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Author Topic: Weapon skins on higher tiers  (Read 18073 times)
Rent Due
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« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2017, 08:53:43 pm »

There is an "Overall" concept on this server that a lot of players that are relatively new overlook.

toon X's overall progression includes all the side quests to make a truly nice toon.

its about the UC, the earring, UW, ROA, SOA, etc, etc.

while I agree that the feeling in live of getting a new weapon that increased your dps, etc was very cool; it doesn't apply as much here. here it is about the overall grind applied to each and every toon and after a metric ton of grinding you see toons blossom into a DPS machine.

Although I will admit its easier to look back down the hill after years of farming/grinding than it is to look up. Its extremely hard to catch up to the top end gamers.

New weapons may or may not be coming down the pipeline in the future. Our weapon system now is vastly different from what Hunter had in place at one point, I don't know that it will change, but new ideas are coming forward regarding exciting shiny items and how they will affect our gameplay.

At present though the "skin" is basically just that, its a hull to hold the augments. you get the new hull and put the new augments into it and there isn't much excitement in that. The excitement, for me at least, was building those side quest items and really seeing the toon explode in terms of DPS, stats, etc.

Bottom line, I see what the OP is saying here, but this is the system we currently have. Akkadius is committed to bringing home the bacon for us on this server though, as am I. Everyday we are storming new ideas to make this server more and more attractive.

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« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2017, 10:02:31 pm »

Plus the overall stats have to also include the Epic aug.  The combination really shouldnt be any different then the stats before the change.

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« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2017, 11:28:56 am »

epic aug goes in the UW also, so we're back to square one.
fact: weapon skins white dmg is pathetic.

"its about the UC, the earring, UW, ROA, SOA, etc, etc."

nah it's about the HP you get from the tier armor, the strike augs, and the epics.
it's very easy to progress up to T10 with just those 3 things on your toons.
I cleared T6 with just 4 toons, only 1 real dps.  didn't take that long. only 2 had UC(1), no UW no earrings(!!)... at T7 I realized it would be slow without a few more toons, so I added 2 dps toons and 2 pet/buffer class, a total of 8 toons cleared T9 just fine.

maxing all those things on multiple toons (or all...) should allow you to faceroll max-level content (T10 whatever) with one hand while watching TV. it shouldn't be required to progress. that's just my opinion of course, many will disagree, naturally most of them already have all the items and don't want it "nerfed", that's a normal reaction I guess..


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« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2017, 01:30:16 pm »

I cleared T6 with just 4 toons, only 1 real dps.  didn't take that long. only 2 had UC(1), no UW no earrings(!!)...  at T7 I realized it would be slow without a few more toons

If you only realized this at t7, you truly are living in your own world.

fact: weapon skins white dmg is pathetic.

Nobody gives a shit.

maxing all those things on multiple toons (or all...) should allow you to faceroll max-level content (T10 whatever) with one hand while watching TV. it shouldn't be required to progress. that's just my opinion of course, many will disagree, naturally most of them already have all the items and don't want it "nerfed", that's a normal reaction I guess..

If you think you need all of the side items to progress, you're wrong. You absolutely don't, it just makes it faster and more efficient. There's always been tons of filler time between the top players finishing the current final tier and then going back and grinding more side shit, more UC3s, maxing RoAs on boxes, more Ult Weapons, more Earrings. This stuff is required on at least your warrior in T10, but that was a discussion that went down years ago even with making tier 9. At the time, around 95% of warriors past tier 7 had already maxed out an Ult Weapon for their tank. Therefore, the devs said "we're going to start putting HP on mobs with this in mind, otherwise new zones will be boring." Not only was it accepted but also gladly welcomed by the community, considering t9 offered almost no challenge whatsoever to the players that were hopping in it on day 1. The only difference between the crews was how much of the zone you could pull at once and how fast you could kill it all.

You seem to be missing the point of the server in general. Grind = Reward = Efficiency. Not Instant Gratification = Stomping thru content = I want the server adjusted to fit my playstyle.

You aren't a special snowflake. Everyone above you didn't just roll up with 18 characters or magically poop out Ultimate Weapons. They saw the possibilites, what they could achieve, and they adapted to strengthen their crew's damage output, stability, etc. This isn't your typical MMO of the past few years, with easy catchup mechanics, easy content, and a complete willingness to cater only toward the casual fanbase in order to produce the highest amount of $$$$$ in return.
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2017, 01:35:47 pm »

I cleared T6 with just 4 toons, only 1 real dps.  didn't take that long. only 2 had UC(1), no UW no earrings(!!)...  at T7 I realized it would be slow without a few more toons

If you only realized this at t7, you truly are living in your own world.

fact: weapon skins white dmg is pathetic.

Nobody gives a shit.

maxing all those things on multiple toons (or all...) should allow you to faceroll max-level content (T10 whatever) with one hand while watching TV. it shouldn't be required to progress. that's just my opinion of course, many will disagree, naturally most of them already have all the items and don't want it "nerfed", that's a normal reaction I guess..

If you think you need all of the side items to progress, you're wrong. You absolutely don't, it just makes it faster and more efficient. There's always been tons of filler time between the top players finishing the current final tier and then going back and grinding more side shit, more UC3s, maxing RoAs on boxes, more Ult Weapons, more Earrings. This stuff is required on at least your warrior in T10, but that was a discussion that went down years ago even with making tier 9. At the time, around 95% of warriors past tier 7 had already maxed out an Ult Weapon for their tank. Therefore, the devs said "we're going to start putting HP on mobs with this in mind, otherwise new zones will be boring." Not only was it accepted but also gladly welcomed by the community, considering t9 offered almost no challenge whatsoever to the players that were hopping in it on day 1. The only difference between the crews was how much of the zone you could pull at once and how fast you could kill it all.

You seem to be missing the point of the server in general. Grind = Reward = Efficiency. Not Instant Gratification = Stomping thru content = I want the server adjusted to fit my playstyle.

You aren't a special snowflake. Everyone above you didn't just roll up with 18 characters or magically poop out Ultimate Weapons. They saw the possibilites, what they could achieve, and they adapted to strengthen their crew's damage output, stability, etc. This isn't your typical MMO of the past few years, with easy catchup mechanics, easy content, and a complete willingness to cater only toward the casual fanbase in order to produce the highest amount of $$$$$ in return.


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« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2017, 04:10:38 pm »

....considering t9 offered almost no challenge whatsoever to the players that were hopping in it on day 1. The only difference between the crews was how much of the zone you could pull at once and how fast you could kill it all.

I agree with everything but this line....when t9 was introduced it was hella hard! It was nerfed because people QQ'd about it.

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« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2017, 04:40:08 pm »

In t9 testing, myself, Dimur, and Fugi were pulling 1/3 of the zone at a time.

Also, I feel like I should clarify and touch on the difficulty of ToV in its initial release. At the time, Rampage was in every zone and almost every mob on EZ. The thing was, at that difficulty and with the sheer amount of HP and mitigation warriors had, in order to make the mobs hit hard enough for it to be a viable challenge, the rampage damage was absolutely insane. Not only that, but every mob in the zone proc'd a 1,000,000 damage DD on hit randomly. Anybody who fought thru this onslaught and pounded the zone to the point where they got one of the first uc3's had fought thru immense amounts of pain. It got to the point where it was faster to solo trash pulls on the warrior, rather than to have your melee just run in and die. That was just how painful the zone was. So comparing that to what followed, the removal of rampage from EZ entirely (until tier 10), the revamp of Ult Weapons, the massive HP boosts to tier gear revamp, the difficulty of what was released when t9 hit was child's play compared to the previous tier.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 04:50:01 pm by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2017, 04:59:47 pm »

It was nerfed because people QQ'd about it.

The only thing that was ever nerfed was the spawn rate of the Hill Giant, which did need to happen, but that's not a nerf to the laughable difficulty of the zone. The design was terrible, the mechanics behind the bosses were ever worse. I don't there was any enjoyment whatsoever out of that zone for me from start to finish. Most of us try not to think about the time of that place being the endgame of the server  Grin
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« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2017, 05:27:45 pm »

It was nerfed because people QQ'd about it.

The only thing that was ever nerfed was the spawn rate of the Hill Giant, which did need to happen, but that's not a nerf to the laughable difficulty of the zone. The design was terrible, the mechanics behind the bosses were ever worse. I don't there was any enjoyment whatsoever out of that zone for me from start to finish. Most of us try not to think about the time of that place being the endgame of the server  Grin

When the t9 first came out and the mobs were ramping and killing EVERYTHING! That was nerfed.....I remember making a druid because skin was the only thing that would keep you alive.....that zone was VERY hard when it first came out....this was when Hunter was still alive. I am not certain how soon it was nerfed after it first came online....Hate nerfed it more later

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« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2017, 06:15:04 pm »

Oh for fuck sake.

Rampage and AoE Rampage has been removed

T9 Live with reboot

Go back and look at the t9 is now live thread, or even the beta test thread. Nobody QQ'd at all about the difficulty. Because it wasn't.
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« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2017, 06:28:17 pm »


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« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2017, 07:27:08 pm »

Have been going through all posts regarding t9.....maybe I was wrong and my memory is just going....I could have sworn before it was nerfed it was MUCH harder...but can't find the proof to back up my claim...... Huh

Still looking so far best I can find:

You should only be tanking 1 trash at a time in this zone.

This zone was designed for breaking into camps, trying to get single pulls.

So you'll need lots of HP, single pulls, and healing.

Not too many mobs cast spells, just the Shamans and such.

Undead come out at night, tunnels are safe spot, guards will protect you there. There is merchant in tunnel with ring to click port yourself directly to tunnel. Succor now fixed to port you to tunnel as well. You can get faction up with tunnel guards if needed by killing mobs in the zone.

The night time undead are sort of slow, with lower hp, and higher damage, to give it a zombie mode feel like in CoD zombie maps or something. Should be able to kite them or just run away to tunnel. Their range has even been nerfed now.

Trying not to spoil too much, but the zone is a good challenge to attempt SINGLE PULLS and keep your main tank alive with enough healing.


I like to make final zones max difficult to begin with, and then make them easier after a few more tiers come out.

If I make it too easy now and harder later, then the slackers complain the earlier players had it easier and got their gear easy while late comers got nerfed.

Hope that makes sense.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 07:47:05 pm by Orthanos » Logged

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« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2017, 09:20:21 pm »

T9 was a fuckton harder when it was released, you couldn't even play in the zone when skeletons would spawn from 6pm to 6am because they'd all auto-agro you and swarm you no matter where you were on the map.  They hit for over 1mil mitigated, rampaged and numbered well over 100 spawns...even if you could survive a dozen of them you'd get smoked because they came from every angle, and that would be best case scenario if you somehow kept them off of every other toon in your raid while living through the rampage that fired on every melee swing.  It was a total shit show, balanced off of the fact that those damage output numbers were needed to have a chance to take out a fully decked out max UW warrior.  

People complained about needed a UW warrior to do T9, Hunter asked for a solution to not make the UW required and make the zone challenging.  The fix was pretty simple, as long as you could keep your warrior up you could do the content.  Warriors had no problems holding agro and living through the damage output, any non-warrior on the other hand, got shredded by the rampage.  Hunter said at the time, source code correlated rampage and normal melee dmg outputs and since lowering one would lower both, he removed the rampage everywhere in the game. It was a Band-Aid fix and it was done at the behest of a vocal part of the player base that didn't want to have to put a UW weapon on every toon just have have  enough hp to survive, it also coincided with lowering the hp on the UW and shifting the focus of HP gains onto the armor progression. T9 got further nerfed when Hate bent to the demands of whiners fresh out of T8 and undergeared for the then-end-game zone, but whatever.

Rampage removal also opened up the Pandora's box of only needing to allocate all resources on the tank while totally ignoring the rest of the toons in a person's setup.  People started hoarding their essences to work on UW's to trivialize the content they were grinding through, totally ignoring strike augs and mana necks. It's all well and good, without any threat of damage on anyone but the tank you can bulldoze your way through everything up to T10. T10? Yeah I suppose it would be pretty tough with a bunch of ucv1 toons relying on the shitty strike and spell dmg they mod even level relevant strikes to...the shitty hp return on a ucv1 compared to ucv3, yeah that'll probably be noticeable...heals being modded with a ucv1 or ucv2, yeah probably not gonna maximize healing output that way.  You certainly can get to T10 pooling all resources into the main tank, and the current game state actually encourages it just by making it possible.  Just don't expect to be able to consume as much content as someone whose overall gear obsoletes your own in a zone that was specifically made to counter the pussification of the rest of the content.

tldr; T9 was initially hard as fuck and eventually got nerfed to the point of a laughable joke, along with everything outside of T10.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 09:26:01 pm by Dimur » Logged
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« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2017, 06:36:01 am »

Thanks Dimurwar.....I thought maybe my mind was slipping.....for fuck's sake!  Roll Eyes

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« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2017, 03:33:36 pm »

I don't know how this got on UC, RoA, T10 etc etc... It was about the weapon skins and how low their white dmg is.

I remember at one point (in 2010 or so) Hunter saying he was running into problems increasing white damage on the later tier weapons, due to some kind of bug or limitation in Emu. It was rolling over into negative dmg or something... Pretty sure that was the entire and sole reason for creating the Strike augs. Obviously this was fixed somewhere along the way, since the UW has half a million white dmg.  Due to this, a simple pass thru the epic skins to fix them seems like an easy and completely reasonable thing to do. Nobody is asking to take your lollipop away...
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 03:36:32 pm by walk2k » Logged

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