I just meant the 1h only skins. I roll w/ 2 paladins in main group, neither is ever going to give up proc rate to equip a shield... The question i'm posing is : whats the point of an item no one is ever going to use, even the classes they are designed for. I wouldn't suggest removing them from DB if they weren't complete wastes of space.
i.e. knights use the 2 hander skins shared w/ zerkers (there are multiple forms of tank/dps 2handers, all viable)..
You have never tried tanking with a paladin or shadowknight then. The 1h aug gives them their stonewall procs/click. The click gives 15-20% Stonewall (class/rank dependent). Max rank is 7.0 which brings both knights to 40% Stonewall from class buffs/augs. Warriors get 50% from class buffs/augs.
They probably exist for the fact there are SK tanks on the server. You may not run one, but some people do. I'd assume if Pally mitigation was a bit better people might even run Pally tanks. Hell I'm even considering picking up an SK as an off-tank for my raid if at some point I add more guys to my crew.
See above.
They probably exist for the fact there are SK tanks on the server. You may not run one, but some people do. I'd assume if Pally mitigation was a bit better people might even run Pally tanks. Hell I'm even considering picking up an SK as an off-tank for my raid if at some point I add more guys to my crew.
Who would be viable based on healing procs (self SK, group PAL) to tank, and the minimal AC a vallon zek style shield provides would be meaningless compared to the loss in proc % going to 1-hand, no?
I'm sure there's someone out there in pod/hoh who considers the extra white damage from a 2h caster-only weapon useful, but their delusion doesnt mean caster-only 2hbs are essentially pointless.. Unless i'm missing something..
The procs are COMPLETELY different on 1h and 2h. :-)