... There is no reason to do it.  Giving a reason is validation.  If people are destroying tokens it's their right to do as they killed the mob. It's really the ninjalooting that is fueling things like that.

I can kill 1 trash mob with my 2.5 pet in qvic. 1 single add and i'm toast though. i have seen 3.0 warriors attack 2 mobs of trash then go down before.

I'm not sure of the relevance of this statement as I never said people one toon Qvic.  3.0s are a huge benefit but they don't give you godly power.  I understand Qvic is tough. I've spent a ton of hours there. However it is the normal progression that has been in place for a long long time and not everyone who has a 3.0 had to box to do it.

I do find it funny how when i bring some thing up i am met with hostility. Yet a player can post :

Link to it http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0

And he is met with praise and a red carpet >_< I bring up a few points and ask a few questions and i'm met with all forms of hostility. Why is that? i have demanded nothing and not treated any one with hostility. yet i'm met with all kinds of it in forms of name calling. Not sure why asking questions and in some cases asking for help (notice i have never demanded it?) means "ok lets pile on this dude as his views do not fit in my view of how things are" It is mind boggling to say the least. So to be treated fairly as well as not have hostility piled on me i should name call and demand things? 0_o

Maybe you should yourself analyze this. Or try to figure out why you get into so many of these situations with people in game and on the forums.  A lot of the people who make these "hostile" posts have been people I, and others, have found to be very amiable and generous.  Just something to consider...

Even the guy in your link had screenshots of technological hurdles he was trying to surpass to progress.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 11:03:38 am by Thyl » Logged

Thyl - Warrior                Hiryu - Ranger
Turbulance - Rogue       Opmeter - Paladin
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« Reply #69 on: May 25, 2010, 11:09:23 am »

its not hostility.. its just i don't want to deal with or come into contact with a player like you

plain and simple
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« Reply #70 on: May 25, 2010, 11:16:38 am »

Where did i say ninjalooting was ok? i explained why many ninjaloot not that it is ok to do it. i have never and will never agree that ninjalooting is ok and i have never done it myself. i ask the group killing it what they are there for be it pages, tokens or what ever. Then ask if its ok to check it out. And now in qvic you have people destroying tokens and such so no rotts like there was.

You are giving a reason why people do it... There is no reason to do it.  Giving a reason is validation.  If people are destroying tokens it's their right to do as they killed the mob. It's really the ninjalooting that is fueling things like that.

I can kill 1 trash mob with my 2.5 pet in qvic. 1 single add and i'm toast though. i have seen 3.0 warriors attack 2 mobs of trash then go down before.

I'm not sure of the relevance of this statement as I never said people one toon Qvic.  3.0s are a huge benefit but they don't give you godly power.  I understand Qvic is tough. I've spent a ton of hours there. However it is the normal progression that has been in place for a long long time and not everyone who has a 3.0 had to box to do it.

I do find it funny how when i bring some thing up i am met with hostility. Yet a player can post :

Link to it http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=339.0

And he is met with praise and a red carpet >_< I bring up a few points and ask a few questions and i'm met with all forms of hostility. Why is that? i have demanded nothing and not treated any one with hostility. yet i'm met with all kinds of it in forms of name calling. Not sure why asking questions and in some cases asking for help (notice i have never demanded it?) means "ok lets pile on this dude as his views do not fit in my view of how things are" It is mind boggling to say the least. So to be treated fairly as well as not have hostility piled on me i should name call and demand things? 0_o

Maybe you should yourself analyze this. Or try to figure out why you get into so many of these situations with people in game and on the forums.  A lot of the people who makes these "hostile" posts have been people I, and others, have found to be very amiable and generous.  Just something to consider...

Even the guy in your link had screenshots of technological hurdles he was trying to surpass to progress.

Explaining a motive for a murder is justifying it? 0_o By your response it seems you believe it to be so >_<

So for me to analyze why others seem to have a problem with me? 0_o In game i have ran into very few problems. On these forums though i seem to run into hostility with almost every post. I do not name call and i do not demand things. These people may seem generous and amiable here but i have as yet to see it except from a very few people.

 So posting your thoughts and views on some thing gives every one who disagree with your thoughts and views a right to be hostile and act like children on a playground? Thats mind boggling. A post as stated before was posted asking for peoples ages. The majority of those who voted were in the 21 years of age and older category. so why then if this is acurate by any sense can people not post and discuss things like adults? 0_o

Why all the hostility? Why the jabs and name calling?

its not hostility.. its just i don't want to deal with or come into contact with a player like you

plain and simple

Like me? 0_o so i'm now in some sort of category?

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« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2010, 11:30:54 am »

yes you are.. see my previous post

the 14 hour a day MMO player that cries about everything
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« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2010, 11:34:34 am »

This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

Rob Smiley
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« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2010, 11:35:18 am »

This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

What call has to be made, he said no ninja looting in the rules, it's crystal clear. If you don't have permission to loot a corpse, don't loot it. Nothing more needs to be said.
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« Reply #74 on: May 25, 2010, 11:35:56 am »

This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

What call has to be made, he said no ninja looting in the rules, it's crystal clear. If you don't have permission to loot a corpse, don't loot it. Nothing more needs to be said.

You are 100% right Crab....

Rob Smiley
Wassabi Unagi - Human Monk
Shollo Svengali - Dwarven Paladin
Hugh Mongus - Ogre Warrior
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