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Author Topic: EZ Code Update 2-10-2019  (Read 17275 times)
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« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2020, 04:36:59 am »

As a rogue I'm unable to train Pick Lock for some reason dunno if it has to do with being max'd from FG or not curious  if this is normal or broken? also have other issues as a returning player...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2020, 04:40:39 am by Zeke » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2020, 05:27:29 am »

Only issue I know of is to much plat
If you lots of plat on the char it can lock some skills from being able to be trained

Try putting plat into bank

May not be issue, but worth trying

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« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2020, 11:34:54 am »

Not sure if this is the place to post this but it says pathing fixed , im confused casue when i ZP all mobs warp right on top of me i can no longer ZP frozenshadow or loping anymore i was able to pull those zones before no issues ive changed no gear nothing but when i ZP those zones i insta die Akka or Rent can you please when you get a chance look into this
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« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2020, 03:24:48 pm »

There is definitely still a substantial issue regarding zone pulls since the update. I realize that zone pulls aren't something that is accounted for in normal EQ, but it's obviously a pretty big feature on this server, and would love to see something looked into regarding the cause. It's not an increased damage issue from new combat, most of the time it's either mobs warping on you at the intital zone pull, or mobs coming in behind you through walls, when you can no longer reposition. I don't know anything about the back end code in Everquest, or coding at all, but this is something that didn't used to be an issue, and is now a pretty annoying one.

As an aside to that, is it possible to add the spell effect from the zone pull to something that you can turn off, like NPC spell effects or something? I believe I have all of the spell effects off, but zone pull effects still show up, and with the warping mobs all showing up at once (currently averaging 150 warpers in HW zone on pull), it can be an overwhelming amount of graphics lag and makes it hard to use the skills/discs/items it takes to survive the pull.


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« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2020, 03:55:09 pm »

Run around in circle don't stand still.
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« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2020, 05:54:20 pm »

There is definitely still a substantial issue regarding zone pulls since the update. I realize that zone pulls aren't something that is accounted for in normal EQ, but it's obviously a pretty big feature on this server, and would love to see something looked into regarding the cause. It's not an increased damage issue from new combat, most of the time it's either mobs warping on you at the intital zone pull, or mobs coming in behind you through walls, when you can no longer reposition. I don't know anything about the back end code in Everquest, or coding at all, but this is something that didn't used to be an issue, and is now a pretty annoying one.

As an aside to that, is it possible to add the spell effect from the zone pull to something that you can turn off, like NPC spell effects or something? I believe I have all of the spell effects off, but zone pull effects still show up, and with the warping mobs all showing up at once (currently averaging 150 warpers in HW zone on pull), it can be an overwhelming amount of graphics lag and makes it hard to use the skills/discs/items it takes to survive the pull.


This should be resolved now

EZ Server GM
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« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2020, 08:10:27 pm »

There is definitely still a substantial issue regarding zone pulls since the update. I realize that zone pulls aren't something that is accounted for in normal EQ, but it's obviously a pretty big feature on this server, and would love to see something looked into regarding the cause. It's not an increased damage issue from new combat, most of the time it's either mobs warping on you at the intital zone pull, or mobs coming in behind you through walls, when you can no longer reposition. I don't know anything about the back end code in Everquest, or coding at all, but this is something that didn't used to be an issue, and is now a pretty annoying one.

As an aside to that, is it possible to add the spell effect from the zone pull to something that you can turn off, like NPC spell effects or something? I believe I have all of the spell effects off, but zone pull effects still show up, and with the warping mobs all showing up at once (currently averaging 150 warpers in HW zone on pull), it can be an overwhelming amount of graphics lag and makes it hard to use the skills/discs/items it takes to survive the pull.


This should be resolved now

Thanks a ton Akka!

Confirmed - No more warping during the zone pulls I've done - Heard a few other people in /ooc comment that they're not seeing warps in LP and TOV either - Some people saw a fair bit of wall clipping (leaving the map to emerge behind, or from the sides) - That is probably an entirely different issue.

Posts: 2016

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« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2020, 04:31:24 pm »

There may be different / separate pathing issues still; because pathing is fairly complicated. If folks have legitimate annoyances, I need example videos to reproduce

The issue regarding zone pulls and warping is the issue that should have been resolved
« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 09:56:16 pm by Akkadius » Logged

EZ Server GM
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