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Author Topic: Macro to tell another toon to loot a specific item from corpse  (Read 7324 times)
Hero Member
Hero Member
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« on: April 10, 2019, 08:46:20 pm »

This macro is pretty simple, it lets you tell a toon in your EQBC channel to check a specific corpse for a specific item.  Generally most people use their tank as the control toon and that's the toon that does the looting.  This macro is handy for when you see an item on a corpse that the tank doesn't need, but someone else in the raid does.  Say you're in T4 and necro boots drop, start this macro and use it to tell the necro to loot the boots and the necro will try to do so.  It's not that hard to tab between windows but it can become tedious to keep track of them, this is a simple quality of life macro to streamline the loot process for alts.

The macro watches for the trigger text and the trigger text supplies the information needed to process the logic.  The syntax is as follows:

/echo rloot dimurskank item citrine on 123

The first gold colored variable is the name of the toon that will be doing the remote looting.

The second gold colored variable is the name of the item to search for, in this example I am searching the corpse for an item that contains the word citrine in it.  This is a string that is used as a search parameter for the item you want...I could search for a compound name like gemstone of the ages, but considering the citrine is a unique name for an item on the loot table I just keep it simple.

The third gold colored variable is the ID of the corpse containing the item.  This is up to you to parse, you can just target the corpse and /echo ${Corpse.ID} to get the number.  Without telling the macro the correct corpse ID, it won't be able to find your item to loot.

There's a quick syntax refresher if you need, just /echo remoteloot help, and this echo tip is announced every time you start the macro.

How it works is using chat watches to trigger actions in the macro, when it sees the correct trigger text it calls the sub routines it needs to for doing the dirty work.  The toon initiating the command tells the toon receiving it to start the macro too, look for the item you want and what corpse to loot to check for the item.  The receiving toon moves to the corpse using the stick command, when it gets within range it opens the loot window and checks the corpse for the item.  If found, it loots it and if not it tells you the problem and either way once it's done proceessing the logic it exits the macro on both toons.
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« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2019, 08:26:53 am »

Fantastic, this is one of my least favorite parts of multiboxing. The tricky part is that I so often right click to loot which leaves me without a corpse id. Is there an easy way to see the id of the last corpse you looted? Otherwise I guess I can add an echo for corpse id to my loot macro and just get in the habit of using it.
Hero Member
Hero Member
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« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2019, 01:36:20 pm »

I'm not sure if there's a way to parse the last corpse looted unless you assign the value to a variable that you update on each corpse you loot to hold the value of the corpse id...it'd be pretty easy to do if that's what you would prefer that over doing an echo call on your loot button.  I can get a bit more detailed if that's something you'd like more information doing.  Currently I have an ini file set up to announce items I find on corpses that I want to loot with other toons and it announces the corpse I need as well in raidsay, but setting the corpse id as a variable might not be a bad idea since you could just call the variable for the value instead of keying the value in every time.
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« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2019, 02:45:04 pm »

I was wondering if this would be possible... every time you loot it saves the id to some variable and then you can just pass that with the loot command. I have no idea what all is possible with the tools available in mq2! Right now my biggest frustration is when I blow past something I wanted to loot and I have to show all corpses again and work back through the pile. Always having the ID available would be wonderful.
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« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2019, 07:49:26 pm »

Echoing the ID automatically when you loot seems like a great solution, thank you so much for this macro, I can't wait to use it!
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