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Author Topic: Math is hard  (Read 16100 times)
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« on: September 20, 2015, 06:45:47 pm »

So here's the updated sheet I been working on out of boredom:
 Posting it here so we can argue about prices on essences (that nobody sells anymore anyways because of the GSOA lottery effect combined with the bazaar gone turning everyone into giant hoarders)

Before I even get into pricing, this is what my cost metric is made up of: How long does it take to farm 100 of these? Having farmed hundreds of every kind of essence on the server, I'm pretty confident in saying I know what I'd pay for each essence. So, to broaden the horizons of people that are confused by some of these prices, I will explain.

Green text will indicate this Essence is a pushover, easy to farm and cheap in price.
Orange text will indicate this Essence is in that "not bad to farm, but I'd also buy em if I saw them for sale rather than farm"
Red text will indicate this Essence is a pain in the ass, and I'd look to buy them vs farm or slam them during double loot like my life depended on it.

Qvic and CT, the prices here haven't really fluctuated at all, they've always shared that 250k slot along with SLS. Really no changes have been made to the zones, and you can easily farm 100 in about 8 hours of smashing your head into the keyboard if you can pull the entire zone.

Dminors: These are painful and obnoxious to farm always. I'd gladly pay for these rather than farm, so the price stays high.

Dmajors: Every time double loot rolls around, you can get into a nice little farm-loop and score 100 or 200 of these off of just a stack of t2 crystals or so (the bosses spawn mini's unlike the t1 side, which drop double crystals. I've spawned over 700 bosses here from just 100 crystals during double loot.) Because of this and the fact they drop in Dranik now as well, I'd never bother buying these but they needed a value so i slapped 150k on em.

Gminors: Extremely time-consuming if you try to hammer all of this out via HOH tokens. Luckily they drop in both Dranik-b and Dranik-c, and I've been getting a steady flow of them as a result.

Gmajors: Easily the most obnoxious and time consuming grind of any Ult weapon ever made. Farming HOH for a week straight, 5 hours a day might not even get you 100. Even with Dranik-c dropping them rarely, they are the bottleneck for me of every UW I ever made.

Abyss: Zone isn't toooo bad to farm essences if you ignore the water completely, but it's still slow and the xp sucks, no plat drops worth mentioning. I know I stated this years ago, but looting the 6k plat bags slows you down here so much that it could literally cut a full run out of your game time for the day, and just missing out on 3-4 more essences would make every plat bag you looted completely pointless. Even tho the bags stack now, this rule still applies. It still consumes a decent chunk of time farming all 100 if you're starting all the way from 0.

Anguish: Behold, the most farmed zone on the server. Highest plat drop, highest AA xp, highest kill per minute ratio of any zone (aka high chance of rainbow crystals and GSoA), not only that but people are required to slam the zone for UC2's even if they don't want all the good shit I just listed. What happens when you combine all that with an already common essence droprate? It's cheaper than CT / Qvics. Yup... moving on.

LP: Zone sucks to farm for essences, I'd consider bumping the price if the t7 mini wasn't so nice, giving me a few every day.

ToV: Incredibly annoying zone due to pathing, training all of the East and West wing at once results in my warrior fighting mobs for almost as much time as it would take to run to each boss and kill them individually. But then you'd miss out on all the scales, which are the real reason to kill here. Random essence drop here is extremely rare, the clear speed really doesn't increase much from DPS and gear due to you waiting on the trains to path all the way to you. I recently had someone try to argue with me over ToV essence price because their logic was "Anguish essences are cheap and that's because it's uc2 zone, ToV is UC3 zone therefore ToV Essence is cheap I'm here to say BULLSHIT and explain why:

1) You'll probably get around 100 ToV essences in the time it takes you to complete a couple UC3's. Doing the same amount of time in Anguish, would yield you 250 Essences and 14-15 UC2's. This grind is a whole different ballpark than simply slamming Anguish a few times.
2) Anybody who has spent enough time in ToV to UC3 a group of characters more than likely is working on a 2nd UW, or a 3rd UW. That leaves no extra stacks of essences in the bank to sell as Anguish did.
Basically, my point is, I doubt anybody has stacks of ToV essences sitting in their bank being unused in the same regard as Anguish. I've UC3'ed 2 groups so far, used around 400 essences on UWx3, SOAx3, strike augs x22, I maybe sold 50 or so and I regret doing it because there's no way I'll EVER want to step foot in this hellhole again after finishing the rest of my UC3's.

OC Essences: This is one essence I actually don't mind farming one bit. Having farmed my warrior's UW XI when the original HG spawn was in play (might get 4 essence from 8 hours of grinding, might get 1) I gotta say the new mechanics make this zone feel like a breeze. How many Essences you get here is basically directly related to your dps. The faster you pull and kill, the more Hill Giant's and essences you can snag. But just because a select few can farm here like it's their birthday doesn't mean the essence price is diminished, so I left it high (and because it's still the final tier for now)

Here's my estimated PC for all of the essences:
Qvic : 250k
CT : 250k
Dminor : 750k
Dmajor : 150k
Gminor : 500k
Gmajor : 1.5mil
Abyss : 750k
Anguish : 150k
LP : 750k
ToV : 1 mil
OC : 1 mil

Love this post Kruc, do one on TOFS essences, no one ever talks about those Smiley

TOFS 1 and 2 : 250k and that's being generous. New players spam the shit out of these floors doing UC's. There are way more TOFS 1's and 2's floating around than UW's. Fun fact: I accidentally got 3 ToFS 1's while doing my last Master Essence x4 run just from repopping the zone and aggroing the 1st room on the way to the Floor 7 mirror. I'd always turn and kill the ice shades and shadowbones.

TOFS 3 : Happily pay 5 mil for this. Floor sucks, boss is rare. Fuck this floor
TOFS 4 : Can be farmed via afk-repopping multiple instances to look for Amon trigger or kill random trash and Amon will spawn out of a corpse, still it gets a 5 mil tag as well, because every second spent here is a waste of time.
TOFS 5 : Crappy floor, but at least the named is common and it's very easy to train the whole floor, still I'd pay 5 mil if I didn't have one and I needed one.

TOFS 6 : Sharing this for infos, because apparently this has been changed for a while now and I didn't know. Aside from the standard #an_ice_shade trigger, Vhal now spawns from random trash kills on the floor, which brings him in line with the other crappy essences, so dropping this to 5 mil.
TOFS 7 : Never farmed 4 Master Essences (1 for UW8-9-10-11) without getting one. Even had 3 drop during a Master Essence x4 grind once. Wouldn't waste more than 2 mil on this one.
Master Essence : 20 mil. If people aren't willing to pay that or higher, I'll happily loot it myself  Grin

Had a few people ask about the Master Essence price. They used to sell for 20 mil and I'd still value them around that area. Let's break down some math. Average time to pop Svartmane for me personally is about 6 hours (spawns ranging from the first 30 minutes to 15 hours) 6 hours spent, maybe 10k AA's gained? 0 plat gained. Couple resists gained if you bother looting them.

Let's see what 6 hours of Anguish would get me. With my current Exp mask, one hour is rougly 18k AA's and ~4.5 mil plat, and ~12 essences. Side by side vs Svartmane camp,  Anguish would give me 98,000 more AAs,  27 mil plat, and 72 essences. Is 20 mil really an unfair price for master essence? Nope.
I am generally curious to see what other people think, mainly the ones who have completed or at least started a UW grind on their tank. What woud you guys be willing to pay for each essence you've farmed over 100+ of?

Edit: Adjusted Dmajor price, agreed with the post on it being worth nothing almost. Adjusting sheet

Edit2: Adjusted Gmajor price, separated it away from Gminors and bumped them out of the red category. Dropped Gminor down to 500k and bumped Gmajors back to 1.5 mil. Keep in mind, just because 2 tokens spawns a t4 boss, does NOT mean gmajors HAVE to be 1:2 in price compared to gminors. If running Dranik is going to give me a free 100 gminors every few months down the road, I'm not payin that ratio. This past day was the first double loot since I started playing again. Typically, once I hit 100 gmajors I stop and begin doing t3 bosses instead. This time, I thought about it for a total of 5 seconds, decided screw that and kept spawning t4 bosses. Dranik will catch up my gminors in time.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 07:00:59 pm by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2015, 07:29:02 pm »

Looks great - thank you for this. Even if these prices don't stick there is a good starting point for conversation/negotiations.

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« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2015, 07:59:27 pm »

Very informative, and although I'm only at T5, the prices seem about right.  Thanks bubba!

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« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2015, 08:47:18 pm »

Anyone who's arguing with you about t8 is trying to buy TOV essences. lol. Even getting my run times down to ~30 min, i probably average a trash essence drop every other run. Couple that with the infamous 5-7 scale (including vulak) t8 runs, and this zone is wrist slittingly frustrating at times. I'd argue t8s are actually worth even more since the plat is so bad in there unless you get on a diamond run.. And the fact that I'm gathering my fourth set of 100 TOVs for UW #4 and umm.. I've still never once ever seen a GSOA drop here. No exaggeration. Never. Only zone I've never ever seen one drop in. If it wasnt for uc3 scales it'd be worse than dminors..

Dmajors : 300k is probably way too high. Even if someone became the first person in /ooc ever to ask to buy them, people would trip over each other undercutting to get rid of excess stacks and I couldnt see even 150k being the end result. Even new players end up with more of these than they need gearing up to t3.

Anguish: I may be the only person alive who truly believes this, but Anguish actually has a super low essence drop rate. If it wasnt for rare chest drops, it'd be hard to average 2 a run. Now granted, the runs are 15 min runs, but still... This essence gets a bad rap, I wouldn't sell them for less than 200-250. Of course, any time Rymo 800% mgb's the server gets another thousand of them in circulation, so i do see your point. This zone is the xp hook up Smiley

T9: The cash here makes it leaps and bounds above t8/t7. I am with you in that i enjoy grinding these, and it excites me to have guildies breaking through t8 so i can make it more of a team experience. mil sounds right.

Abyss: Yeah, stay away from the water if possible. 750 sounds spot on. Kill as many bosses as possible before repop, essences seem far, far more likely on bosses these days.

Gminor/Gmajor: I'd argue closer to 500/1mil just because dranik seems heavier on gminor these days and 2 gminor tokens = 1 gmajor token. One little known side bonus of grinding these : the bosses generally drop 5-20k pp per kill, so buying tokens isnt nearly as bad as people first think.

CT : Used to be the rainbow/Gsoa king of the server among the illuminati in the know.. The second gems were added to the zone, it stopped dropping even rainbows at a reasonable rate. Used to be my favorite slum zone, now with all the running involved i'd actually pay 3 to a mil on these. At least qvic is a straight circle lol. And you can usually find a newbie needing qvic in /ooc to give you something else to root for to make the grind more amusing.

Love this post Kruc, do one on TOFS essences, no one ever talks about those Smiley

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« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2015, 09:24:36 pm »

Gminor/Gmajor: I'd argue closer to 500/1mil just because dranik seems heavier on gminor these days and 2 gminor tokens = 1 gmajor token. One little known side bonus of grinding these : the bosses generally drop 5-20k pp per kill, so buying tokens isnt nearly as bad as people first think.

Yeah I could see that. Haven't really been back long enough to tell how many are floating around. Almost have my Hatestomp IV finally, but even with dranik I still never see people selling dminors / gminors / gmajors. Thanks GSOA Smiley
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« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2015, 10:11:11 pm »

Anguish: I may be the only person alive who truly believes this, but Anguish actually has a super low essence drop rate. If it wasnt for rare chest drops, it'd be hard to average 2 a run. Now granted, the runs are 15 min runs, but still... This essence gets a bad rap, I wouldn't sell them for less than 200-250. Of course, any time Rymo 800% mgb's the server gets another thousand of them in circulation, so i do see your point. This zone is the xp hook up Smiley

I had over 500 by the time I finished my warrior's Ear  Grin Usually see at least 1.5 per run + the guaranteed from Mata  so 5 per 2 runs. 5 runs an hour was my average speed for this (5.5 runs per hour with Rymo buff, it gives you wings), so 12.5 essence per hour on average. The massive amount of bonuses the zone gives coupled with how hard people slam it are what drive the price down. I know of a few other people who have 500+ just sitting in their banks  Tongue
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« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2015, 05:47:43 am »

I had over 500 by the time I finished my warrior's Ear

I can verify this cuz I prolly looted over 50% of them for him! Grin  I myself usually get a decent drop when I farm T6 for aa xp. Usually 3-7 per run. Sorry that it is a low drop rate for you but I guess everyone has their instance banes like Chunka does with Abyss runs. Mine seems to be ToV...
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 05:55:40 am by Mixlor » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2015, 09:35:13 am »

This looks accurate and it's very informative.

Well done.

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« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2015, 11:26:35 am »

I had over 500 by the time I finished my warrior's Ear  Grin

where you farming plat or looking for GSOA drops?

or both?

I have done some time in this zone just for xp and have had no luck with GSOA.

I have only farmed about a half million aa  or so...maybe I need more time

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« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2015, 12:31:26 pm »

I had over 500 by the time I finished my warrior's Ear  Grin

where you farming plat or looking for GSOA drops?

or both?

I have done some time in this zone just for xp and have had no luck with GSOA.

I have only farmed about a half million aa  or so...maybe I need more time

Was farming the 1 mil AA's for the Ear. The plat and GSOA drops were just a bonus  Cool
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« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2015, 09:00:02 pm »

cool post, would it be possible to change the name to something more descriptive of the topic so that it will be easier for people to find it lol

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« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2015, 09:14:03 pm »

maybe he can post a guide for people to find his guide..

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« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2015, 02:22:48 pm »

Gminor/Gmajor: I'd argue closer to 500/1mil just because dranik seems heavier on gminor these days and 2 gminor tokens = 1 gmajor token. One little known side bonus of grinding these : the bosses generally drop 5-20k pp per kill, so buying tokens isnt nearly as bad as people first think.

Part of me wants to agree with this, but that's just to buy them at that price. Honestly, after doing another gmajor run, I'm more tempted to bump it back up to 1.5 mil and leave gminor at 750k. Gmajor is and always been the hardest essence to come by, and the price should remain ahead of the rest by a good margin. I wouldn't sell gmajors if you held a gun to my head.

Edit: Dranik drops for those who don't know:

Dranik a - dminor / dmajor
Dranik b - dmajor / gminor
Dranik c - gminor / gmajor

I agree with gminor price needing to drop down, as they drop from dranik like hotcakes. Gmajors are still a rarity though.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 02:31:01 pm by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2015, 04:10:28 pm »

I would agree Kru, I normally value LP and ToV's at 1m.  Gmajors are way more annoying to farm, and the daily has been dry of gmajors for me for quite a while.  A sticker of 1.5m would be reasonable on them.

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« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2015, 06:14:14 pm »

I would agree Kru, I normally value LP and ToV's at 1m.  Gmajors are way more annoying to farm, and the daily has been dry of gmajors for me for quite a while.  A sticker of 1.5m would be reasonable on them.

I can't agree with LP being in the 1 mil bracket. Bloodmoon dungeon gives me a few every day. I loaned all mine to a friend to help him hurry along with his warrior's Ult weapon and try to get UW XI before halloween and I'm already back up to 45 of them in just a few weeks without ever stepping foot in LP. Having this brought to my attention, I actually might value them around 500k instead.  Cool

Edit: But I agree with everything else, so Gmajors / Gminors price edited in original post + sheet.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:25:34 pm by Kruciel » Logged
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