Got a request today for an AA macro. Here is the one I use. Make sure that autobuy aa is enabled or you'll just go into a confirm loop and nothing is purchased.
Sub Main
/if (${AltAbility[${Window[AAWindow].Child[List1].List[1]}].ID}==NULL && ${AltAbility[${Window[AAWindow].Child[List2].List[1]}].ID}==NULL && ${AltAbility[${Window[AAWindow].Child[List3].List[1]}].ID}==NULL) /endmacro
/if (${Me.AAPoints}>=25) {
/call BuyAA
/goto :loop
Sub BuyAA
/declare a int local
/if (!${Window[AAWindow].Open}) {
/windowstate AAWindow open
/if (!${Window[AAWindow].Child[CanPurchaseFilter].Checked}) /nomodkey /notify AAWindow CanPurchaseFilter leftmouseup
/for a 3 downto 1
/if (!${AltAbility[${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${a}].List[1]}].ID}==NULL) {
/nomodkey /notify AAWindow AAW_Subwindows tabselect ${a}
/nomodkey /notify AAWindow List${a} listselect 1
/nomodkey /notify AAWindow List${a} leftmouse 1
/delay 1
/nomodkey /notify AAWindow TrainButton leftmouseup
/delay 1
/next a