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Author Topic: Server Code Update 1/2/2015  (Read 41247 times)
Sr. Member
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« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2015, 04:28:29 pm »

Why do I feel like I'm getting massively trolled

Ha be nice if that were true.

I just got expedition from miner gave to me and 1 toon invited other 4 in group and 3 outside of group to test. Zoned the 1 group in and pulled the first area of dranik. Then i pull the 2nd area upon ae killing the group i dcd on all 6 toons in dranik (no zone crash) and it gives me a lockout on the other 3 outside group and when i log back in task is gone and i have lockout on group + still in instance.
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« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2015, 05:28:54 pm »

Can confirm it is not being in a group vs being in raid same issue either way
Jr. Member
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« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2015, 06:47:16 am »

My warrior (which is also the raid/team leader) had the same problem earlier, i.e. did not get the quest, thus unable to complete it. While the rest of my toons will get the quest and able to complete it. This happens to the warrior for the past few days. FYI, my group is in pub instance.

I did this and it seems to fix the problem.

1) Had my warrior ungroup. Request the quest in the pub instance, it did not get the quest, and zone my warrior into the instance.

2) Use the "#e destroy"

3) zone back out to pub, group/raid my whole group in. Request the quest again from my warrior, this time...all my toons, include my warrior received the quest....and able to complete it later.

Give it a go, might work for you....assuming if you has problem.


Not sure what special with this morning reboot. None of my toons were able to get the quest for mini abyss. Was working perfectly for the past 2-3 days.

Did the above steps again....and wah-la...All good again. All toons received the quest and zone in.



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« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2015, 10:43:14 am »

Yep, something is wonky now.  Was able to complete the quest yesterday, but today only 1 of 3 could complete the Dranik.

All were in public instanced Nexus.  War started the quest.  He and Pally were moved into the expedition.  Zerk was not.  War added Zerk and all 3 ran the quest without issue... until hailing miner.  Zerk was the only toon to get berries.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #49 on: January 16, 2015, 08:40:58 am »

oh my god frustrating...

4 of the 6 people in my group got credit, and it DC'd my entire group twice and caused my entire group to crash once.  I've been back to EZ for 1 week and have crashed more this week than years and years of playing in 2013 and prior.  I can't even zone into my Guild TOFS instance it insta freezes on any client.
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« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2015, 03:32:46 pm »

Yesterday I had that happen, where i was able to get the quest in public nexus after not being able to get it from instance.  Today, I can't get it in pub or instance, stonehive, or nexus.  I get the "The entry to your destination has been marked on your compass..." but no port, no quest on toon hailing or any other toon.  I am in raid currently....  

Disbanded raid and tried with a single group and got the same result.  

Edit:  This was for abyss T5 mini
Upon hailing a second time without destroying the instance, only the toon who hailed was ported in... then... when trying to #e invite the remaining group members and bring them in to instance, it says that my main toon (who got the expedition) is already in an expedition and won't let me port the rest in.

Exact same thing happened to me. Was in nexus GI and tried to get expedition, said I got it and it marked the location on my map. Left the instance, and in public nexus it ported me in, but my group couldnt enter, and didnt show an expedition. Task window on box who got the expedition didnt show the task. Finished, cleared Abyss mini, and no completion, no reward.

Still unchanged for me.  Have not been able to earn berries in  quite some time now.
Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2015, 03:40:56 pm »

I did two or three yesterday, got berries on characters. Can we start getting specifics?

in example:
Started T5 mini with Hateborne, Wifflebat, Trashcan, Verlorenen, Emptybottle, and Druid (the Bard). Grouped, not raided. Started in Stone Hive, cleared through, got kill credit, ported to Stone Hive, got completion on Hateborne, Wifflebat, and Verlorenen but not on the rest.

Yes, those are my character names and, no, that did not happen yesterday.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
Posts: 11

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« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2015, 03:53:06 pm »

This happened to me this morning too. Made one with Tank, invited grp. Everyone but War and Pally got the task.

When we zoned over to "C" whole grp went LD. wasnt just me, GF on her pc was in grp and went LD also. Was able to log back in from Char menu.
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« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2015, 03:59:57 pm »

def still an issue i just did what someone else suggested about requesting in an instance doing #e destroy zoning my group into pub and getting the expidition. ... i did notice that if i have more than 6 toons in the zone it wouldnt work for me ... did this method the last 3 days
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« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2015, 03:02:17 am »

Fixed the issue regarding getting Expeditions.

It had to do with the zone controller that handles expeditions (This entity is invisible) not being present during the process of inviting and adding players to the task.

This was predominant in instances because the controller had not been spawned yet, as well as a fresh new nexus or noticeable upon server reboot.

This will no longer be an issue, however:

There is still an outstanding issue I'd like more information on, or have a player that can help me reproduce (While I am online) not getting task credit at the end.

Maybe some information on the task credit issues, were not all toons in zone? Were you in the instanced version? What expedition were you running?

Please help me get to the bottom of this, I want to get these issues squared away this weekend.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 03:10:35 am by Akkadius » Logged

EZ Server GM
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« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2015, 05:51:52 pm »


All 6 chars was able to get task when main char hailed and stuff. All Zoned in at the same time from Nexus.

Floor A went smooth no problems.

Floor B 5 of 6 chars was able to zone in the 1st try. The War(char who got task in nexus) was lost, had to Task Manger the EQ window and relog him in.(after wipe I zoned chars 2 at a time and had no problems.   wiped when pulling the last bug. SOme how everything past the locked door for the 1st boss aggroed and the whole floor came to me. Recovered and moved on.

Floor C went smooth no problems. I did zone in my chars 2 at a time from B to C and had no problems.
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