First be kind this is my first guild. I am using SoD so you might have to change few things.
OK the first thing you will need to do is make a 2nd copy of your eq folder. For this walktru we are going to past it into c. And we will call it eq2 for reference, you can name it what every you wish. Scene it is a copy of your old eq folder it should be set up for eqem. So just make a short cut on your desktop to the eqgame.exe and put the patch me at the end. So when you right click your 2nd short cut should look something like this in the target window. "C:\EQ2\eqgame.exe" patchme. I rename my short cut eq2 for this guild you can name it what ever. So know we should have 2 folder of eq that can connect to the servers. If not then you need to find out why before moving on. The reason we are setting up 2 folder is because one is for your bots. so eq2 will be modified and you will see nothing but humans and will no see any weapons. But if your OK with this seeing this way all the time you can just change your main folder.
OK lets start.
First open up your eq2 folder, then open up Resources folder. Know find and open the GlobalLoad.txt. Know you can delete or copy over the info in the folder with the following line. 3,1,TFFFC,Global_chr,Loading
After that save and close. This is the end of step one.
Step 2.
Ok start up your eq2 game. Before you click Log in we need to go to the Options. OK the first thing we want to do is turn off all Luclin models and elementals/horse. Ok on the next page Uncheck everything, and set the texture Quality to low. Click finish and we are done here. OK know log into the game on your eq2. You should no weapons in people hands and every Iskar Drakkin and frog should look like a Human. If you are not seeing the world like this then you need to repeat step 1 and 2. The world should look something like this. By the way handydoc is a frog.. This is what she looks like on the client my side.
Step 3.
When you are in game go to options alt o. Click on the display tab. Look for advance button. Ok should look like this.
Know what this does is lower your load time and lower the resources needed to run a instance of eq. So there for let you run more instance on a single pc. I decided to use the 2nd eq folder for my cleric, bard, and rangers. Scene I do not look at there screen as much as my warrior. So there for my warrior runs at everything set on max and unchanged globalload file. There is more you can change but unless you plan to box more then 12 on a older pc this will get you by.
Using this program is 100% up to you. The /stick and the map are a life saver. And are safe to use by the rules. Please don't hijack my post to debate this.
Post with the server rules about MQ here What this lets you do is a advance /follow. Your toons will all follow you at a closer or father distance. Also can use it on npc. Example /stick 30 will make you stick yo your target at 30 yards. There is also /stick behind this makes you alway stay behind the target.
Read up more on this feather here ---> There are many feathers here. First one is /filter npc. This will show you were every npc is at in the zone. So its like a super track. You can also do /filter corpse. What it does is show you were every corpse is loc at.
Read up more on tis feather here ---> can download MQ2 that works on are server here. Just click your client and download the full.
I decided to write this mainly to help people who are just starting to box. If you feel you can add to this with useful info feel free. If you just want to argue then please make a new post. Hope this help you as much as it has helped others.
The Pudge.