EDIT: Thanks RedDwarf for fixing up the macro!To Use:
1. Put this in your macro folder.
2. Make sure you have an empty A Magic Box in the last inventory slot.
3. /macro combineT3 (or whatever name you gave it)
The macro will take a bit to run, especially if you have hundreds of tokens. I put comments in the code in case someone wants to make changes to the way theirs operates. I specifically noted a section where there's a 1 second delay. Depending on your latency, you made need to increase that number.
Download Link is at the bottom of the post.
Here is the code if you prefer that:
Sub Main
| check for Magic Box in Slot10 and is empty and open all bags
/if (${InvSlot[pack10].Item.Name.NotEqual[A Magic Box]}) /multiline ; /echo Put a empty Magic Box in Last Slot (No.10) ; /endmacro
/if (${InvSlot[pack10].Item.Items}) /multiline ; /echo The Magic Box has item(s) present - unable to combine ; /endmacro
/keypress shift+b
/declare i int local
/declare T3BossTokensCount int outer 7
/declare T3BossTokens[${T3BossTokensCount}] string outer
/varset T3BossTokens[1] The Prince of Darkness Quest Token
/varset T3BossTokens[2] The Faceless Quest Token
/varset T3BossTokens[3] The Tranquil Quest Token
/varset T3BossTokens[4] The Oceanlord Quest Token
/varset T3BossTokens[5] Split Paw Quest Token
/varset T3BossTokens[6] H-One N-One Quest Token
/varset T3BossTokens[7] The Lightbringer Quest Token
/for i 1 to ${T3BossTokensCount}
| if you have the token AND more than 1 of it (need 2 to combine)
/if (${FindItemCount[=${T3BossTokens[${i}]}]} > 1) {
/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${T3BossTokens[${i}]}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
| first slot of last magic box
/ctrl /itemnotify in pack10 1 leftmouseup
/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${T3BossTokens[${i}]}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
| second slot of last magic box
/ctrl /itemnotify in pack10 2 leftmouseup
| combine
/combine pack10
| Pause for 1 second because of occasionally latency issues after clicking Combine
/delay 1s
| put it back in the inventory
/goto :Combine
/next i
/echo Done Combining.
| close all bags
/keypress shift+b
2021/02/18 - Added RedDwarf's fixes.
2021/01/02 - Added information for why the macro won't work for everyone.