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Author Topic: Vote Kick Created!  (Read 13489 times)
EZ Server GM
Posts: 8100

EZ Server GM

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« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2014, 08:51:11 pm »

Very good idea.

I was also thinking about required number of votes to be a percentage of the players online, maybe 5 votes per 100 players online?

Voting no to counter the yes vote also great idea.

Players love to vote!

Hunter - EZ Server GM
Posts: 37

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« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2014, 10:17:46 pm »

I would have to agree with Tankdan. Having a no option and having a majority or certain percentage, over 5, needed after X amount of time would be good if we can. I don't think we get more than 100 people playing at any given time as each IP probably has an average of 6 toons logged in at any given time.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 10:22:35 pm by Claytin » Logged
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EZ Server Admin GM
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« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2014, 11:28:19 pm »

dog and pony show. if you want to kick people off that are being assclowns in OOC, then give unknown guides the ability to #kickplayer XYZ

nothing about this is "entertaining" or "amusing" in the least to me.

I can send 5 people a tell and tell them to vote kick even if the person just asked for someone to hold their Johnson while they piss in ooc

I could give a care either way, but like others have said here, don't build a mountain just to get closer to the apple on the tree

want to kick trolls? kick them off, no bush beating about it. don't want certain people to play? ask them to fly right or get lost.

I know if a mod, gm, guide, joe a whocaresiminpower asked me to either get my stuff straight or get lost and I valued my time invested here I would be flying correct or packing my bags and playing whatever other lame servers there are.

it comes down to, youre being too nice, and this whole "entertaining" notion is just sour on the tongue. theres no vote here, its your server, you set the rules, if people don't abide by those rules, 3 strikes youre out, or 1 strike, whatever.

this whole thing also comes down to perception. take this for example, Sexual Harassment has absolutely zero to do with sexual comments or harassment, it has 100% to do with perception. Joe tells Sally she has a nice rack. Mike overhears Joe saying this, hits the red "do not push" panic button. Sally honestly wanted to hear Joe's comments, and liked the comment and wanted to take Joe home and ride him all night. BUT.....Mike called foul and Joe got fired. Sally even came to Joe's defense and begged "I am God" person for Joe's job to stay intact. Doesn't matter one bit, Joe is gone, Mike is a assclown, case closed.

^^^ is pretty much exactly what I used to use as an example in my Sexual Harassement classes when I tought lol

point is, perception is king.

and this is your server Smiley

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« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2014, 01:31:27 am »

/leave ooc is also a very good and viable option too.
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