Guild Leader: Reed
Officers: Crawford, Horaf and Dolana
I am not sure what their recruitment status is at this time. Basically the guild was half farming t1/t2 and half doing t3 and just split into 2 groups.
That was....abrupt? Why even bother inviting people within the past ~7 days if you were going to just up and leave without warning?
You make it sound like some sort of mutual split, all it seems that actually occurred was 3-4 people who play 6+ toons each just flaked out, logged on today, and left to form a new guild.
No thanks. I'm fine not being some sort of second class citizen following your directive in a guild you're no longer even a member of.
At any rate: have fun I guess. Are there any guilds around here with leadership that isn't as flakey as a leper colony?