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Author Topic: New Players & Retain PLayers  (Read 6327 times)
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« on: January 19, 2022, 04:06:47 pm »

Hi All,

Just some random thoughts about new players and how to keep them playing.

from time to time we all see someone new playing the game, most the time they are playing a solo class and not progressing and end up leaving fast. Its a shame to see people leave so quickly. So the question I pose for discussion is how can we stop this?

Is it because people see EZ in the server title and associate that with Easy?
Is it because we do not promote this server as a place where you need to box to progress?
Do we elaborate enough in the wiki or wherever they find us what this server is about?

This also leads to the big question why do people quit after they have created their crew and managed some progression. I think we all agree that T5 is most likely the killer. Are their other zones/quests etc that are maybe causing people to leave/burnout?

I was very lucky, I enjoyed T5 (4 times) and have had some amazing people help me from start even up into Sleepers. We all agree we have a great community and everyone is more than willing to help, either by giving items or offering solid advice.

So whats everyone thoughts on the above questions, how can we grow so more people can enjoy what we do.

Thanks for reading
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2022, 09:51:52 am »

The problem with EZ these days is people are too eager to show off and drag new players though content and provide them with the materials to make their Ultimate weapons... It should take more than a month to reach T10.5 but I've seen new players literally spoon fed all the way to sleepers and then quit because there isn't anything else to do ..

That being said I will always help someone if they need it but I won't do content for them, if someones slogged through t5 and has 5 mobs left that's different, They just need that extra help to get over the line.

If new players had to actually do the content for themselves there would be more people staying I feel.

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« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2022, 01:52:13 pm »

It is also an individual thing… every player comes to this server with an expectation what to get and how to get it…

I think many player struggle to find more motivation if they realise that they have to play warrior as their main character. When you want to be successful on this server you are limited in what you can do.

Also it is a whole different game compared to live EQ. This is also what many players could find not good. Not everyone is made for mass killing over and over again.

Tankus points are also correct. So there is much that can stop players from keep going
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« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2022, 06:36:40 pm »

There have always been, and will continue to be new players who come and go through EZ. I think right now, because we've lost some active players due to stale content, EZ can seem a little bit quiet, with very limited OOC banter and that sort of thing. There's also the fact that EZ's name is a tad misleading, and our type of boxed grinding isn't for everyone, especially if they come through P99.  It will improve, and will continue to grow.

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« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2022, 06:48:36 pm »

What about moving to a new host, like we recently did, won't that make us less visible than when we were on the eqemulator host?

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« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2022, 12:12:24 pm »

As an on and off again (mostly off) player, I think the major issue is one this is an aging game so the player pool isn't as high as it use to be. The people that play EZ from my experience are people that played the original game when it came out. I would guess our age to be 35-55 give or take. That being said, marketing is important. Without people knowing we are a server and what we offer, we will just be another name on a list. So I would suggestion making youtube videos, being active on forums, maybe twitching.

As far as content is concerned, I think it's fair. I was helped back when I first started the server (back in 2010) and helped me get to QVIC and my 3.0. That helped me tremendously because it allowed me to go back to LDON with 3.0 to help get my other toons up to speed. But getting PLed by a player all the way to basically endgame content is boring. I think a balance is needed, willing to help if someone gets stuck (happens a lot if you aren't boxing 6 characters in the beginning), but not to the point when you make 90% of content trivial by PLing. I think a major issue or obstacle is you have to have a brain to play this game, it really isn't plug and play. You have to download the client, make important edits, learn macros, learn mechanics etc..

Currently I'm stuck in T5 with 20 bosses left on my list. It's been a bottleneck for sure but that will make getting past it that much sweeter when it happens. What I like about this server is if you get stuck in a tier or area, you can do side griding (Ultimate charm, resist stones, augs, plat farming, AA farming with ROTA, shield and scepter etc..).

EDIT: Sorry for necro post.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2022, 03:21:25 pm by Soakked » Logged

Pippens *Muffin Time*

On and off'er forever stuck in T5
Posts: 37

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« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2022, 06:14:52 pm »

Im stuck on T10. 

I picked different factions to start with based on the gear before I realized I needed to do all 3.   When I tried to drop the faction on my casters to get everyone starting on the same one it wouldnt let me so there I stopped.
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« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2022, 07:00:03 pm »

I feel if someone is clearing giving it the old college try, and they need help there is nothing more fun and rewarding for us end game players, then to help you.
If you sit in nexus all day begging for buffs you are really cheating yourself of the satisfaction of working hard for the progression. Some of the best time I had was when I was crawling through dungeons making sure I didn't get to many adds, for I could handle the content, but I could not survive and be reckless. If you get end game buffs.  treat them as the turbo boost they should be. However just continue the game and think it of good fortune when end game buffs rain on you in the nexus. Just don't play your game around them. You won't feel the confidence and pride you feel when you figure out how to beat the puzzles without zergging it with overpowered buffs.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2022, 09:24:35 pm »

Yeah personally I think asking for buffs is bad taste, it's like panhandling lol. In my experience throughout the years, people in this server will help out if asked, but people want to see you make some effort at the same time. I've helped out a few in my time (low level to T4) and it's definitely fun seeing someone else gear up and get excited the the help of your hand. In classical eq (2001ish) I was a level 24 shaman on a pvp server and all I did was hang around nerak by the noob log and buff noobs. Back then buffs were a BIG deal and the difference between potentially hours of gained or loss time (oldschoolers will remember lol).

But I agree, I think the real pleasure is in the journey not the destination, people that want their hand held will be disappointed because they will have all this stuff and not know what to do with it lol.

Pippens *Muffin Time*

On and off'er forever stuck in T5
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