Don't forget that the 2handers will benefit more from a large amount of haste than the 1handers because of the minimum delay calculation...
I actually completely forgot to calculate haste into anything...
1hs = 15 (7.5 with 200% haste)
2hs = 30 (15 with 200% haste)
Zuez asked what the odds of the AA activating is...very good question imo...and if anyone does know a ball park guess...very good chance that you'll get more hits with a 2h with a T2 BP than with a 1h.
My major question on this was something I read from P99. On P99 it was confirmed by GMs, and tested over and over and confirmed over and over by players.
Regardless of haste and delay and stuff you were still limited to the amount of procs you could have in a given time period (On P99 most tests were conducted over a 1m time frame.). Hunter, can you confirm or deny that's how procs work on this server also? Hell I'll even accept an I don't know answer on this one really

Also, I like many here use MQ2. Another cool perk about that is you can see all the item information, including proc rating. All the weapons on P99 had a proc rating of 0 (yeah sue me I used MQ there too), here though, since pally epic is what's really in question, that has a proc rating of 50. And I'll be honest, I stand completely confused as to how that is intregrated into the combat mechanics.
Just figured I'd toss that out and see how many people jump on it like hungry wolves