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Author Topic: 10.67, Tier 11 & Other Things....  (Read 29032 times)
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« on: November 11, 2021, 10:09:26 pm »


I need as many people as possible to log in to Veeshan's Peak on the EZ Test server and just give it a go. I'm looking for any potential issues, glitches, exploitable mechanics...and just some hours spent in zone. There are a few known issues that I will work out, but overall it's nearing completion, and release. Depending on Akkadius' schedule, hoping to release it sometime Nov. 17-20th to Live. If you do log on to Test, be aware that the character data was brought over early-September, and does not update with anything gained on Live, so your gear may be different.

Instead of making this front page post really long, see the first response to this thread for more stuff.....


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« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2021, 10:12:06 pm »

Tier 10.67 Information

As I've mentioned ad nauseum, 10.67 is hard. Mobs hit hard, and mitigate heavily. This was a design decision to give the zone an old-school dungeon crawl feel, where you have to be mindful of what you pull, and many of the toys and clickies you're used too are either ineffective, or outright don't work. While there are only 2 bosses in this zone, they follow this same design philosophy just turned up to 11. Just to alleviate concerns, this isn't the only way I plan to design zones.

10.67 is also incredibly simple from a design point of view, as well as from an itemization standpoint. Shadowknights are getting some love here, as are Druids & Shamans with some powerful, and useful AE healing spells, along with a spell duplicate of the Group Cure Clickie reward item, which Clerics will also have access too. Ring of the Ages gets an upgrade, going from it's current rank 1000, into Legendary Ring of the Ages I-X (equivalent to 1100), range items for melee and casters (goodbye Jeweler's Candlelight), and a high damage bow for Rangers. I can't possibly cover every under-represented class with my first development, and I haven't tried. Even this limited development had a very steep learning curve, and several points where I really felt I was a lot closer to completion than I actually was, which was admittedly a little disheartening. That being said, I feel much more prepared to outline and develop future content. So let's talk about that...

Tier 11

This is fairly simple, what do you guys want out of Tier 11? Large, open zone? Dungeon? Really hard mobs? Really grindy quests? Something in between? I had originally outlined Everfrost as Tier 11, because it's zone type (snow/ice) that we haven't had as a Tier zone before. However, with my newfound development insights, it's likely I would do a full re-write anyway, so I'm open to suggestions. Just so everyone is aware when making suggestions, I plan on generally being in a continual development cycle of new content. So if you're thinking about suggesting a massive Tier 11 just because you think you might be stuck with it for a long time, that's not going to be the case, but I'm also open to what everyone wants to play. As I've said before, while I may be a GM now, and developing content, I am an EZ player through and through. I didn't give up my right to play the game with you all to let content stagnate, nor can I accomodate every request, but I will always be asking for people's help when I need it, like with 10.67 testing, as well as soliciting for ideas for what's next....so let's hear it!

Other things..

Few other things I want to clear up. First thing, is that I am a GM on the Live server, obviously. What I don't have (and shouldn't have) at this point is access to the Live server data. Perfect example of this was during 10.67 development, I needed spell and items created, so I created them...and eventually caused a critical enough problem that the Test server was inaccessible. This was due to something that I didn't know that I didn't know, which was that you can't create new spell or item id's on a running server. Akkadius quickly found and addressed the issue, but it highlighted my lack of knowledge causing problems, this type of problem should never affect the Live server. This ultimately means that changes are a little slow, but ultimately should be more accurate (yes, had a few issues with my first 'patch' I know).

I am here for the long haul folks. I won't be able to make everybody happy all the time, and some people happy none of the time, but I am here to listen, and do what I can to keep EZ Server a vibrant, live community. I'm not interested in leading from a pulpit, I'd rather take the direction the active playerbase wants to go, as long as that direction is in keeping with what we all know EZ Server to be.


« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2021, 01:44:36 pm »

I'll try and get some stuff done on the test server this weekend, if anyone wants to join me, more heads are better than one...

One thing I have to say I find a bit out of order is the putting of reward item effects in to a spell or on an item, just seems like a middle finger to anyone that actually purchased one with credits...

Just my opinion though Wink

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« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2021, 09:43:11 pm »

I'll try and log in to test some time this weekend.  Any way to update character data? A few of my toons have made incredible gains since that time in September and would surely be able to push further in with the added dps.
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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2021, 10:04:56 pm »

One thing I have to say I find a bit out of order is the putting of reward item effects in to a spell or on an item, just seems like a middle finger to anyone that actually purchased one with credits...

Before I answer, I want to clarify that I'm not arguing, or trying to state why I'm right, and you're wrong, I'll just be providing the rationale used for decisions made.

In this case, it has been brought up several times that there are various encounters for which the group cure clickie is pretty nearly mandatory, and that observation is pretty accurate in a few cases. By providing it to several under-represented classes, I hope to give them some newfound, and powerful utility. While there are several pieces of gear that have the same click effect, the recast times of those make them considerably less effective.

I did weigh your exact thoughts before committing to adding these spells, but I hope they will be generally well received for the targeted classes.

Miriya, not at this time, and likely not until after Veeshan launches on Live, at which point it wouldn't be done until I need testers for the next development.


« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2021, 08:33:56 am »

One thing I have to say I find a bit out of order is the putting of reward item effects in to a spell or on an item, just seems like a middle finger to anyone that actually purchased one with credits...

Before I answer, I want to clarify that I'm not arguing, or trying to state why I'm right, and you're wrong, I'll just be providing the rationale used for decisions made.

In this case, it has been brought up several times that there are various encounters for which the group cure clickie is pretty nearly mandatory, and that observation is pretty accurate in a few cases. By providing it to several under-represented classes, I hope to give them some newfound, and powerful utility. While there are several pieces of gear that have the same click effect, the recast times of those make them considerably less effective.


Yeah, I actually lay in bed thinking about what I'd put and thinking "What an idiot" I came to the same conclusion and then I thought about those that don't have the ability to actually purchase credits etc, I've never actually paid real money for my credits I've always managed to trade for them in game..

« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2021, 09:02:20 am »

Been trying to get on the test server for the last ten or 15 minutes so far I've managed to get 5 toons logged in but that's after multiple attempts to get in, screen just sits black then goes back to server select or just hangs until I force close it..Someone suggested trying the free to play client the other day so I'm downloading that see if it makes any difference..

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« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2021, 07:11:14 pm »

Awesome work Draca!

Can't wait to try out your VP when I gear up a bit Smiley

T11 Everfrost sounds awesome! lots of mob types to play around with and cool stuff like vengeful lyricist, tainted mammoth, snow orcs/goblins and Ice giants with lots of room to play around with! I think for your first full tier zone you should do a zone you love, you are a barbarian so everfrost is a good fit lol. Excited to see what you decide on. Would love some event type things in tier zones... like in T9 when the undead pop from befallen at 11pm. I think the vengeful skellies popped out night if i remember correctly, would be pretty cool! Whatever you decide I'm sure it will be awesome.

Also about the Group Cure spell being added- thank you... Seeing as how donations are only open sometimes I have not been able to purchase the group cure reward item and literally could not kill certain mob types with fully geared toons(ToV necro dragon/bloodmoon master necro).

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« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2021, 09:43:51 pm »

Few Extra Tidbits

I’ll also be working on some stuff that is not zone developments, but things like extensive world quests with fun or powerful (or both) rewards. Someone, I think Daughterwar, had mentioned a Tae Ew Hide Sack (not sure if that’s exact item name), as a fun potential quest, and while we are slot limited, it doesn’t mean I can’t fill those slots with something worthwhile! Also planning on some limited (as in I spawn them) world bosses, that will require a concerted effort of more than one person to defeat, with similarly excellent loot. I’d also talked about doing an EZ Server trivia night, where contestants would have to be allowed in, and would answer various trivia questions about EZ Server. Loot percentages, spawn chances amongst other fun, light-hearted things. More details to be announced, or, something might just shout one night that he’s ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and he’s all out of bubbl…wait, that’s the halloween shark huh?

Aside from that, I also want to point out that I plan on continuing to design encounters that punish players for ignoring mechanics, and trying to bull your way through. Things like mezzes, charms, slows, debuffs and lulls will become important, but will also be provided to a slightly wider variety of classes, so you don’t need to roll an enchanter tonight or anything. My feeling is you can make stuff a grind in 2 ways, relatively easy, but viciously repetitive quests and such, or viciously hard mobs you have to kill less of. Both will get their day in the sun.

Also, going forward, class buffs will be limited in the downward levels they will take hold on. This doesn’t apply to current spells, but don’t expect T11 buffs to be boosting that T8 toon to god levels, and I am pretty adamantly opposed to a new Wings of the Angel type item as well (unless it was truly incredibly difficult to obtain).

Ultimately, where I go depends on feedback. I’m not asking just to humor anyone, there’s no mandate from Akkadius that I must ask for the community opinion on anything, but I think it’s the right way to get the right content to people. So if you’re reading this, get involved here, even if it’s a small idea, it can become a lot bigger. I’m not dropping one or two things and quitting, and I’m not going away with updates and questions.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2021, 05:56:33 am by Draca » Logged

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« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2021, 12:32:45 pm »

I'm thinking Kael Drakkel would make for a nice T11 zone its huge and there is a lot of quests that can be changed to new items. I'm sure most of use have spent alot of time in this zone and would like to see it as a T11 or T12 just a thought.
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« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2021, 01:21:21 pm »

I'm thinking Kael Drakkel would make for a nice T11 zone its huge and there is a lot of quests that can be changed to new items. I'm sure most of use have spent alot of time in this zone and would like to see it as a T11 or T12 just a thought.
Excellent idea, and has been floated in the past. Will add it to the list of considerations for sure.


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« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2021, 12:53:47 am »

And Kael has snow too.. and ice.. and giants.. excellent zone for T11

Would be cool to have some chain boss mechanics similar to HW event. But not luck based or at least not that much. Just make the bosses harder to kill and more likely to spawn. One could combine Vindicator and King Tormax or Rallos Zek Statue and Avatar of War.
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« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2021, 12:29:07 pm »

I like the idea of Kael but I like the idea of newer zones that I haven't seen before too...like from new expansions....I also love good story telling...so should have some story going on with new tier

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« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2021, 06:46:27 pm »

Don't forget if you use Keal for T11 you will have to move part of Summoner's Pack Quest. Shocked

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« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2021, 11:10:45 pm »

I like the idea of Kael for T11 also.  As for the instant group cure its a clicky on casters UA robe.

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