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Author Topic: Economies of scale  (Read 18887 times)
Posts: 2016

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« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2017, 03:06:03 am »

People keep referencing some arbitrary drop rate decrease that was implemented within the last XXXXX (short period of time), but has anyone actually obtained an official confirmation from Akka?  I don't really log on much more than exceedingly rarely, but I do visit the forum to read about the state of the server regularly and I don't recall any updates or Akka posts detailing a nerf on drop rates.  I would think that if you are genuinely concerned that something has changed, there's one guy that can clear up any confusion with an affirmation or dismissal of a phantom nerf.  I'm not trying to piss in anyone's Cheerios, it's just kind of a running joke that has persisted for years on this server where new people reference how much harder they have it than veteran players and generally ends up being baseless claims of drop rate nerfs. 

I do remember the time that Hateborne fucked with the ToFS code a bit and Tserrina would spawn off of every ph bat kill and Svartmane would always spawn on her death, but that didn't last very long.  Hate kept saying he didn't touch the spawn chance code at all, but when I told him to come to my ToFS instance and showed him the 5 Svartmane corpses lying there it got fixed pretty quickly.

Again, drop rates not touched. Interesting how much speculation has gone into this

EZ Server GM
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