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Author Topic: Monk - Bugs and Balancing  (Read 25251 times)
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2010, 05:15:59 pm »

It was a little hard to read your post but if I understand you correctly you are saying the 2 disc's would add 3 3k hits once every 30 seconds for a total of 9k every 30 seconds or 18k every 1 minute. My monk currently does about 4k dps, stretch that over a minute and you get a total of 240k. Add in the 18k and you get 258k. Divide that back down to get the dps and you get 4300. If I did my math right that is a 7.5% increase. Hardly something that takes monks from "never great dps" to great dps. But it is nice eye candy though, just like most of the other monk discs and our flying kick. Adding a proc to our weapons would take advantage of our superior connection rate.

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« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2010, 10:41:15 pm »

Adding a proc to our weapons would take advantage of our superior connection rate.

Procs hit regardless of the melee hit connecting.

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« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2010, 07:16:23 am »

Xiggs are you saying you rather have balance via an aug and/or an epic click versus an innate ability?

My destructive force idea I originally thought of would be an epic click. Which is similar idea to innerflame..

And PS, it all depends on the reuse timer, but our dps would SKYROCKET if a DF click/reduced reuse skill was available to us
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2010, 01:21:01 pm »

Thanks for the correction drippy. Going to do some parses to see about a better solution and present it.

Sohami, adding DF to the epic click would only up my dps significantly when I am in a zone that I already have the gear from. Basically, DF would not up my dps very much at all in T1/2/3/4. Oh sure, I can kill trains in qvic and ldons but I want something I can use in all of those zones to increase my dps.

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« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2010, 04:15:34 pm »

It was a little hard to read your post but if I understand you correctly you are saying the 2 disc's would add 3 3k hits once every 30 seconds for a total of 9k every 30 seconds or 18k every 1 minute. My monk currently does about 4k dps, stretch that over a minute and you get a total of 240k. Add in the 18k and you get 258k. Divide that back down to get the dps and you get 4300. If I did my math right that is a 7.5% increase. Hardly something that takes monks from "never great dps" to great dps. But it is nice eye candy though, just like most of the other monk discs and our flying kick. Adding a proc to our weapons would take advantage of our superior connection rate.

Basically yes, but it wouldnt always hit for 3k exactly it ranges from the low hundreds to 3.3k or so and with ashenhand its doubled but the min is like 2k when using that disc. But as on ez everything isnt on par with live the damage should be scaled up a bit to make it more useful for people to tab over and hit it every thirty seconds a 10% dps increase is better than none imo

PS: its on the same timer as the monks pacify line

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« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2010, 02:10:38 pm »

Monks are the new king of dps with Epic 4's and T4 Spell as far as I can tell from my parses, they leave rangers in the dust... Just got the spell this morning though, so haven't had much time to play, but ran gamparse on ranger and monk and the difference is quite substantial.
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2010, 07:27:00 pm »

Monks are the new king of dps with Epic 4's and T4 Spell as far as I can tell from my parses, they leave rangers in the dust... Just got the spell this morning though, so haven't had much time to play, but ran gamparse on ranger and monk and the difference is quite substantial.


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« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2010, 07:07:55 am »

Meh..anyone else not excited that we're the king of dps at that point? Who's going to actually get there? Aren't you the king of anything with a team like Crab has?
Jr. Member
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« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2010, 08:12:49 am »

Well yes and no.  I think the trickle down will happen eventually, people like Crab, FoH, and OR (before the bans) were always going to be first to get the new gear, it's just what they do.

I think the difficult part is bringing monks to that level in the first place.  Rangers are just the way to go until that point so there won't be much incentive to gear monks unless you know you are headed for that content.

My guess is people will only gear their monk boxes when they know 4.0's are within their reach.

The fact that Crab mentioned it at all is helpful though.  It's got me thinking "hey it might be worth it to keep a couple full T2 monks around for when 4.0s are more common."

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Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2010, 08:57:26 am »

When Anguish came out and the only people in there were The Order of Sin the same speculation about it be unattainable were said. People will progress farther, they always do.

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« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2010, 09:19:53 am »

When Anguish came out and the only people in there were The Order of Sin the same speculation about it be unattainable were said. People will progress farther, they always do.

In that case the speculation was actually kind of right.  That zone wasn't instanced and we got like 90% or the repops. 

Instances have made the end game even more accessible for everybody.

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« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2010, 10:37:09 am »

Meh..anyone else not excited that we're the king of dps at that point? Who's going to actually get there? Aren't you the king of anything with a team like Crab has?

Honestly the spells will trickle down, I need one more T4 monk spell for my secondary monk, but after that it may well end up on the market because I need plat. Since instancing has come along I find my plat stores slowly decreasing and with the L Guk/Halls of Honor ones being 100k that can amount to more than a million a week. I may well offer spells up to the open market in exchange for plat when it's one I don't need (this morning for instance i had a spare t4 sk spell). The beautiful part of T3/T4 spells is that anyone can use them that is flagged to loot them (t2 bp and red stone to get up) unlike T4 armor which requires qvic-tacvi-t1-t2-t3 to make.
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« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2010, 10:58:07 am »

In that case I'm looking to buy the big wiz nuke. Also as long as you are around here Crab can you tell me what the Wiz 4.0 does?

Thyl - Warrior                Hiryu - Ranger
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« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2010, 11:04:08 am »

In that case I'm looking to buy the big wiz nuke. Also as long as you are around here Crab can you tell me what the Wiz 4.0 does?

Wiz nuke is t3, I've rotted/banked quite a few actually. Wiz epic 4.0 is a big self rune.
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