Anyone can share a light on this?
I don't provide very specific instructions mostly on purpose, or just out of laziness, but I'll provide a little info.
Most of the configuration you can figure out by opening the files and just explore what it's doing. At some level my collection is beginner friendly, but I expect you to learn a little about MQ2 as you go along to tweak things to your liking.
cBuff - I have this set up for buffs that are currently available to my crew, you need to change it to use the buffs you want, and add any classes I don't have.
cDefensive / cOffensive - same as above
cHeal - same as above
cInstance - cMac.ini contains a section [cInstCharacters] , this is intended to be used on characters that have the reward instance item, add names of characters who have one.
cLoot - You'll need to set up ini files for your characters in the cLootIni folder. You can use my file for Qekiibre as a general catchall for loot, also look in the template folder for other things.
cManualRez - In cMac.ini there is a section called [Rezzers] where you add your rezzers for this macro.
cVie - Also in cMac.ini there is a section [Clerics] that this will rotate through (mileage may vary if you don't use DanNet)