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Author Topic: T10 Bugs/Problems/Questions  (Read 272706 times)
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« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2015, 12:19:06 am »

  • Broke - Gnoll Boss not spawning, killing Gnoll triggers and mini's seems to just spawn Ro'kki and Beast of Burden - Try different things. Using more effects of a certain elements, trying using the portals significantly more/less, try letting mobs do scripted things more often. Triggers are kind of nazi here. Wink

The only scripted thing I've seen a mob do in the entire zone is the Juggernauts. And I tend to blow every dps button I can press and blow them up BEFORE they get their scripted attack off, because 9 times out of 10 it results in multiple boxes dying.

As for use multiple elements, I don't use casters because their damage is pathetic and pressing buttons for them nonstop is a) a waste of time and b) ties up my eqbc channels from telling the healers to spam patch heal me when I need it.

As for the portals thing... They're never up in near me, when they are the exit portal is off in an area I don't want to go to, and the zone heavily HEAVILY supports you picking a faction to kill, sitting there, and not moving for multiple hours at a time. All of this combine = I haven't used a single portal since the very first beta and that was just to see what they did. If they're in fact linked to triggers, that is a disaster. Sorry to be blunt.
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« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2015, 12:32:03 am »

  • Broke - Sathirian Tier have less HP than Tier 9. They also lack heroic strength. This gear is the opposite of what our characters would want (hp to survive rampage, heroic str and sta because it's the "offensive" set according to the NPCs in camp - The focus effects and fairly large HR per item helps balance that out.

Unless you're going to make some 8000 resist requirement for the next tier, the HR on this gear might as well not exist after the buff to the heroic stones. I could see it having equal HP to tier 9 with some cool focus effect, but it literally has less. That is really disturbing after the multi-month grind to acquire it all and you don't even get some added survivability for the only thing boxes die to in the zone (aoe physical damage) It is very depressing to lose the heroic stats and some HP in a slot after struggling thru the zone so far. Honestly, I had hoped the gear would be a sizeable HP bump, so those that struggled in the beginning could soften the blow of the zone without needing RoA 1000's across their entire team.
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« Reply #47 on: November 18, 2015, 01:05:11 am »

Keep in mind, the stone change also prevents you from slotting 3x per gear piece. So...not really a trivializing the additions from the armor. It just makes it less arduous. If the zone ends up still being brutally hard, some gentle and subtle adjustments can be made. I'm not opposed to changing it, just trying to do so in the most measured and balanced way possible. :-)


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2015, 01:47:39 am »

  • Broke - Gnoll and Orc pathing are extremely awful in some locations. Because of the large assist range, a pull of ~10 can instantly turn into a pull of 40, simply because they run backwards and start going in circles after you aggro them - If you can point out some pain points (or general area), I can add additional locations to help with it.

The 2 on the left are both bandit-oriented. The bottom one is a bandit trap that always runs thru the ground if you are north of them. The top bandit trap always runs up the hill and aggros all of the archers every single time the trap is popped, resulting in you either gating out after or clearing the entire archer area.

The black arrow is me pulling and jumping off the mountain, the red arrow is the path they take to reach me  Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 01:52:36 am by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2015, 12:35:55 pm »

you ever sleep at all Kruciel?  Smiley

Drep (War),  Wudd (Cleric), Mdydar (Monk)
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« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2015, 12:40:06 pm »

Lol dat pathing. 

garybusey - warrior
umadd - pally
wayfaerer - pewpew
rondonald - cleric
obzen - monk
dongus - zerker
dorfkus - pally
ultrabeard - zerker
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djenty - chanter
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« Reply #51 on: November 18, 2015, 12:41:41 pm »

  • Broke - Gnoll Boss not spawning, killing Gnoll triggers and mini's seems to just spawn Ro'kki and Beast of Burden - Try different things. Using more effects of a certain elements, trying using the portals significantly more/less, try letting mobs do scripted things more often. Triggers are kind of nazi here. Wink

As for use multiple elements, I don't use casters because their damage is pathetic and pressing buttons for them nonstop is a) a waste of time and b) ties up my eqbc channels from telling the healers to spam patch heal me when I need it.

5th group of Wizards/Mages INC!

garybusey - warrior
umadd - pally
wayfaerer - pewpew
rondonald - cleric
obzen - monk
dongus - zerker
dorfkus - pally
ultrabeard - zerker
dopesmoke - drood
djenty - chanter
Posts: 2282

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« Reply #52 on: November 18, 2015, 10:42:54 pm »

Continuing with this list.

  • FIXED - Tamed Hatchlings no longer FLURRY and swing 80+ times
  • FIXED - Vampires dropping their Quest junk now
  • FIXED - Chests stop spawning locked so much
  • FIXED - Keys working on locked chests now
  • FIXED - Vampires no longer having rave parties in the cave
  • FIXED - Bards able to claim tier now
  • FIXED - Elgeon Silvershaper properly accepting Vampire artifacts
  • FIXED - Vampire Lord Forgot-his-name's adds no longer dropping his loot table
  • FIXED - Almost every single "a sunderock basilisk" takes a very troublesome path, walking him directly thru boss spawn locations and getting into fights with them
  • Confirmed - (gonna take a longggggggggg time) Turned in the Kill 750 Reputation quest twice now for Faydwer Alliance, still dubious aftwerwards - Keeping an eye on values for now. May increase the 'rewarded amount', but the kill count will likely stay.
  • FIXED - Quest "Purge the Plagueborn" reward says "Half of Weapon Research Completed" but when you click it, it links "Expensive Blue Diamond"
  • FIXED - Bandit Quest junk can be turned in, but to a different NPC than the quest information points you to
  • FIXED - Elgeon Silvershaper only gives +1 Vampire Loot Quest credit if you hand him 2-4 pieces in the trade window
  • FIXED - #Shouting Berserker and #Heartbroken Crusader are only level 79. I believe some of the other Bandit mini's are as well. (Non-issue, but their loot is missing)
  • (Maybe) FIXED - Goops in the southeastern side of the zone still the size of houses and dishing out the pain
  • (Maybe) FIXED - Something is causing the Orcs to start committing genocide on themselves very rarely. Saw the entire southeast camp all run to the middle and begin killing each other
  • Reviewing - Gnoll Boss not spawning, killing Gnoll triggers and mini's seems to just spawn Ro'kki and Beast of Burden - Try different things. Using more effects of a certain elements, trying using the portals significantly more/less, try letting mobs do scripted things more often. Triggers are kind of nazi here. Wink
  • Reviewing - Orc Mini spawned in the Undead cave and they smoked him - Noted, will check the trigger locations and fix the busted logic.
  • Reviewing - Sathirian Tier have less HP than Tier 9. They also lack heroic strength. This gear is the opposite of what our characters would want (hp to survive rampage, heroic str and sta because it's the "offensive" set according to the NPCs in camp
  • Just Confirming - Kill 1000 Plagueborn sounds nuts (86/1000 after 4 days of hitting it pretty hard. Obviously I won't be keeping this pace for long and most of us are estimating this will take 3-4 months to complete) - Give me another day or so and we'll see the final values across the board.
  • Broke - Qeynosian Exiles extremely super rare or not spawning - Actually not spawning because I suck. Will fix before Friday. (Have not forgotten about this, thursday mid-day)
  • Broke - Orc triggers not spawning. Orc Minis not spawning. Orc bosses not spawning. - Will look at the triggers.
  • Broke - Gnoll and Orc pathing are extremely awful in some locations. Because of the large assist range, a pull of ~10 can instantly turn into a pull of 40, simply because they run backwards and start going in circles after you aggro them - If you can point out some pain points (or general area), I can add additional locations to help with it.
  • Broke - Traps and Triggers spawning in walls / underground - As noted in the trigger comment, looking in to it.


« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 11:10:27 pm by hateborne » Logged

I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #53 on: November 19, 2015, 07:17:16 pm »

'a demented crusader' is dual wielding + rampaging. Just 1-rounded my monk (basically 6 million damage rampage). Not cool  Sad the single Rampage hit 4 times: punch punch slash slash

Beast of Burden was the only boss all day long
Triggers / Minis spawning at basically 2-4% rate of what they have been. Saw 4-5 triggers all night long and 1 mini vs basically hundreds on other days. 0 plagueborn pops all night. I'm just gonna go with the zone is broken for the rest of the day.
The trap underneath the bridge gnoll miners cross to feed goops all day long is triggering and rearming immediately and triggering again. Usually spawns both a bandit wave + gnoll wave or double gnoll waves.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 08:15:31 pm by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #54 on: November 19, 2015, 08:36:34 pm »

Earlier you mentioned to me "I don't understand why some mobs NEVER die" In one of the beta threads I stated "gnoll archers are over the top insane, if they stay this way those entire areas are simply going to be avoided by everyone forever." That is basically what you're seeing.

Black: Fine, leave em
Yellow: Too clumped, could use spreading out
Red: This bridge is impossible to fight these things on, they're right on the edge, boxes would fall off, but boxes can't join in the fight anyways because the other 3 archers will wipe your entire crew. The only way to even kill these is to solo them with an Earring 50'd warrior. I like the idea of archers on a bridge, but holy shit clearing this spot is a waste of time, even if you can.

Black: Fine, leave em
Yellow: Both of these packs are way too close to one another, I'd say get rid of one in each circle, and spread the others out far around the whole area, similar to the black set.

Yellow: The bottom set is troublesome mainly because of the goofy fence in front of them. I've killed these 4 a few times without suffering a death, but it's incredibly annoying. The rest of this platform is ipmossible, straight up. So I don't bother killing anything here to be honest.
Red: Mission impossible. Seriously, don't even try this spot. I wouldn't even if there weren't 15 other Assassins near them (which I have hidden in this screenshot)

And as for the rest of the mobs that never die, the goops / basilisks don't seem to do anything, spawn anything, or give any quest drops / credit. I've killed a few hundred then decided to ignore them. The back end of the main Orc camp (the one that fights Gnolls) is mostly untouched because even with 50 people banded together we can't beat the repop time of the front half. Moving into the camp itself is a death sentence because both sets of reinforcements to both Orc fights spawn here and run to battle (even the ones that battle up north vs Sarnaks spawn here and run across the entire map)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 08:55:41 pm by Kruciel » Logged
Posts: 2282

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« Reply #55 on: November 22, 2015, 05:21:44 pm »

I'm continually reviewing and checking on this. I'll spread out the archers a bit to make it more "fortress" looking but less "Death Valley" looking.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #56 on: November 23, 2015, 01:44:18 pm »

Thought I'd do something useful for a change, instead of just having a meltdown. So here's an update  Grin

  • FIXED - Tamed Hatchlings no longer FLURRY and swing 80+ times
  • FIXED - Vampires dropping their Quest junk now
  • FIXED - Chests stop spawning locked so much
  • FIXED - Keys working on locked chests now
  • FIXED - Vampires no longer having rave parties in the cave
  • FIXED - Bards able to claim tier now
  • FIXED - Elgeon Silvershaper properly accepting Vampire artifacts
  • FIXED - Vampire Lord Forgot-his-name's adds no longer dropping his loot table
  • FIXED - Almost every single "a sunderock basilisk" takes a very troublesome path, walking him directly thru boss spawn locations and getting into fights with them
  • Confirmed - (gonna take a longggggggggg time) Turned in the Kill 750 Reputation quest twice now for Faydwer Alliance, still dubious aftwerwards - Keeping an eye on values for now. May increase the 'rewarded amount', but the kill count will likely stay.
  • FIXED - Quest "Purge the Plagueborn" reward says "Half of Weapon Research Completed" but when you click it, it links "Expensive Blue Diamond"
  • FIXED - Bandit Quest junk can be turned in, but to a different NPC than the quest information points you to
  • FIXED - Elgeon Silvershaper only gives +1 Vampire Loot Quest credit if you hand him 2-4 pieces in the trade window
  • FIXED - Goops in the southeastern side of the zone are now tamed
  • FIXED - Orc Mini + Trigger locations added
  • FIXED - Qeynos + Freeport Exiles  spawning
  • FIXED - Orc triggers spawning. Orc Minis spawning.
  • FIXED - Quest IV: Gnollish Holocaust 2nd step no longer requires you to Hail the NPC 500 times
  • (Maybe) FIXED - Something is causing the Orcs to start committing genocide on themselves very rarely. Saw the entire southeast camp all run to the middle and begin killing each other
  • Bug - Shouting Berserker and Heartbroken Crusader are only level 79. I believe some of the other Bandit mini's are as well. The mobs in the zone are being tracked easily because they're level 80-81. Leaving these 2 Mini's the same level as the trash is making them be overlooked or missed entirely.
  • Bug - Aggressive Hellclaw doesn't have loot
  • Bug - Qeynos Exiles don't have loot (unsure of Freeport Exiles, 3 out of 3 spawns so far, all Qeynos)
  • Reviewing - Gnoll Boss not spawning
  • Reviewing - Orc boss not spawning
  • Reviewing - Sathirian Tier have less HP than Tier 9. They also lack heroic strength. This gear is the opposite of what our characters would want (hp to survive rampage, heroic str and sta because it's the "offensive" set according to the NPCs in camp
  • Broke - Gnoll and Orc pathing are extremely awful in some locations. Because of the large assist range, a pull of ~10 can instantly turn into a pull of 40, simply because they run backwards and start going in circles after you aggro them - If you can point out some pain points (or general area), I can add additional locations to help with it.
  • Broke - Traps and Triggers spawning in walls / underground - As noted in the trigger comment, looking in to it.
  • Broke - crushbone juggernaut rampage damage is able to 1 round 5 million HP dps toons with 11% stonewall. With the recent addition of this being a common spawn in the Orc Trigger pool, this is becoming obnoxious losing anywhere from 2-8 melee per spawn. May as well solo them on the warrior at this point. It'd be faster and less downtime
  • Broke - members of the Sarnak vs Orc war seem to have a 25% chance of 'spawn and FIGHT!' and a 75% chance of 'spawn and run around the platform like a retard'. After a few hours, each platform is just a MASSIVE clump of mobs doing nothing but sitting in a giant pile of death.
  • --
  • Moving these 2 to the bottom as they both have their own issues
  • Just Confirming - Kill 1000 Plagueborn sounds nuts (86/1000 after 4 days of hitting it pretty hard. Obviously I won't be keeping this pace for long and most of us are estimating this will take 3-4 months to complete) - Give me another day or so and we'll see the final values across the board.
  • Thru faction gains I unlocked the other half of the Weapon Research last night - Deliver 50 Orc weapons to Stone Sergeant... This is going to be a nightmare to do on the full crew, and will extend well past the point of killing 1000 plagueborn, even 10,000. Very scary numbers, not to mention I thought the weapons were part of weapon skins, so 100% of what I've looted thus far has been a complete waste on non-Orc aligned characters. Can we pleaseee lift the NO TRADE off of the items for 3-4 days to allow those of us to save the progress we've made so far? (Aside from the ones we let rot already  Angry )

And now for something new! A few suggestions:

  • Without instances, getting into the zone is a slight annoyance for what we've become used to (just typing '/bca //say enter guild kruciel templeveeshan' from anywhere and from any zone instead of having to navigate to a Teleporter NPC and '/bca //tar id ${Target.ID}' then '/bca //say sunderock'. If possible, can we get an item with Sunderock Teleport, similar to what other zones have? And hopefully one that lacks the "must equip" flag to make it just as simple as: 1) Bind the ring to a key -- 2) /bca //keypress 1 -- 3)Profit
  • More info from the quest NPCs at the zone-in regarding what weapon fragments are
  • Possibly add a combine for: Combine 1 of each Bandit Fragment to create an Immaculate Chromatium Fragment. Seriously I finished 100/100 fragments from Bandit Lord kills alone (+5 quest credit per kill) before I even used a single bandit fragment, rendering them pointless which is why I asked about why they exist earlier on. Also, make them NO TRADE if this actually happens.
  • Add some form of Clickable Stonewall 10-15% to the Sarnak / Gnoll Bracers. Make it use a 'Slot:' already taken up by the Warrior Epic so it's not an option for Warriors to use. Also on this note, find out why Shadow Knight stonewall isn't stackable with Cleric Tower of Vie stonewall. They won't be able to tank the zone while this is an issue ( /hug Watchyoudie )
« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 05:30:35 am by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #57 on: November 23, 2015, 09:02:09 pm »

Also plz enable coh. Seems a toon in stone hive showed up dead / logged off in raid. I could see everyone on that box but they couldnt see him. I used coh and it magically caused them to reappear to everyone including ui

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« Reply #58 on: November 24, 2015, 11:37:13 am »

This may just be me BUT....

I hear a sound in the background in t10 that never stops and its driving me mad...like...MAD....

I only have sound enabled on one box but it is the sound of a toon falling and landing...that little...like...thud over and over... like ....several times a second...it varies...

it never stops...


I am going to reinstall the zone files tonight....but if this is only me....its...like...the best troll ever ....

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« Reply #59 on: November 24, 2015, 12:18:52 pm »

  • Aggressive Hellclaw now has shinies to drop.
  • Heartbroken Crusader and Shouting Berserker are correctly level 80 now.
  • Tamed Basilisk Den Mother (Orcs) is now correctly level 81.
  • Weapon Quest is available at faction selection instead of half-way through the journey.
  • Roaming Gnome now acts a "tour guide" as well, providing info about the zone.
  • Bosses will now ALWAYS award some tier pieces, proportionate to the number of players in the zone. If you do not have a gear quest, you are not eligible for a gear token on kill. These are handled via quest, so scavengers are somewhat SOL.
  • Bandit bosses will always contain a piece of "rare" loot. If you have completed the basic quest, this will award a random accessory each time. If not, it counts for 15 points towards that quest's completion.
  • Roaming Gnome can restore lost class 10.0 augs.
  • Goops are no longer doing 10-90% percentage damage per "tic". (Thanks Kruciel!)

  • Crushbone Juggernaught had his rampage damage scaled down by ~24%.
  • Gnoll and Orc bosses should be spawning now.

  • Scaling the number of kills/triggers/actions based on the number of players. This should be ready before Thursday morning's reboot.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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