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Author Topic: Guardian Charm and Ignore Death  (Read 12826 times)
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« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2023, 04:49:19 pm »

I was completely unaware of it as well, despite having been in both La Familia and Origins. Ultimately, what Rent chose to do isn't my concern, but clearly the Guardian Charm was not designed with the intention of it working into later tiers. It's use in later tiers isn't an exploit, but it also isn't intended.

Hank Hill
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« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2023, 11:01:40 am »

I was completely unaware of it as well, despite having been in both La Familia and Origins. Ultimately, what Rent chose to do isn't my concern, but clearly the Guardian Charm was not designed with the intention of it working into later tiers. It's use in later tiers isn't an exploit, but it also isn't intended.

Can we all just cut the bullshit? EVERYONE knew! it was in OOC when ever some new player was asking for advice! Turn a blind eye if you must, but check the logs! how the hell can anyone zonepull T10 without anything else then a warrior... Nobody can say "i didnt know"

Just the sheer number of new people getting fed GSS and what not. if you just took a look at what was mass farmed then you all knew! you can lie about most things, but when the price on things drops like HELL then its a sure sign that something is wrong.

Im all for that things needs to be changed, as we talked about Draca. But things needs to be changed alot more then this. If you can get to endgame within a month and then just say "oh i powergamed" then there is something wrong with the core.

But all of this is just an old guys opinion, and im trying not to point fingers, but dont think anyone didnt know.

And another thing, the items are OP yes... But the game is more or less made for it. if you dont run a million bots at endgame, or have them maxed out with everything, then its hard as hell. Plus the number of items/essence/plat and what ever you need to farm is a SHITTON! doing that without the ability to mass pull without breaks will make it a deadly grind for anyone who works or have a life
« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 11:08:32 am by Hank Hill » Logged
Jr. Member
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« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2023, 02:52:07 pm »

Can we all just cut the bullshit? EVERYONE knew! it was in OOC when ever some new player was asking for advice! Turn a blind eye if you must, but check the logs! how the hell can anyone zonepull T10 without anything else then a warrior... Nobody can say "i didnt know"

I had no problems zonepulling t10 without guardian charm for a long time, just pulled the slimes first so it took a few extra seconds each time, but not a huge amount. Legit did not know about guardian charm until Draca announced VP.
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2023, 06:32:20 am »

I've never been able to zone pull T10 due to disconnect issues so never really found a benefit from having the GC and ended up face pulling it for months Cheesy

I did however report the no frontal damage quite a few times so nice to see that it's actually been observed.

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« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2023, 08:23:03 pm »

Ignore Death change will be pushed live tonight. I have had several rogue-centered players test the change, and while it's not what it used to be, they still found it useful.

Ignore Death has been changed in the following ways, the buff itself lasts 1 tic longer (extra 6 secs), but now has a recourse buff that results in a 2-3 second ID buff downtime in between procs. Buff remains the same at 10000% Dodge and 100% Spell Resist. As with everything, this is subject to change following more thorough use on prod.

Guardian Charm changes remain ongoing.

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