Going off the idea that Dimur had with using the claim window with netbots
http://wiki.ezserver.online/User_Interface_Mods , I recreated it from scratch taking a little bit different approach.
it provides for a vertical lay out, sizable window and transparency.
As you can see it has your basic netbots information.
Character Name, Distance from you, HP%, Mana%
Target ID: Target Name Spell being cast
This allows me to see at a glance on my warrior's screen how far I am from the group, and what they are basically doing.
One of the main features I added to Dimur's (besides the tar id) is a visual notice so I can see if that character has their attack on.
As you cna see, if the character has Attack on, their target is RED in my control window.
So I just thought I would share this with anyone whom might be interested in it. Attached here is the xml for for it. You will need to have netbots and have the plugin loaded on all characters you want in the window and who you want to display the window.
Each character to be in the window needs to do
/plugin mq2netbots
/netbots on
/netbots send=on
and the ones that want to display the window needs to do the addtional command of
/netbots grab=on
then just drop this xml file into your ui folder and reload your ui (under alt=o for options)
P.s. You may need to log into ezserver.online to see the attached xml file.