So apparently some people are having issues even getting into the game. Especially when going between clients. So here's this, yet another guide i wrote up. Enjoy and whatever.

1. Install the client (must be a fresh disc install of Titanium or SoF)
2. Find eqhost.txt
3. Ensure it says the following:
4. Make sure eqhost.txt is read only by right clicking and clicking properties and by checking the "Read-Only" option then hitting the "Apply" button and closing it.
5. Find eqgame.exe and right click and select "send shortcut to desktop" option. Find shortcut on desktop and right click and select "properties". Find the "Target" line and add "patchme" (without quotes) to the end (for example mine is "C:\everquest\eqgame.exe patchme" no quotes) Then hit apply and close. You're done!
This is the EXACT same as above except:
1. Make sure it is the Steam version of SoD.
2. Make sure you change eqhost.txt to read:
Well that should basically be it. If you're still having problems i'll see what i can answer for you. Have fun