Introducing the EZ Progression Armor Tracker!This macro will allow you to easily check what armor pattern or component you need on each character to complete the armor set for each tier (up to T8).
I started working on this quite a while ago, but put it to the side and forgot about it for some time now. So, I figured I should release it so that all the new plays can benefit from all my hard work.
Help Menu:
/EZProgression Help 
By running the command '
/EZProgression', it will list out the current uncompleted tier for each slot. This will show what patter or component you Need or Have. In the below example, Odiumm has the Leg component but not the pattern/mold. He does have both the Pattern/mold and component for the Hands, so that means that they just need to be combined to complete that armor piece.

For this example, the command '
/bcaa //EZProgression QVIC' was run and it only shows the uncompleted armor for the tier 'QVIC' on all characters

For this example, the command '
/bcaa //EZProgression Arms' was run and it only shows the uncompleted “Arm” slot on all characters

You can then use both the 'Tier' and 'Slot' to refine the list down more. '
/bcaa //EZProgression QVIC Arms' from the above example would only return RLain since Odiumm has completed QVIC. This can be very helpful when you have lots of characters, multiple of the same class, or if a patter drops that will work for multiple classes.
- T9 and T10 - Do not work with this macro since they are both Faction based. (I may incorporate them later if is enough request for this)
- T2 – Works with Dragon Class Armor patterns
- Wrist Slot 2 – Is disabled by default, can be enabled by going to EZProgression_Character.ini and set ShowWrist2=TRUE
- Not all Classes have been tested. If you find that it is not detecting that you have a specific item, please check the Armor list file to verify that it is spelled correctly. Please notify me in-game or post a message here if you find any issues, so that I can update the master files.
To Use:
- Put EZProgression.mac and EZProgression_Armor_List.ini into your Macro folder
- Run macro: /mac EZProgression
- After first use: /EZProgression and /EZP will work as aliases
- Help Menu: /EZProgression Help
Please message me (Ogru) in-game before posting here for issues. Armor list updated: 8/11/22(must be logged-in to view/download files)