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Author Topic: OOC Trolls  (Read 20477 times)
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2014, 09:55:59 pm »

Giving people the right to vote silence people I can see being a good idea on paper but in practice it would lead to people exploiting it. X guild leader gets in a pissing match with y person and does a /vote stfu. He then asks everyone else in his guild to do the same thing. Then he sends a message to his buddy who leads another guild to do the same thing. It would be especially hard on new people an would give another way for end game people or long term people to troll newbs. Those who are established, whether they be right or wrong would have rights over those who are not established.

I am not going to be coy, I think I would be a good candidate for a guide. I know I have been pretty sharp on the forums in the past but I think I am far removed enough from the drama to not be drawn into it to take sides. Dispelling a dramatic situation does not involve resolving drama. It just means taking the fire out of it. Banning or even suspending would not even be needed. Equip with the power to silence if needed would be the most I think a guide would need. I'd like to reiterate I am not asking to be able to resolve peoples drama or to take anyone's side. Just to help out with dispelling that drama and using silence if needed. I would keep a log of everything to show what happened and why silenced was used or even any interaction I would have with anyone in tells or ooc. There would be no banter from me or even opinions thrown out for that matter. As a guide it wouldn't be my job to have an opinion, it would be my job to dispel loud opinions. And if I abuse it, fire me. Simple as that.

As for being able to stealth, fraps what I might see, report it to Hunter and he takes the action. I don't need to.

No offense if you don't take my offer up, I know this is something you have always resisted but Hunter, the offer is there and I extend it with as much dignity and honor as I can possibly give. I am not looking to impose my will, I am looking to help. This is something I can give back to a server that has given so much to me since 07 or 08.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 10:30:26 pm by Xiggie | Stone » Logged

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« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2014, 10:30:35 pm »

I think most of the QQ'ng comes from major changes coming out of left field(from the player's perspective)

I think a post on the forum before major changes nerfs or boosts would quell a lot of the QQ

Not all the little tweaks but major changes should be posted first, would create a ton less drama IMO especially in OOC.

OOC has been pretty dead lately when I have been on.

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« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2014, 12:48:06 am »

Giving people the right to vote silence people I can see being a good idea on paper but in practice it would lead to people exploiting it. X guild leader gets in a pissing match with y person and does a /vote stfu. He then asks everyone else in his guild to do the same thing. Then he sends a message to his buddy who leads another guild to do the same thing. It would be especially hard on new people an would give another way for end game people or long term people to troll newbs. Those who are established, whether they be right or wrong would have rights over those who are not established.

I am not going to be coy, I think I would be a good candidate for a guide. I know I have been pretty sharp on the forums in the past but I think I am far removed enough from the drama to not be drawn into it to take sides. Dispelling a dramatic situation does not involve resolving drama. It just means taking the fire out of it. Banning or even suspending would not even be needed. Equip with the power to silence if needed would be the most I think a guide would need. I'd like to reiterate I am not asking to be able to resolve peoples drama or to take anyone's side. Just to help out with dispelling that drama and using silence if needed. I would keep a log of everything to show what happened and why silenced was used or even any interaction I would have with anyone in tells or ooc. There would be no banter from me or even opinions thrown out for that matter. As a guide it wouldn't be my job to have an opinion, it would be my job to dispel loud opinions. And if I abuse it, fire me. Simple as that.

As for being able to stealth, fraps what I might see, report it to Hunter and he takes the action. I don't need to.

No offense if you don't take my offer up, I know this is something you have always resisted but Hunter, the offer is there and I extend it with as much dignity and honor as I can possibly give. I am not looking to impose my will, I am looking to help. This is something I can give back to a server that has given so much to me since 07 or 08.

Veto. I cannot veto harder than I am vetoing right now.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2014, 01:12:47 am »

Maybe I wasn't online, but I haven't heard any Warriors Way tirades since the week of the change and that was like a month or two ago..  And most people were just complaining, it was 1 or 2 people actually taking it too far.  And it was kind of a big change just thrown at us all at once.  I've seen discussions on it since then, but no outright flaming.

I am not going to be coy, I think I would be a good candidate for a guide

I do not want a Guide, ESPECIALLY some of the ones volunteering themselves ITT who have their own niche of friends who spent YEARS tagteaming people in OOC debates with their guildmates. Are you kidding me?     But anyways, give a person power and it will be abused, always happens.  I don't want some guy getting muted because he said a bad word in an innocent conversation.  I know I've cussed before, and just about everybody else.  Doesn't mean they should be muted.  Context is everything.

If someone is being bad in OOC, screenshot it and let Hunter take care of it.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 01:18:45 am by Tankdan » Logged
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« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2014, 02:00:02 am »

I actually think Xiggie would do well, but he doesnt play enough (unless that changed lately)
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2014, 02:10:06 am »

I have history on this server. I fully understand that there would be those who would not want me as a guide. I still think I would be a good one. I am removed enough by not playing long enough that I am not in anyone's niche. I am quite confident that if I was chosen Hunter would scour my logs looking for any kind of impropriety. I in no way shape or form would try to be overbearing in looking for every time someone said a bad word in ooc or cussed. Quite frankly I think that would be a guide looking for trouble and creating more drama than what it is worth. I too have cussed in ooc and have seen Hunter do it. Where I think I guide should step in is where someone gets out of hand and starts disgustingly talking about how they want to impregnate your 14 year old sister while your grandma watches, (sorry for the example but I wanted a for instance).

I have had my opinion of things in the past and have spoken about the quite loudly. But as a guide, my opinion would not matter. It would not matter what I think is right or wrong or what I want or want not to do or see. As I guide it would be my job to look after what Hunter wants and does not want in the capacity that he allows me too. As for my coming back as a guide and therefore getting back into playing, make my characters unplayable. I guarantee you this... within a month the majority of people will either thank Hunter for making me a guide or thank Hunter for firing me. I think majority of people would like me as a guide eventually, yes even those who speak out against me. I think it so much and so confidently that I would even put my own toons on the line. Hunter knows my accounts. If I get fired, ban me all around.

I doubt I will be taken up on this at all but I want to make my one plea. I want to help, not control. I humbly as all of you, give me a chance. I won't disappoint.

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« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2014, 04:01:05 am »

we could all share the power to silence somehow. like a /ignore feature or something we can each use ourselves to ignore specific people we dont want to hear.

Krinkle Sprinkle
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« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2014, 04:47:51 am »

I have history on this server. I fully understand that there would be those who would not want me as a guide. I still think I would be a good one.

Thats a laugh.
None of the players here should be guides. We all have others we hate.
What people should do is learn to use /ignore and /fraps.
Not faps but fraps ok.
Shits not hard people.

If we judged them by the content of their character, they'd be begging us to judge them by the color of their skin
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« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2014, 05:20:34 am »

Do Not Want.
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« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2014, 09:15:01 am »

  I've been here almost 4 years now and have seen a lot of changes. I do not always agree with them. But I change my play-style to work within the confines of such changes. I personally do not see where a guide is going to be of any benefit. Like Krinkle said /ignore works well. Also you can just turn ooc off if you want. Its a game. It IS going to change, some good, some bad.  Adapt or quit.
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« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2014, 11:50:03 am »

If I had a vote it would be a no...

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« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2014, 12:03:04 pm »

Ignore function works 1/10th the time due to the universal whatever it is going down; outside that if it's possible I think you should revoke OOC via IP that way they can't use any of their characters to cause chaos in OOC. It usually seems to be the same few people anyway that cause the OOC drama. Would be beneficial to just IP revoke them from OOC to reduce the problem.
Posts: 2282

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« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2014, 12:13:28 pm »

Ignore function works 1/10th the time due to the universal whatever it is going down; outside that if it's possible I think you should revoke OOC via IP that way they can't use any of their characters to cause chaos in OOC. It usually seems to be the same few people anyway that cause the OOC drama. Would be beneficial to just IP revoke them from OOC to reduce the problem.

Got names? Hunter has the power.  ;-)


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2014, 12:55:47 pm »

Guess this ain't'merica no mor.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 12:57:31 pm by Expletus » Logged

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« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2014, 01:29:03 pm »

I just dont see the problem, and when i say i dont see, i mean i havent witnessed them except the most recent one. the two big times that i know of when hunter had to drop the mute on people and when the trolling/baiting was the worst over changes made to game mechanics, both times HUNTER was on and aware of what was going on and dealing with it...

Becides those times in two years of playing here i have seen i think twice when ooc was disrupted by some kid being vulgar and it doesnt last long and both times hunter banned them to never be seen again by the next if not same day.

With rewind/character mover and other helpfull players, 99% of anything game glitching can/is handled without a guide. and as far as players greifing each other or what not, fraps and screenshots seemed to have worked fine. hell if the person has been a habitual ass just a note to Hunter is usually enough for hunter to just keep a eye out and see the crap and BanHammer away...

Nothing against anyone who has offered or players who think a guide would be helpfull, I just dont see the need is all.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 01:32:30 pm by Nexxel » Logged
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