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Author Topic: Solo  (Read 6742 times)
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« on: October 14, 2020, 07:00:11 am »

So I know this server is the epitome of automated one-man army behind like 12+ different toons - but how far could one get solo? Like, as a warrior or shadowknight?
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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2020, 08:15:20 am »

12+ really isn't necessary, but attempting to solo the content on this server is just a waste of time. While some people make a run at it, if they stick around, they all eventually add some toons to help them. While using MQ2 may seem daunting, using it for basic character manipulation is both quite simple once you have a basic understanding, and more complex commands are something you figure out once, and make a speedkey to activate. 

My minimum recommendation would be 3 characters (War/Pal/Mnk), but you can certainly give solo a go.

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« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2020, 08:44:02 am »

I thought MQ2 was pretty complicated in the beginning so I only made one toon.  My main was a ranger.  After reaching 70 with Plane of Time gear, I went back to the old zones, explored and had a great time reminiscing.  When I got bored with that I wanted to progress and got stuck at PoT bosses.  Just not enough dps.  It made me learn MQ2 so i could progress easier/faster.  I added a warrior and pally.  Reached Qvic and was slow going.  Made warrior my main and added a berserker, enchanter and cleric.

I'm in T10 now with this group, though T10 is a different animal vs other zones (mainly using warrior to engage mobs).  Solo will only get you so far. I think 6 characters is an easier number as I don't rely on others for buffs so much (hp and dps buffs help alot). 
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« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2020, 10:05:51 pm »

You can play this server as slow or fast as you want. So many people get caught up in getting big fast they miss the fun and playability of the custom content starting from level 1. But the true beauty of the server lies in multiboxing. It is so gratifying to box your own raid here and always rewarding....there are years of content here. Any tank class can be viable early on though they will kill very slowly and they will need the help of a healer pretty fast. I played a mage then sk at first and had some good times until I simply needed more dps and heals.

You will need a war later, then a pali to heal that warrior for a minimum (warriors simply get much more mitigation with their ult, palis heal with procs from their ultimate so it's literally click assist and done.) Then you can add dps or another pali (most of us run two or pali cleric.) All the classes are fun here and offer different skill sets, though some are easier to play than others.

Boxing is easy with mq2, my daughter was able to do it when she was 8, and I know several seniors on this server have learned as well... anyone can do it.
Read the guides... click the ez wiki link to the left. So many people have contributed to these and they are a fantastic resource. After educating yourself, don't be afraid to ask for help.  After you get started and have some idea what is going on and you will figure it out quickly.

Most of us with tons of toons started out small and just added bit by bit as we saw the need or as we wanted to try something new. A lot of us have been playing this server for many years. Give it a shot, dare to challenge yourself a bit and know that it's natural to feel out of sorts at first. If you truly ever loved eq or similar mmo, I think you will find yourself intrigued.

The best part  about this server is the community. Most are awesome people and willing to help out, and there are always people to trade resources with. You can farm some very high demand items pretty early in the game and each "tier" you level up makes a remarkable difference.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2020, 10:20:11 pm by wolfegunr » Logged

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.
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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2020, 05:13:22 pm »

I haven't played in some time now, but I was able to solo-Paladin through T8. There are a few others who have been able to do the same. Forewarning, though: you will have to do immense grinding. You can't simply just jump into the next tier when you unlock it. SoA, RoA, UW, UC all need to be ranked up as much as you can get them as soon as you can get them. Basically the goal is to out-gear a tier before you're even at the tier.

If you're like me, it's not that MQ2 is hard, but rather when I refer to "solo", I mean a single box. EQ's community is pretty oblivious to the idea that solo could possibly mean 1 character and not multiple boxes. If you haven't gotten familiar with the server, though, I would suggest pushing through at least T6 with boxes/MQ2 (it really isn't too bad if you haven't used it before) to really learn the content before trying to do the crazy stuff like soloing. When I did my curiosity-Paladin-solo playthrough, I had a box of characters at T8 first.

There's been a few ways people also attempt this solo-attempt (these are the ones I've seen. There might be others).

1. Get 0 assistance from any players/your other toons (this is the way me and one of my brothers did it--trying to see who could get further).

2. No direct assistance, but allow trading (can purchase/get things like Rainbow shards, either from other players or your other characters).

3. Allow all assistance. Basically just a solo player trying to play with others for content. Because of the nature of this server, it's usually more someone else just runs you through something because they have 4+ boxes.
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« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2020, 06:08:23 pm »

I haven't played in some time now, but I was able to solo-Paladin through T8. There are a few others who have been able to do the same. Forewarning, though: you will have to do immense grinding. You can't simply just jump into the next tier when you unlock it. SoA, RoA, UW, UC all need to be ranked up as much as you can get them as soon as you can get them. Basically the goal is to out-gear a tier before you're even at the tier.

If you're like me, it's not that MQ2 is hard, but rather when I refer to "solo", I mean a single box. EQ's community is pretty oblivious to the idea that solo could possibly mean 1 character and not multiple boxes. If you haven't gotten familiar with the server, though, I would suggest pushing through at least T6 with boxes/MQ2 (it really isn't too bad if you haven't used it before) to really learn the content before trying to do the crazy stuff like soloing. When I did my curiosity-Paladin-solo playthrough, I had a box of characters at T8 first.

There's been a few ways people also attempt this solo-attempt (these are the ones I've seen. There might be others).

1. Get 0 assistance from any players/your other toons (this is the way me and one of my brothers did it--trying to see who could get further).

2. No direct assistance, but allow trading (can purchase/get things like Rainbow shards, either from other players or your other characters).

3. Allow all assistance. Basically just a solo player trying to play with others for content. Because of the nature of this server, it's usually more someone else just runs you through something because they have 4+ boxes.

To the first underlined section I picked out of your comment...makes it seem that what needs to happen is to make UW locked out until T7 (the tier that was out when UW was introduced)...and make MGB of higher tier buffs locked out for the same since it is so easy for you.

As far as the second comment I underlined...sheesh guy maybe you should have taken your leave and stayed gone instead of come back and try to paint us like that.  Everyone unserstands what SOLO means...this server was just not DESIGNED with that in mind. 

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« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2020, 11:50:52 pm »

To the first underlined section I picked out of your comment...makes it seem that what needs to happen is to make UW locked out until T7 (the tier that was out when UW was introduced)...and make MGB of higher tier buffs locked out for the same since it is so easy for you.

As far as the second comment I underlined...sheesh guy maybe you should have taken your leave and stayed gone instead of come back and try to paint us like that.  Everyone unserstands what SOLO means...this server was just not DESIGNED with that in mind.  

The first point: no one said it was easy. In fact, it's probably harder to push to the highest tiers solo than it is to actually play "as intended" with boxes. EZ, in general, isn't a hard server. By nature, it's not meant to be hard. You simply need to have boxes and you can pretty easily cruise through all content like it's nothing. The more boxes, the easier. By the way, locking MGB wouldn't change anything considering that would break the internal rule of outside assistance, depending on which way someone prefers to play. However, yes, locking out the UW would likely make it much harder, if not impossible, to progress far solo by any means. Would be weird to make that nerf because you disagree with someone, not because it's an actual problem by any means.

The second point says EQ's community, not EZ's community. The reason I said EQ's community is because all servers, including retail, have the majority of people with the same mindset. I didn't try to paint this community like that. It's just a fact of EQ players in general. There's not even anything necessarily wrong with it. My point was simply to paint clarification because the OP said "solo" and clearly none of the replies listened to that single word which inherently proves your last sentence wrong: everyone clearly doesn't understand what solo means.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 11:53:55 pm by Zentail » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2020, 06:19:00 am »

Are we all reading the same posts here? Because I haven't seen a single post in this thread that implied that people didn't know soloing meant a single character. Am I blind or something? is there some magical meaning that I'm missing?
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« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2020, 07:53:08 am »

Oh bother, what have I done...
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