EZ Server Wiki explains many of the new changes
Ultimate Weapons have augs - most commonly used for
warriors is Hatestomp... AoE hate + damage
Below is a list of the augments and their prices - each have 4 levels - the original, and "upgrade token" I, II, and III combined in magic box with original. - bought from
Hive Queen in the new hub zone "
They are acquired using alternate currency "berries" in the new expeditions
Charm Prism Upgrades are also new and can be bought with berries, or found in the new dungeons... They work as substitutes for V1 or V2 charm upgrades for
Ultimate CharmThe expeditions are "daily" dungeons... so can only be completed once per day. Dranik gives 10 berries, Abyss gives 5 (T7 expedition coming soon...) - maximum of 15 berries per day.
Catacombs of Dranik Expedition (completion gives
Hive Queen <-- this is the NPC that sells
Ultimate AugmentsHighest level of Hatestomp (4) - costs 950 berries